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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

03-21-2012 , 02:10 PM
Breaking News

Sean Payton gets suspended for a year for QB bounties.

Tim Tebow gets traded to the Jets

03-21-2012 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by ashley12
This doesnt sound right.

If my range is purely AA, KK and QQ, does that mean I am instantly bluffing if I raise QQ?
If your range for cards you are dealt PF is AA/KK/QQ you run pretty good.
03-21-2012 , 02:35 PM
Cant wait to get home. When I do IMA perma bam someone juat to feel better.
03-21-2012 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Cant wait to get home. When I do IMA perma bam someone juat to feel better.
can we vote on it?
03-21-2012 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by jack492505
can we vote on it?
No votes, mods have all the power.
03-21-2012 , 02:46 PM
Lucky for you.
03-21-2012 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by jack492505
Lucky for you.
I know I'm the black sheep/Ugly duckling of the group. Just because I'm not like most here. But that's what makes me so cool,lol.
03-21-2012 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Funny game last night. My neighbour to my right is a decent player and fairly aggressive. He'll raise light and also 3bet light against the right opponent. Anyhoo, we've been quietly talking poker (I know, I know, MUM, s.t.f.u.) and he mentions to me how he's noticed so many huge hands are being limped at this table (AK, QQ, etc.). I say I noticed a trend lately where huge hands such as AA/KK aren't even being 3bet preflop by the regs. In the next few hands, this happens. One, my limp/reraise attempt with AA UTG fails miserably and I see a flop 6 ways; I manage to get to showdown (overcalling a bet on the river, lol) and table the winning hand. My neighbour's head half asplodes. A couple of hands later, the worst player at the table who is truly clueless but has run his stack up quite a bit limp/calls in a multiway pot preflop with AA and eventually tables the winning hand. My neighbour's head fully asplodes and I still have bits of his brain on my shirt.
ok, im resetting the line at 1 hour for the amount of time gbdgk can go without dropping poker terminology at the table (he's allowed to say 'raise', and that's it)
I'm taking action on over and under...

maybe Tommy Angelo should open a Betty Ford clinic for poker chat junkies??
03-21-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
Fwiw it is a big disadvantage to wait until it is your turn to look at your cards because then everybody is looking at you when you see your cards. It is better to look at them immediately (ASAP) and then look at people who are looking at their cards.
I don't follow your logic regarding everyone looking at you. They are going to be looking at you when the action gets to you anyway so unless you're folding/calling/raising out of turn, they're going to see what you do

I'm a pretty big believer in not looking before it's your turn. I'm much more aware of what's going on when I wait to look because instead of looking and having thoughts of vegas and fing mirage when i see AA, i'm much more cognizant of bet sizing tells and table dynamics when the action gets to me and my thought process tends to be more objective and disconnected emotionally from my hand.

Also, it's not possible for me to tip the strength of my hand or my intentions when I don't look. I'm constantly looking left before it's my turn and I'd say 75% of the people in my games (1/2) give away their intentions before the action gets to them allowing me to play more optimally. Whereas if I look asap I'm more likely to be looking right in anticipation of playing the hand or not paying attention at all because I'm going to muck.

I don't think it slows the game down either since it takes me less than a second to look and much 80% of the time.
03-21-2012 , 03:23 PM
I love it when ppl look at their cards as soon as they get them,
and then telegraph their intentions; whether they are folding, calling, or raising.
whether they are interested in the hand or not.

If they looked when the action was on them, it would be a quick fix for a huge leak.
you cant telegraph what youre going to do if you dont even know what youre going to do yet. easy game.
03-21-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by stampler
I love it when ppl look at their cards as soon as they get them,
and then telegraph their intentions; whether they are folding, calling, or raising.
whether they are interested in the hand or not.

If they looked when the action was on them, it would be a quick fix for a huge leak.
you cant telegraph what youre going to do if you dont even know what youre going to do. easy game.
03-21-2012 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by stampler
ok, im resetting the line at 1 hour for the amount of time gbdgk can go without dropping poker terminology at the table (he's allowed to say 'raise', and that's it)
I'm taking action on over and under...

maybe Tommy Angelo should open a Betty Ford clinic for poker chat junkies??
Last night was my worst night ever for poker chat. Ever. And even after going to the poker room with one thought: MUM. I kinda blame my neighbours. I don't want to look like a non-participatory non-social rock, which I feared I did at the beginning by not participating. Ug.
03-21-2012 , 03:30 PM
I always look at my cards immediately. I hate slow games and slowing the game down, plus I like to have an exact idea of what I'm going to do before it gets to me. I hold my cards the same way every time whether I'm going to muck, call or raise (in my hands in a sorta-ready-to-toss-position) so I doubt I'm giving anything away. The only drawback might be is that if it folds to someone in LP who then opens light "knowing" that it looks like I'm about to fold (which 90% of the time I am), so I miss having the steal or raise/cbet opportunity.
03-21-2012 , 03:38 PM
"Torresssssssssss", "Tevezzzzzzzzzzz"
03-21-2012 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Last night was my worst night ever for poker chat. Ever. And even after going to the poker room with one thought: MUM. I kinda blame my neighbours. I don't want to look like a non-participatory non-social rock, which I feared I did at the beginning by not participating. Ug.
then just change the subject.
theres more under the sun to talk about than just poker.

ya, i will change seats to get away from being neighbors w/ a poker chatter.
it's nothing personal, but just want to pre-empt falling into it.

I think Mike Caro is 100% percent right about having a carefree crazy image.
you don't want to be non social rock, thats -EV, but being a poker analyst at the table doesnt strike me as being carefree, either.
overly serious is what it come off as, quite the opposite, actually; maybe not to a poker nerd, but for the run of the mill rec player, it sounds really serious, especially if they dont understand all the buzz words. must be kinda intimidating, really.
not the effect you want if you want to create a gambling friendly environment for loose players to lose their money in.
03-21-2012 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Last night was my worst night ever for poker chat. Ever. And even after going to the poker room with one thought: MUM. I kinda blame my neighbours. I don't want to look like a non-participatory non-social rock, which I feared I did at the beginning by not participating. Ug.
Tell them you don't talk poker at the table and start talking about other stuff.

****, I tell other people to stfu all the time about the game.
03-21-2012 , 04:44 PM
So I won one of my biggest 1/2 pots ever last night.

About $580 effective at 1/2. I have AKo in the CO or HJ and 3bet a $12 open to $30 against a young player that capable of 2nd and 3rd level thinking however he simply gets involved in too many pots and tends to be a big station. We've played several times and in general I get the best of him.

anywho, after I 3bet he 4bets to $90, i call.

flop is K93r. he cbets $130 and I think for several seconds before calling.

turn is a J putting a bdfd on the board and villain ships after taking a bit longer than usual to act. I call pretty quickly because villain generally snap bets made hands and once the river 3 comes and he doesn't announce his hand right away I know I'm good.

ship it!

lol at me for getting it in with tptk for 300bbs tho
03-21-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by ashley12
This doesnt sound right.

If my range is purely AA, KK and QQ, does that mean I am instantly bluffing if I raise QQ?
Originally Posted by jack492505
If your range for cards you are dealt PF is AA/KK/QQ you run pretty good.

I mean if my 3betting range is purely made up of AA, KK and QQ.

Your statement would then imply I am bluffing if I have QQ...
03-21-2012 , 04:51 PM
RE: 3betting.

If you play against a small pool of players and they don't know that you're capable of 3betting with weaker than standard hands you're losing a lot of value when you have AA/KK.

also there's lots of dead money to be had preflop at 1/2 because people generally have bet sizing tells. but 3betting stuff like 87s, KQ, or 44 in these spots is a big mistake. just use the top of your folding range and you're good.
03-21-2012 , 05:20 PM
Sounds a lot like trying to balance, and I don't think it's necessary.
03-21-2012 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by SeaUlater
Sounds a lot like trying to balance, and I don't think it's necessary.
Finally something we can agree on,yikes.
03-21-2012 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by fold4once
I guess ashley12 is correct to say light is a relative term.

3betting anything less than your usual, premium hands (for our purposes, let's say QQ+, AK), therefore, would be "light" 3betting. But this is also a problematic definition of the term. I.e. how light is light? If you don't typically 3bet JJ, when you do, do you call it a "light" 3bet? That doesn't sound quite right to me.

So when I think of light 3betting, I generally think about a polarized range that balances out your typical premium 3betting range.

As far as what you say above goes, that doesn't make sense to me. I'd refer to 3betting the middle of your range as a merge (again based on the assumption of polarization). To say the "middle" is the only light 3bet and everything lower than the "middle" is just a bluff?? That doesn't make sense either. Where is the middle? Just a couple hands dead center? 10% up and 10% down?

I'm like PokahBlows, I got mad poker lingos.
I wrote a couple of detailed posts on light 3 betting in my 9999th post.

3 betting light falls into 3 categories:

1. Light value. This is when you have a villain with a wide raising range, and your hand rates to be an equity favorite against his range, so you raise for value, understanding that it is very thin, you'll have to fold to a 4 bet, you're fine with him folding, but you don't mind a call. I actually said in my thread that you want a call, and SABR correctly pointed out that really we are not all that excited by a call.

An example of a good light value 3 bet would be if we are in position relative to a 40/30 lagtard maniac with a hand like AJ or KQ. he raises, and we 3 bet for light value.

Another spot would be in the BB facing a button steal; those same two hands would be light value against most stealing ranges. Same for hands like ATo, JJ, TT, 99.

Use: We should 3 bet for light value when we expect the raiser to call 50% or more of the time. Remember that a condition precedent to a light value 3 bet is that the raiser has a wide raising rrange. So that means he is calling with 50% of a wide raising range.

2. Semi-bluffing: First, you are rooting for a fold, so you need a villain who knows how. The idea behind a 3 bet semi-bluff is exactly the same as a semi-bluff bet post flop--you know you are behind and drawing, but you have a combination of fold equity and pot equity that makes the bet slightly profitable.

The best hands to use for a semi-bluff in live games will be those hands that have blockers to the top of the guy's raising range, but that are not good enough hands to call a raise with. So hands like AXs and Kxs are good semi-bluffs. But suited connectors you can't play profitably by calling are fine, too, so I will sometimes semi-bluff Q8s, J8s, 54s type hands.

An example of a good semi-bluff 3 bet would be when we are on the cut off, it folds to the hijack, a positionally aware tag or lag type player. We have 54s, so we 3 bet.

Another decent spot is in the blinds when we know that the button or cut off is on a wide stealing range.

Another good example of a good semi-bluff 3 bet is when we have picked up a bet sizing tell from an EP raiser who raises to $6 with his weak hands and $12 with his premiums (I have seen a bunch of this lately, lol). If we have something like Q8s, we should 3 bet his $6 raises.

Use: Again, we need a lot of folds to make this play profitable, so we need a reason to believe the player will be folding between say 60 and 70% of the time.

3. Bluff 3 bets: As te name suggests, this is a pure bluff with a trash hand. The only justification for a bluff 3 bet is because you will get a fold often enough to make a profit on the preflop bluff. This means you need to have a solid read that the villain will fold 70% or more of the time.

By far the most rare 3 bet type in live games.

I pulled off a decent example last night. I had been card dead for about 35 minutes, was sitting on a big stack with a winning image. folds to MP who raises to $5 (his standard open with a wide range) and everybody behind him to the button called, so raise and 4 callers. I was in the SB with 73o, I raised to $30, and all folded.

The math on this spot was pretty cool. Everybody had announced weakness, and because I was only betting $3 more than the money in the pot, the play only had to work about 55% of the time to be profitable. But I was betting 6x the raise, so I had massive FE. SWEET! This was a great spot to 3 bet.

Look for similar spots, but don't bluff 3 bet just to be doing it.

Use: Only when you have MASSIVE FE!!

Last edited by mpethybridge; 03-21-2012 at 06:11 PM.
03-21-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by ashley12
I dont mind it, but that isnt a "polarized" range.

Being polarized would be you have either the pure top end of your 3bet range (so lets say QQ+ hypothetically) or very low (say middling suited connectors) with all the hands in the middle you either just call or fold.

Thus you are either at the very top, or at the very bottom or your range.

The absolute polarization would be to 3bet only AA and 72o, which would be complete fail.

Again, if people arent folding, and opening wide, I will be 3betting mercilessly in position with plenty of hands, usually when I know that 1) they are very wide and 2) bet sizing tells indicate this raise size excludes hands such as TT+ and AK.

This +1 mirrion.

Australia have very high raked games, so being an avid table selector is pretty important. I probably dont table change enough, because of BI cap rules stating you change table, you must reduce to the table max, which up until recently was only 60bb, but is now 100bb, so I probably should be table selecting more.

But about this quote, its funny. We played a 6 handed limit game ages ago after the two biggest fish left. I was pretty sure I still had an edge, and played on.

We played for 4 hours or so, killed the game, and found out all 6 of us had lost lol...
I was wondering how anything could be worse than the rake in Overthereland, now I see it's that rake with a 60 or even 100bb cap

EDIT over 100 posts ago? Y'all are just too fast for me.
03-21-2012 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by ashley12
I mean if my 3betting range is purely made up of AA, KK and QQ.

Your statement would then imply I am bluffing if I have QQ...
I hate to continue to get into semantics arguments but no. Our range when we have yet to act PF is all hands. The top of it, QQ+ or whatever you want to call it, is our value range. Somewhere at the bottom of it is our bluffing range, which may be nothing.
03-21-2012 , 08:05 PM
@Mpethy how is 54s ever a semi bluff 3bet hand? Would you say hands like 76s,87s,98s,109s,97s,109s,105s are good semi 3bet bluffing hands?
