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05-03-2011 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Rampage_Jackson
he's probably dead... but lol at taking any government 100% for their word.
but i never did. i just look at what claim has been made (bin laden dead), and by who (us president), and i reckon in this context there is an extremely high probability i am being told the truth. however we may never know the truth about the circumstances of bin laden's death (one tap? two taps? very stale piece of bread?).

if obama instead said he was the 2nd coming of jesus and that the day of reckoning was upon us, i would assign this statement a low probability of being true.

edit: when you guys say it is "probable" he is dead, you mean like 99.8+% probable right? and not like 58%?
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05-03-2011 , 10:39 PM
the 9/11 conspiracy a conspiracy
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05-04-2011 , 03:08 AM
RE: people's reactions to osama

I think the value of my diploma from ohio state just went down 1%... sigh

(note: Mirror Lake is a 3-6 foot deep pond in the middle of campus...)
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05-04-2011 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by GoMukYaSelf
RE: people's reactions to osama

I think the value of my diploma from ohio state just went down 1%... sigh

(note: Mirror Lake is a 3-6 foot deep pond in the middle of campus...)
Not surprised. The most obnoxious football fans in America celebrate the death of a person in the most obnoxious way possible.
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05-04-2011 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by GoMukYaSelf

I think the value of my diploma from ohio state just went down 1%... sigh
Like it had much value to begin with....

"If you can't go to college, go to State."*

* Heard often on campus in Oxford, Oh.
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05-04-2011 , 11:40 AM
I wonder if because they are a younger generation, Bin Laden is viewed differently? Like the Grinch who stole Christmas or something lol.

Justice has been served, but not rational to celebrate the murder though imo
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05-04-2011 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheRenaissance

edit: when you guys say it is "probable" he is dead, you mean like 99.8+% probable right? and not like 58%?
I mean I'd say 90%+.

This is the same government that is telling us there is no inflation, that they are taking the deficit/debt seriously, and that their policies support job creation.

Same government who banned online poker on a whim, all for our own safety of course... my trust for US government is at an all time low.
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05-05-2011 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Like it had much value to begin with....

"If you can't go to college, go to State."*

* Heard often on campus in Oxford, Oh.
Oxford ftw. Never heard that saying though.
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05-07-2011 , 04:59 PM
what reason am i going to have to be crapping in my pants in fear on a daily basis now?? it was so fun; scary, and fun, kinda like halloween. we had fun...
i'm gonna miss you osama,; without you, i have to be sold some other ridiculous reason to gladly give up my rights.
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05-08-2011 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
Oxford ftw. Never heard that saying though.
lol,, OK.... but am quite a bit older than either you or gomuk
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05-08-2011 , 10:55 AM
Pacquiao won a lopsided 12-round decision Saturday night, retaining his version of the welterweight title in a fight that was roundly booed over the late rounds because Mosley refused to trade punches. Pacquiao is the first boxer ever to capture 10 world titles in eight weight divisions -- from flyweight (for boxers between 108 and 112 pounds) up to super welterweight (148 to 154 pounds). He wore yellow gloves as a symbol of solidarity in the fight against poverty in his country.
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