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11-06-2023 , 05:56 AM
Hand: $5/5/50, ~$7k effective. LJ $175, CO flats, $175, Hero $575 w/ KQo on BTN, SB cold 4! $1400, straddle cold calls $1.4k, LJ folds, CO folds. Hero?

Villain definitely has 4! bluffs in range, BB 4! cold-call range is a bunch of medium strength hands (AQ, 99, 89s, etc.). Weird thing about this spot was I noticed BB actually motioned a bit of a preemptive fold just as I started to count out my $575 chips. Got too caught up in the meta and thought Villian was trying to reverse-angle / tell. But, nevertheless, this was influencing my decision of whether to jam or not. Call feels terrible (although flop came out QQ9 and Villian did have QJ, lol) here, but is a jam a punt or warranted? In general, what does our value shoving range and bluffs here look like? Probably not a spot worth analyzing in detail as it’s relatively rare, but am curious…

Overthinker Quote
11-06-2023 , 10:47 AM
Which villain had QJ? Looking at GTO Wizard, this is supposed to be SB's range here:

BB's range:

Your range lol:

Look at the EV of KK there.

LJ also only 5bet minclicks with AA and folds all else, CO folds range.

In practice when you know ranges are wider, I think you can expand your range a bit and jam something like AA, KK, AKs, AKo. AKo is probably more of a mix between jamming fold and the others mixes between jam/call. Jamming AKs and AKo is basically a bluff here, and KK should not be in great shape. Even calling QQ is going to be marginal and probably close between a call, fold, and mix.

KQo and really anything short of AK, KK+, is not really jam material. Maybe QQ, but I don't love it. You want him to have a Q in his hand.
Overthinker Quote
11-06-2023 , 11:58 AM
SB did. Yeah, ranges are wider than should be in this config. 100% jamming AK in this spot. Interesting to see QQ as a marginal call— would probably jam tbh.
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11-06-2023 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by ringring088
SB did. Yeah, ranges are wider than should be in this config. 100% jamming AK in this spot. Interesting to see QQ as a marginal call— would probably jam tbh.
Stacks are deep. We're only slightly ahead of AK and way behind 12 combos of AA and KK. With QQ we block 6 combos of QJs, KQs, AQs, and more AQo if he has it. With AK we are only really screwed by 6 combos of AA and KK, flipping vs QQ, and we get to take the pot down and deny equity vs any unpaired hand besides AK (since we don't have a Q, he should have a lot more). One of the nice things about jamming AK is we fold out hands that have decent equity sometimes, sometimes even JJ. Jamming QQ, we have most of the hands that we fold out crushed, and we are crushed more often. At 140bb against a cold 4bet I think it is a little sketchier to jam QQ than at 100bb against a 4bet from the original raiser.

It would be an involved EV calculation because of the cold caller, but I think jamming AK is better than jamming QQ. Jamming QQ may even be negative EV.
Overthinker Quote
11-06-2023 , 12:46 PM
Without looking at any of the solver stuff pretty sure this is a no brainer pure fold.

Button response here should be quite tight and KQo is nowhere close.
Overthinker Quote
11-06-2023 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mlark
Stacks are deep. We're only slightly ahead of AK and way behind 12 combos of AA and KK. With QQ we block 6 combos of QJs, KQs, AQs, and more AQo if he has it. With AK we are only really screwed by 6 combos of AA and KK, flipping vs QQ, and we get to take the pot down and deny equity vs any unpaired hand besides AK (since we don't have a Q, he should have a lot more). One of the nice things about jamming AK is we fold out hands that have decent equity sometimes, sometimes even JJ. Jamming QQ, we have most of the hands that we fold out crushed, and we are crushed more often. At 140bb against a cold 4bet I think it is a little sketchier to jam QQ than at 100bb against a 4bet from the original raiser.

It would be an involved EV calculation because of the cold caller, but I think jamming AK is better than jamming QQ. Jamming QQ may even be negative EV.
Yeah agree. Intuitively AK seems like a way better jam than QQ due to blockers and the times you run into KK. QQ just seems bad all around.
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