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***Official December Chat Thread: A Place for EPiPeN to Endlessly Bitch and Moan*** ***Official December Chat Thread: A Place for EPiPeN to Endlessly Bitch and Moan***

12-18-2008 , 06:19 PM
TR is in no way good for anybody or online poker.

don't think there's really much argument about it
12-18-2008 , 06:32 PM
ya, **** table ratings, theres no good angle there.
12-18-2008 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by notfreemoney
There may be nothing we can do if sites don't try to stop it, but I can still hate it. Im not even sure how they manage to data mine all the tables at the same time. If someone could tell me how they get pretty much every hand that would be appreciated.

My basic argument is that people shouldn't have this information so easily when they are
1. Too lazy to figure it out themselves (datamining, observation)
2. Too stupid to figure it out themselves

You overestimate the average regulars ability to identify who are the good regs and who are the wannabe 2p2 stats regs who actually suck. Especially when moving up, you encounter a lot of regs that seemingly arent good but absolutely kill the games. Now, you can find out who the terrible ones are with a click of a button. Also, every once in a while some random 52/7 starts spouting off stats at the table and saying how he just looked up so and so and they are a losing play.

Also, for those of us who downplay that we are poker pros or dont divulge how much we make, friends/family/girlfriends can now find that information by simply googling your screename. I don't doubt for a second that someone at some point will be curious enough to google me and find out. I would just rather that information be kept private.

Originally Posted by too eazy
TR is in no way good for anybody or online poker.

don't think there's really much argument about it
12-18-2008 , 08:31 PM
it makes me feel better after seeing people like ajven grind 1/2 for a million hands and not even be break-even. confidence babay!
12-19-2008 , 05:19 AM

12-19-2008 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by wobblyau


U hate poker, I hate u!
12-19-2008 , 09:58 PM
anyone live in philly and need a place to live for about 6 months? I need one or two roommates:
12-20-2008 , 03:31 AM
If we could tell fish about tr when they ****ed us it would be awesome IMO
12-20-2008 , 04:04 AM
today a reg flatted my 4bet OOP with 96s, missed every street, donked a half pot river value bluff off to me (and lost ldo), then berated me for my TR stats in chat. Awesome.
12-20-2008 , 05:17 AM
I dont know much about programming, but could we hire a hacker to write a virus that ****s with tableratings? Some sort of denial of service virus?
12-20-2008 , 06:16 AM
i wrote an email to stars to do something about tableratings, u guys should prob do same.
12-20-2008 , 07:02 AM
Hello coordi,

Thank you for your email.

Here is the relevant passage under our "privacy Policy" in relation to the
Terms of Service and your inquiry:

" PokerStars undertakes substantial efforts to protect the confidentiality
of the identity, preferences and other information it has collected about
individual Players and will not knowingly allow access to this information
to anyone outside PokerStars, other than to the Player or as described in
this Privacy Policy."

In light of this statement, you must realise that the nature of poker is
not dissimilar to real live poker where the cards and "hand history" is
exposed for all to see according to the rules of the game. This
information is available to the public by means of watching the game and
people who request their own hand histories if they played on the same

To address your key concerns, in terms of the matter of privacy and your
hand histories, PokerStars will not knowingly disclose your hand history
(with your own hole cards exposed) to any other player but yourself. In
terms of the hand history of the table you have played on then, yes this
becomes somewhat "public" to the extent of what was shown at showdown.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us
again. Thanks for choosing PokerStars.


PokerStars Support Team

From what i understand with the exception of stopping dataming as a whole they have little recourse other than trying to buy them out or asking them to stop.
12-20-2008 , 08:19 AM
Wow. The tone of the letter seems to imply they can't/won't do anything about the datamining (and therefore table ratings). For some reason, I thought PS would have been more proactive on the matter.
12-20-2008 , 09:18 AM
well in the software improvement thread they made it so you could only observe 2 tables while signed out and 5 while in, but htat cause a huge uproar, so they changed it to 5 out and 20 in. this happend within the last month, probably as a response to table ratings

also in the past htey have made updates in the hand history files themselves that rendered tools obsolete.

seems they should also be able to track people within their software and see people who log in daily and observer 20 tables for 12+ hours at a time. of course if these people are providing rake in their free time... who knows.
12-20-2008 , 11:10 AM
Stars can do anything to stop datamining sites but they just want to do!!

It's free advertisment to them, if their name on huge sites likes OPR, Sharkscope or TableRatings.
12-20-2008 , 03:39 PM
I really don't get this... what's wrong with having a site like TR out there? Seriously, do you think the fish utilize TR at the +600NL level? And how would they do this?

On FTP, it's not like we have a choice of tables to play. Any table a fish sits at is going to be full of sharks. Are you all saying that the fish simply won't play? Idiotic imo... it's WHY they are fish!

Plus I like looking up someone like too easy (used as example only....not indicative of talent, doh) and seeing a .85/100 winrate after such boastfulness.

BTW... TR shows only 24 hands for Jamie Gold. All at the 100NL level. Busto?
12-20-2008 , 04:43 PM
for a fr grinder table ratings isn't all bad. I mean I would prefer that it didn't exist but I don't think it puts me at some insane disadvantage.

1) I know about it and a lot of other players don't.
2) I can probably learn more from finding out which regs are breakeven or prone to spew than a bunch of other people viewing the stats.
3) Most people just aren't going to put in the time to review the info and even if they did I doubt they'd find much relevant stuff.

It could totally lead to bumhunting etc but at 400FR I'm not super concerned yet. Still wish it didn't exist.
12-20-2008 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I really don't get this... what's wrong with having a site like TR out there? Seriously, do you think the fish utilize TR at the +600NL level? And how would they do this?

On FTP, it's not like we have a choice of tables to play. Any table a fish sits at is going to be full of sharks. Are you all saying that the fish simply won't play? Idiotic imo... it's WHY they are fish!

Plus I like looking up someone like too easy (used as example only....not indicative of talent, doh) and seeing a .85/100 winrate after such boastfulness.

BTW... TR shows only 24 hands for Jamie Gold. All at the 100NL level. Busto?

hey dumbass, too easy isn't me

i'm too eazy

3ptbb tyvm
12-20-2008 , 04:47 PM
lol, maybe i shouldn't have clarified that...
12-20-2008 , 04:47 PM
re: TR,

yeah it matter less for FR regs. but some of us like to play HU when we only have a laptop available.

i was getting denied action by randoms enough before TR, i can only imagine this will make HU play all but unprofitable as a full time game
12-20-2008 , 04:48 PM
wait, there is no too easy on tableratings...

did i just get ego-level'd hard?
12-20-2008 , 04:57 PM
There are only two levels.

below King
12-20-2008 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by too eazy
re: TR,

yeah it matter less for FR regs. but some of us like to play HU when we only have a laptop available.

i was getting denied action by randoms enough before TR, i can only imagine this will make HU play all but unprofitable as a full time game
yayaya ino and I agree with you on that for sure. But if you just play like 6 handed fr+ type thing...
12-20-2008 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I really don't get this... what's wrong with having a site like TR out there? Seriously, do you think the fish utilize TR at the +600NL level? And how would they do this?

On FTP, it's not like we have a choice of tables to play. Any table a fish sits at is going to be full of sharks. Are you all saying that the fish simply won't play? Idiotic imo... it's WHY they are fish!

Plus I like looking up someone like too easy (used as example only....not indicative of talent, doh) and seeing a .85/100 winrate after such boastfulness.

BTW... TR shows only 24 hands for Jamie Gold. All at the 100NL level. Busto?
TR is very bad and even may be very dangerous for me. Because I live in very small country (population is less than 1.5m). You can drive from southern border to northern less than 2 hours and western to eastern less than 3-4 hours (actually more because we have islands in western border and u need to use ship but it dosen't matter).

I did very big mistake 2 years ago. I connect name "ranka666" with my real person - I made a blog, launched forum couple of months ago and also this year I am candidate of poker player of 2008 in Estonia. So almost any poker player knows my screen-name here and obv realname ;(

Our poker community is quite small but still most are bad players and playing poker for $$$ and they dont know how valuable knowledges are. They are not like average 2p2-ers who see profits as buy-ins, they see profits like $$$. They see - OMG YOU WON $100, it like 1200 estonian kroons! OMG!!!

Also, currently they don't know exact amounts what I am making. But now thanks to TR, soon they know. And if they see: "OMG HE MADE 50k$" then it's biig problem. Because it's huge amount money here and some people are ready to rob/cheat/kill whatever to take this money. And in so small country it's not hard to fine someone because almost all know each other

EDIT: So the solution is:
a) change screen-name (quite unreal)
b) change country
c) change poker-site
12-20-2008 , 07:02 PM
^^^ ranka hit another HUGE problem with it right on the head.

for full time players, it's our basic financial info in the public eye.

there's people who know me well enough to figure out my online name, but aren't my friends. if one of these people were desperate they could certainly get some funny ideas.

it's kind of scary tbh.
