Overpair vs donk bet and shove on draw heavy board
Join Date: Apr 2024
Posts: 157
3-5 NL, 9 handed, $10 utg straddle
The overall game has been a bit LAGgy. V1 has been one of the low vpip players, appears to be a very regular player, MAWG, smiling and joking, has been engaging in casual talk with me from across the table. V2 is MAAG who has been passive and tight - I've seen him before and he is a regular rec player.
Table history: I've displayed 2 hands at showdown so far. The first was K6s to beat AK, where I called a 3-bet preflop and called a shove on the flop. The second hand I opened from the SB with A8o off and went heads up against BB who turned out to be quite a fish (I flopped an A, checked through; I bet when a K turned; I checked the river and called a 2/3 pot bluff from BB who had called the turn with complete air/no draw). However, my hand selection otherwise has been tight, and I have now been playing for about an hour. I think the only other hand I played was when 3 people limped and I raised to $70 from the BB and everyone folded.
Effective stacks $860
$10 straddle utg
UTG+3 limps.
H in LJ raises to $45 with QdQs.
V1 calls from BB.
V2 utg+3 limper calls.
Flop ($128) 8h 6h 3c
Check. Check.
H bets $65.
Call. Call.
Turn ($323) 8h 6h 3c 7d
V1 bets $240
V2 tanks for 30 sec. H is still, and when he shifts in his seat and moves a bit V2 folds. (V1 has $510 behind and H covers).
H is thinking call or shove. H probably would have shoved if V2 called. (Would shove be ok in that situation?)
River ($803) 8h 6h 3c 7d 9s
V1 all-in $510
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 807
Gross...despite V1 being splashy and fishy with the occasional bluff, it's difficult imagining him donk-blasting the turn 3-way with a semi-bluff, although he could be doing this with 99/TT/JJ.
River seems like an easy fold, since among his lessor value hands only JJ is losing to you.
Turn feels a fold but I'm not sure.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2,896
Not sure about preflop in your game. If this was even 2-5-10 I'd probably go bigger though. Def. bigger at 1-2.
Flop I'd bet smaller, esp. multiway. You have a lot of high cards that missed and no hearts.
Turn I probably just fold HU without reads, and snap fold multiway. x/c and lead turn is a super underbluffed line, and people take it a lot with like 66 when they don't want to x/r and don't want it to checkback.
Why do you think it's better to not fold when there are two people putting money in vs. one?
River is meh, any 7x and 9x that didn't make two pair (or random hearts) now need to bluff ... unblocking hearts and A9/A7 I like calling much more than on turn.
Ofc. given turn action 99/98 now beat you and he probably always had it anyway.
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Folding turn, I’m not interested in playing for stacks on this board with 1 pair.
Join Date: Apr 2024
Posts: 157
When V1 bet the turn somewhat quickly, I had the feeling he was perceiving my c-bet as weak and I had the thought he was possibly betting a pair.
I recall considering he might have a set, or a straight, as hands I obviously should fold to. But I remember the turn card as completing a gutshot, and not completing an open-ender, so it's possible I posted the flop wrong and that it was a 2c instead of a 3c.
I had it in my mind that I was just not folding to this turn bet if V2 called or folded (rightly or wrongly). V2 really seemed like he was contemplating call or fold, so I figured if he called, the pot would be so large that I would then just shove the turn instead of flat calling.
Anyway, V2 folded the turn, the non-flush 9 hit the river and V1 shoved fairly quickly. Obviously this was a bad card for me as it improved alot of V1's potential hands to beat mine. I thought that he would be value betting all straights, and possibly sets. I figured he would be check-calling with 2 pairs and possibly sets. And I figured the river card was one that would lead him to bluff every other holding he would have. He could be bluffing unimproved busted flush draws or pairs.
I guess it was just a feeling and maybe a prayer that led me to calling him. He showed 4h 7h.
Maybe this was not a good play by me, though I was rewarded with the pot. A good hand to think over for me...
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 1,856
id just fold the turn to this size bet vs 2 players. not interested in playing guessing games for stacks this deep on this board. if i get shown a bluff i dont lose sleep over it.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 13,573
I fold the turn and definitely fold the river. So much beats us. It could be a bluff, but not worth finding out. Wait for a better spot.