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PAHWM...TPTK multiway PAHWM...TPTK multiway

07-27-2019 , 09:09 AM
Pretty good loose 2/5 game

Hero ($1000) opens in MP to $20 AdQd.
Unknown ($400) LP calls.
Loose fishy face up type player ($400) calls in SB.
Loose deep pocketed whale (covers) calls BB

Flop ($80) Qh2h3c. SB leads $40. BB calls. Action on hero??
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-27-2019 , 09:11 AM
Raise to $160
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-27-2019 , 09:17 AM
Probably raise as-well to 140-160.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-27-2019 , 11:09 AM
raisy daisy
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-27-2019 , 11:34 AM
Since we are almost readless, I'm going to see about dodging a bad turn.

Flat and see what else happens.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-27-2019 , 02:03 PM
Flat & raise both seem good. Given descriptions, I slightly lean raise since it sounds like these guys seldom fold. $160 seems large though. We want draws and weak queens continuing without worry. Maybe ~$135.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-27-2019 , 06:27 PM
I am raising this too for fat value: as these guys are described, we are absolutely destroying both villains ranges in this spot on this board.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-27-2019 , 08:39 PM
$140 lets not chase them away
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 12:02 AM
Ship it now

Really. Ripping anything I would continue with here w 340 left in stacks and 140 in the pot. I'd call before making any non-shove raise.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 12:10 AM
^bb whale covers us with 200bb Amana. I’m assuming you missed that.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by XtraScratch8
^bb whale covers us with 200bb Amana. I’m assuming you missed that.
I did. Makes me want to ship more.

It's actually an option depending on the whale and SB and gameflow, but all in all I think all 3 options are in a photo finish here. Raise all in (depending on whale tendency, I want him to call, even if he has 32), raise (to the max amount that allows SB (or IP) to shove+keep our 4b option intact, and call. Calling may sound a bit fishy, but I think doing so is going to elicit an extraordinarily profitable turn spot specifically bc of the relative position to fish donking+whale calling+player behind+stacks+massive info gain on turn leading to a situation that often has SB betting again, whale calling again, and we get to have a crystal clear view of what to do on a turn card with a pile of chips in the middle.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by Flop Raise
Hi guys, remember me. I'm the pf raiser. Just letting you know that I have AA, KK or AQ. Be sure to play perfectly against me going forward.
I'd flat and play some poker. Shoving does have some merit though.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 07:25 AM
Hero ($1000) opens in MP to $20 AdQd.
Unknown ($400) LP calls.
Loose fishy face up type player ($400) calls in SB.
Loose deep pocketed whale (covers) calls BB

Flop ($80) Qh2h3c. SB leads $40. BB calls. Action on hero??

SB just about always has Qx here. BB can have a FD, 45, Qx, and probably just about any small to mid pp. Hero raises to $120.

They both call fairly quickly.

Turn ($440) Jc. They both check to hero
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 07:54 AM
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 08:44 AM
As played, $200
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 09:02 AM
As I said, I would've gone larger on the flop, and we would've had a 1.46 SPR instead of a 1.95 SPR. Oh well, I don't think we can really go any size but all in at this point.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 09:14 AM
So, we have 2 guys so far who want to jam $860 into the $440 pot?

Maybe they didnt see that the BB covers me?
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 10:48 AM

puts SB all in for less and starts a side pot with BB if he calls
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 12:44 PM
Mike - Y U raise so small on the flop?!?!

U have what appear to be to droolers who will call a MUCH larger raise on the line. I am trying to shovel money in at this point
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 12:48 PM
thought you had 300 eff
bet as big as you think bb calls with Qx and fd/oe
small pairs don't care how big you bet, neither do sets and combo draws
sb doesn't have much left nor is he likely to show up with sets
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
So, we have 2 guys so far who want to jam $860 into the $440 pot?

Maybe they didnt see that the BB covers me?
You have the effective nuts against the whale who by definition should be far less sensitive to bet sizing (aka inelastic calling range, aka fe is near constant) which means you maximize EV the more you bet. It’s particularly effective on a board/hand like this where choosing a smaller turn bet size (without the absolute nuts) just lets the whale show up with air/new nuts on the river for a discount.

Obviously bet sizing is a complicated issue, but this isn’t a ‘want to bet more hands for thin value so size smaller yada yada’ spot. Even the ‘online guy’ above who knows his stuff is not going to have much experience w whales who can call off/make 6x psbs at whim. Too much perceived FE creeps in with such bets, but often there isn’t any, so again the best bet size when FE is constant/near zero is going to be all-in.

Clearly any line other than fold makes money before the river, but there is a lot going on here and gii pre-river is a priority.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 03:45 PM
Since you went this way and there are only 4 queens in the deck, bet big on the turn. If the FD misses, you aren't going to get anything from him on the river. 300 to set up the shove on the river.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
Mike - Y U raise so small on the flop?!?!

U have what appear to be to droolers who will call a MUCH larger raise on the line. I am trying to shovel money in at this point
I was pretty sure the SB had Qx and the second guy had a range of FD or some middle pp, A3. A2. 45 and other crap. I didnt want either of them to fold the flop. Maybe they would've called a bigger raise. Not sure. Once I saw the bigger stack call, I was pretty sure he had the FD. I cant see him overcalling a raise to $120 with a made hand less than Qx
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 04:31 PM
Flatting flop is criminal ... I like $200.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
07-28-2019 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
I was pretty sure the SB had Qx and the second guy had a range of FD or some middle pp, A3. A2. 45 and other crap. I didnt want either of them to fold the flop. Maybe they would've called a bigger raise. Not sure. Once I saw the bigger stack call, I was pretty sure he had the FD. I cant see him overcalling a raise to $120 with a made hand less than Qx
You cant see a whale calling with any pair twice? A whale at least calls 80 more with any pair, naked gutter etc.
PAHWM...TPTK multiway Quote
