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The OG call with insufficient value and hero call river The OG call with insufficient value and hero call river

10-09-2022 , 07:43 PM
Villain in this hand is a 20ish white male.

When he sits down he asks what the stakes are, which I interpret as him being new. But then I see him getting the cash out of a casino plastic bag and from hearing him speak with his mate/how he handles cards I can tell he must actually be quite experienced.

He seems reasonable pre-flop and quite aggressive post-flop.

There are a few players like him at the table which looks better than what I have seen in my previous session, no OMC or loose passive player. From previous session I noticed how I am uncomfortable playing with more aggro players and that is something I am trying to improve, so I have strapped in for a tougher session than usual.

My image is tight, my early raises are getting tons of respect and I have in my mind that people are seeing me for what I am, a fairly new player/somewhat scared money.


Straddle in, folds to hero (165) CO opens AJo to 10.

Button V (covers hero) min 3b to 15

Blinds fold, hero calls.

Flop (38)

X, bet 8, call. Very tiny bet and I think both my A and J are live here.

Turn (46)
Q no FD

X, V bets 30,hero calls.

Healthier bet, but unless he spiked the Q nothing really has changed and now I got a gutshot too.

River (106)

X,shoves 100, call.

If I think he's betting a smaller pair now my J hit, but I don't see the benefit of betting here, so I just leave him a chance to three barrel. I can't shake how weird the betting pattern looks. And seeing V as competent I don't put barreling here and his range looks very polarized.
The OG call with insufficient value and hero call river Quote
10-09-2022 , 07:55 PM
Open bigger to $20. Fold turn. Player in his 20s I hate it but call river.
The OG call with insufficient value and hero call river Quote
10-09-2022 , 11:33 PM
I’m 4-betting this pre-flop. Wtf is a min-raise mean here? You’re shallow too (33 BBs effective)—just rip it in, YOLO-style.

As played pre-, Turn is a check-fold. You only have 4 clean outs here, nowhere near the right price (and RIO through the wazoo). You’re not deep enough to CRAI-bluff either—the only option left is to fold.

As played up til now, I don’t know, even getting 2-1 this feels like a fold, it’s so hard to find a hand you’re beating. An 88/99 putting you on exactly AJ/KJ? Some random 97/87 hands? I’m just not seeing it. He should have showdown value (and thus check behind) with most of the hands you’re beating (AT, KT, KJ).

I’m folding here.
The OG call with insufficient value and hero call river Quote
10-10-2022 , 02:00 PM
Agree with davomalvolio, but I 4-bet pre to $45 - $60. Let him know you are committed. Shove all flops.

As played, I can't imagine you are good (you shouldn't be), but I probably sigh call because I'm here, which I wouldn't be.

BTW, asking for table stakes makes sense if he was on a few lists and wasn't sure where they sent him. That has happened to me. (Yes, there is usually a sign and stacks matter, but you can't always tell unless you've seen blinds posted.)
The OG call with insufficient value and hero call river Quote
10-10-2022 , 04:28 PM
Thanks for the input, I agree I shouldn't be here.

I haven't got the guts yet to act preflop as described. Mainly I'm concerned I am yet to gather enough experience for pulling this kind of stuff and I'll get in dominated or make mistakes on the flop.

And I'm not detached enough yet to just see this as 33bb. To me 165 still feels too much like a whole BI I'm not comfortable gambling.

I know this is not good at all, just putting it all out for myself.

Big leaks that go in the list.

FYI the guy did have A high here too. It's very difficult to reconcile the dissonance of playing poorly and doing well XD.
The OG call with insufficient value and hero call river Quote
10-10-2022 , 05:27 PM
Trust me, I've been there. Even if you can "afford it" (and we should all be able to), it's still scary to risk 100s of dollars playing poker. It takes a long time to get used to it and get comfortable. And then you are, go on a losing streak, and you are right back to being "scared"! LOL. GL.
The OG call with insufficient value and hero call river Quote
