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Pair of Tens in small blind -- 4 Bet? Pair of Tens in small blind -- 4 Bet?

04-03-2015 , 07:01 PM
I have a question about 3 betting. I don't do a lot of it and I am trying to learn how and when to do it properly. Here is an example:

I have TT in the small blind. I have about $250 in a 1-2 game. I have been at the table for a while as have everyone else. I am in seat 6. Seat 3 raises to $7, st 4 re-raises to $15 and I 4bet to $50. I don't think much about the two raises in front of me, they would of raised bigger with real hands. I am out of position and don't want to just call.

A limper utg calls my $50 cold. He has shown a wide variety of suited hands like 86 or Q2 He is in his 20s with a hat on. He has been losing then made some back.

Everyone else folds.
Effective stacks are $200

[$120] Flop 66j

What is my best play here and what are thoughts on my pre flop play?
Pair of Tens in small blind -- 4 Bet? Quote
04-03-2015 , 07:13 PM
Have you seen alot of extra light 3-bets at this table? What makes you think that seat 4's re-raise isn't a really good hand? Against an unknown I probably set-mine here, but if you have a compelling read, I'd love to hear it.

Squeezing here isn't terrible, though there isn't much money in the pot. Once called and we get this flop, it's jam-time.
Pair of Tens in small blind -- 4 Bet? Quote
04-05-2015 , 08:20 AM
Your only option here is to make a large bet. If villain only had $150 left on the flop then I'd just shove.

You didn't mention any reads on villains when you made the 4-bet. It's much easier to make a good 4-bet if you understand how your opponents play.

I think pocket tens have so much value if you call but I could see your 4-bet taking it down a lot because you're the only player who made a really large raise and you will look really strong. However, if you will often be confused about how to play the flop when you get called, then I think that's a good reason not to 4-bet.
Pair of Tens in small blind -- 4 Bet? Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:05 AM
absolutely not 4 betting here, you only push out the hands you completely dominate, and only keep in the ones that are coin flipping and dominating you.

as played, I just go all in and hope I get called by an underpair who says "darn, I put you on AK i have pocket deuces.
Pair of Tens in small blind -- 4 Bet? Quote
04-05-2015 , 10:22 AM
will your 3 bet get called by a worse range? then it's a good value 3 bet?
will your 3 bet get folds from a better range? then it's a good bluff?

if you 3 bet and villain folds all his bad hands and continues with a range that crushes you, then it's a bad 3 bet
Pair of Tens in small blind -- 4 Bet? Quote
