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***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread*** ***Official "It Lives, It Lives" Chat Thread***

03-20-2012 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by jack492505
I don't buy it for a second.

But you're giving me a decent reason not to do work, so I'm happy.
You guys are funny, no serious I'm 30. I just like to have fun. Talking about poker all day is a good way to get better. Especially with smarter people then myself. Most here are smarter then me, not all though,lol.
03-20-2012 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by SeaUlater
Pokah was in tears, but they weren't from laughing.
03-20-2012 , 04:35 PM
I'm a cool dude though man. Yall should meet me one day. I blow trees, I love women, music and poker.

"How am I not cool to meet"
03-20-2012 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by SeaUlater
LOL Pokah, you are truly one of the most oblivious person I have ever been in contact with.

But I do enjoy you presence nevertheless. You're like the class pet guinea pig, and we all play a part in nurturing you and taking care of you.
I loved this analogy.

New nickname IMO should be lemmiwinks IMO.

Originally Posted by SeaUlater
I remember meeting a guy who apparently "invented" Martingale system while he was playing a 4/8 game, and he claimed to be a genius because his dad was a doctor.

I sat there and laughed my ass off.
Complete random walks into my game about a year ago. Claimed to be an ex-dealer, and knew me, but I didnt know him from a can of beans.

Nice guy, seemed pretty clever until he mentioned his $300p/h winrate in the 2/5 game. I laughed because I thought he was joking, but he was fully serious.

He played, did okay, then got set over setted and I never saw or heard of him again.
03-20-2012 , 04:39 PM
Im donating money, come get some. Any time I have AK your guaranteed to win! Over 30 times and have not hit a BOARD one time. Ez game this is. Wiiiiiiiiii!!!

Probably just sit in the room until I have to leave. Safer bet.
03-20-2012 , 04:42 PM
That's exactly how I felt the last time I was in Vegas. My last day i was just sitting there post folding until it was time for my flight because my friend I was with wanted to play and I didn't have anything else to do.
03-20-2012 , 04:43 PM
Actually, he said his father was a genius, and that he was a genius in pattern recognition.

I'm as up for a lively debate as the next guy, but the personal attacks and insults need to stop.

Keep it civil, please.
03-20-2012 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Actually, he said his father was a genius, and that he was a genius in pattern recognition.

I'm as up for a lively debate as the next guy, but the personal attacks and insults need to stop.

Keep it civil, please.
I agree, except that I think I have the right because he called me an idiot first.
03-20-2012 , 04:48 PM
I would like to point out that being a genius at pattern recognition makes you a genius and HU4rollz is classic 2p2 to settle trolling comments.
03-20-2012 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge

Keep it civil, please.
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03-20-2012 , 04:52 PM
First off I'm not trolling. Second I recognize patterns well. I don't know if you can be an actual genius in that. But I was just putting emphasis on my skill.

Never claimed to be smart. Just smarter then the average person. I was laughing the whole time. Not once did I get mad. When I said "idiot". I didn't mean literally. But a lol this idiot.
03-20-2012 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
I would like to point out that being a genius at pattern recognition makes you a genius
Curious to hear your rationale for this statement. I would think that specifying a field in which you are a genius is disclaiming general genius?

and HU4rollz is classic 2p2 to settle trolling comments.
Issue all the HU4Rollz challenges you like; just please refrain from personally insulting anyone.

I'm not singling you out; I need everybody involved to chill.
03-20-2012 , 05:10 PM
First and last time anybody ever called me a genius was in basic training. We were familiarizing with the m-60 machine gun by firing at a truck about 500 yards away. I got my turn, and the drill sergeant days, "don't hold down the trigger; squeeze and release. You're looking for the shortest possible burst. 3 to 5 rounds."

So I take up a firing position and squeeze off two rounds, both hitting the target. The drill sergeant goes, "damn, a 2 round burst. Can you do that again?" so I tap off another, on target again. He says, "**** me, keep doing that." so I start cranking out bursts, maybe 90% 2 rounds, 10% 3 rounds until he stops me after about 150 rounds. He says, "you are a natural born genius on that hog (the army nickname for the m-60). I've never seen better trigger control."

That was my fleeting brush with genius, lol.
03-20-2012 , 05:17 PM
Modern IQ tests are designed to not be biased to language barriers and are pattern recognition tests. They present you with 3 or 4 separate objects and ask you to determine the next one in the series. Therefore if you are a genius at pattern recognition you would by definition score genius on a pattern recognition test (an IQ test).
03-20-2012 , 05:18 PM
As far as things to be a genius at go, large machine guns seem like a pretty good choice.
03-20-2012 , 05:19 PM
Sick! Fight last night devils/ranger the puck dropped and their 3 different fights. The coaches put a line up on the ice with 3 goals and 252 combined penalty mins. The nhl is soft, they would never let the nfl or nba allow fighting like that. 6 times this year the nhl has had fights 5 seconds into the game.
03-20-2012 , 05:21 PM
03-20-2012 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
Modern IQ tests are designed to not be biased to language barriers and are pattern recognition tests. They present you with 3 or 4 separate objects and ask you to determine the next one in the series. Therefore if you are a genius at pattern recognition you would by definition score genius on a pattern recognition test (an IQ test).
I said I was putting emphasis on my skill set. I'm not sure I'm a genius, even if I was I wouldn't take some stupid test to prove I am. Ill rather be the dumb guy on the forums.
03-20-2012 , 05:24 PM
You're implying as if it's a choice...

Alright I'll stop.
03-20-2012 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by SeaUlater
You're implying as if it's a choice...

Alright I'll stop.
03-20-2012 , 05:32 PM
Like who cares who is smarter. We play poker, has nothing to do with IQ test, lmao.
03-20-2012 , 05:33 PM
I'm too lazy to be a smart guy. I never studied in hs or college. One draft essays and all my homework. You guys can be smart. Ill rather be cool.
03-20-2012 , 05:43 PM
A lot of us didn't really study either...and yet we graduated, and some of us may even be cool.
03-20-2012 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by 11t

It seems pattern recognition is a subset of the test.
03-20-2012 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by SeaUlater
A lot of us didn't really study either...and yet we graduated, and some of us may even be cool.
Forums cool and really cool are two different things. Smart people are cool too. You know the "smart" people that look like nerds. Maybe like half of those people are cool. I have met some cool nerdy randoms in my life.
