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Parx <img /2 Bottom 2 facing action from old passive Parx <img /2 Bottom 2 facing action from old passive

11-06-2014 , 08:49 PM
Let me set the stage. it's a Wednesday night about midnight at a pretty decent table. I have grinded my way to about a $550 stack. My image is probably TAG - I am a middle aged 50 year old guy wearing a red Phillies hoody.

The main villain in the hand is a friendly old black guy (FOBG)

FOBG seems pretty passive mostly limping in with the occassional small raise to $5 or $6 which does nothing to thin the field at a typical $1-2 table.

2 pots where he previously raised and showed some aggression. One where there was a donk bet of $20 into the raiser in a raised multi way pot, a cold call and a raise to $60 on a 7-8-9 board. FOBG made it $140 and drew folds and showed the nuts (J-10).

Another hand he played TPGK (KJ) like the nuts in a medium pot where he cold called a raise pre and raised the raiser's $35 cbet with a couple behind. He ended winning the pot when he rivered another J and dodged a flush draw and gut shot.

He has my stack covered going into the hand in question.

FOBG opens for $5 UTG and there are a couple calls so I call from the SB with 97The flop is 79K I decide to lead strong and make it $20 into the $25 pot. I generally like to lead strong into the raiser (especially on a drawy board) which naturally leads to people thinking I am weak. The FOBG snap raises to $60. It gets to another player who shoves his short stack of $79. My read is that the FOBG has a big K and I am ahead. I am not thinking he is drawing as I put the shorty on the FD so I am not overly concerned about protecting my hand....What to do...what to do?? I have $500+ behind and FOBG covers.

Make the call. Please explain merits of raising, calling or folding.

Parx <img /2 Bottom 2 facing action from old passive Quote
11-07-2014 , 01:36 AM
Raise because it should be hard for villain to fold on draw heavy board and there are lots of scare cards that could kill the action on the turn.
Parx <img /2 Bottom 2 facing action from old passive Quote
11-07-2014 , 02:01 PM
Based on your reads and what PokerIsTooEasy wrote, I raise.
Parx <img /2 Bottom 2 facing action from old passive Quote
11-07-2014 , 02:59 PM
Raise to 175. If FOBG confidently shoves puke fold. Otherwise if you sense any uneasiness from him snap shove a good turn.
Parx <img /2 Bottom 2 facing action from old passive Quote
11-08-2014 , 12:15 PM
Thanks my gut said to raise but ended up calling. Turn brought me a boat (7) and it should have been an action killer but I led for $100 and he hesitated and called. River a 5 and based on his hesitation on the turn, I didn't think he would call that much. I VB another $100 and he tanked and said, "I know you hit the 7....but I call $100" he mucks as does the shorty. I wonder if I lost value but I think he may have called another $100-150 on the flop but is certainly folding to river shove absent hitting a K.
Parx <img /2 Bottom 2 facing action from old passive Quote
