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*** Official 2010 FTP Regs Thread *** *** Official 2010 FTP Regs Thread ***

12-15-2010 , 03:27 AM
Yea, I put a question mark after the bills drawn up as an edit but I guess you had already hit the reply. I dont think they have anything with getting the bills drawn up, but I am hoping that they have some influence with getting the politicians to start the process of drawing them up.

It does seem wrong to call themselves the "poker players" alliance when they are clearly catering to the corporate gaming. However, they can call themselves whatever they want if they get me a bill legalizing poker that doesn't completely screw me as a player. Sadly, it appears as though the Reid bill is turning into a **** storm. Even worse, it seems as if we are going to have no input in the bill and wont even know the final language to the bill until possibly hours before it passes.
12-15-2010 , 03:31 AM
One thing is certain; if some version of the bill similar to what we've seen goes through, it's going to be a huge payday for FTP. They will snap sell themselves to CEC, MGM, or someone for ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
12-15-2010 , 05:29 AM
12-15-2010 , 05:45 AM
I tend to think all the potential buyers would severely undervalue FTP. The legislation is going in the direction of non-competitiveness to the favor of US casinos, so I'd expect those casinos to think FTP should be desperate and FTP will probably disagree.

And if they did purchase FTP they'd have to relocate its entire infrastructure to the US from Ireland or wherever, and in doing so they might be forced to shut down their international business (which represents close to half of their revenue by now I think) in order to apply for and maintain their license.

I doubt they could even get away with opening a US-only branch of FTP, because if they own the international business too I'm pretty sure that'd conflict with the terms of their license.

Plus the US casinos pursuing internet poker have already invested tons in their own software. I doubt they'd want to rebrand everything, either. They're probably counting on their internet poker brand also serving as exposure for their B&M.
12-15-2010 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by *******
I tend to think all the potential buyers would severely undervalue FTP. The legislation is going in the direction of non-competitiveness to the favor of US casinos, so I'd expect those casinos to think FTP should be desperate and FTP will probably disagree.

And if they did purchase FTP they'd have to relocate its entire infrastructure to the US from Ireland or wherever, and in doing so they might be forced to shut down their international business (which represents close to half of their revenue by now I think) in order to apply for and maintain their license.

I doubt they could even get away with opening a US-only branch of FTP, because if they own the international business too I'm pretty sure that'd conflict with the terms of their license.

Plus the US casinos pursuing internet poker have already invested tons in their own software. I doubt they'd want to rebrand everything, either. They're probably counting on their internet poker brand also serving as exposure for their B&M.
This is the dead opposite of how casinos operate. They relentlessly buy up other gaming operators. It's why we're saddled with gigantic conglomerates like MGM-Mirage and Caesars Entertainment Corporation. I can't see FTP not getting bought up within a couple of years of such a bill passing, and for a pretty large figure, at that.
12-15-2010 , 06:42 AM
Within a couple years when they can see the benefit of FTP's international business maybe. If it does happen I think it'll happen that way, either soon before the deadline for FTP/Stars to reenter the market, or soon after the deadline for licensees to accept international business.

If that's the case though I don't think that'd be much to our benefit as players.

Lately I'm much less enthusiastic about the bill. Canada is cold this time of year.
12-15-2010 , 09:10 AM
I'm pretty sure whoever buys FT is going to pay a huge premium... the market is expected to quadruple with legislation and they have the rights to rush (that no one else has).

The worse the bill gets, the more I'm beginning to think Reid + Co are getting desperate to appear to be working hard and want to put on a good show for their supporters. I don't think you can blame the PPA - they are just one of a bunch of voices in an unbelievably inefficient process.
12-15-2010 , 11:45 AM
skall's latest post on the bill in leg forum:

For any who haven't listened to John Pappas on the link provided a few pages ago, I strongly encourage you to do so.

The problem with the PPA supporting or not supporting "the bill" is that "the bill" is a moving target, looking barely acceptable one day, unacceptable the next, then back to acceptable, then back to horrible. All the PPA can really do at this point is let it be known which provisions we find unacceptable. And even that seems to backfire because as soon as we make that known it seems the Senate opponents of iPoker decide that those provisions have become "non negotiable." (LetsGambool's post about our opponents wanting to hurt and splinter us was spot on).

"The Bill" - whatever form it is in at the moment - is, as Pappas said, "not quite dead but definitely on life support." Reid may still be crafty enough to get it attached to something, IDK, and I also don't know (nor I think does anyone) what the final version will be if he actually gets something attached.

You will note that this "latest version" of the bill is entitled "Discussion Draft." Was this a draft to attempt to buy off NJ and CA Senators? Maybe, maybe not. Would it be what is ultimately attached (if anything)? Who knows.

The saddest thing of all right now is that no one has any real influence on what will occur, or what a final bill will look like, except the interested Senators (pro and con) in Washington, DC. And they are beyond listening to us (or anyone else) at this point. Its backroom trading time, and that could result in anything. And I mean anything.

The one lesson that cannot be ignored is just how little our Senators care about us as individuals, much less as individual poker players.

Whatever else happens it is clear we need to change that to whatever degree we can.

My personal hope is that this whole fiasco serve as a wake up call to all those poker players who have not previously realized that their game sits in a very precarious position. The scare of the 15 month blackout will, I hope, convince a whole new group of players of the importance of making their voices heard and their stories known.

If "the bill" makes it we will need that to fight for improvements and against state opt outs. If "the bill" fails we will need that to fight for a better bill somewhere down the road.

Or we can just let the big boys continue to decide our larger fate while throwing us the crumbs that the PPA was able to get given its current strength.

Ultimately we shall see whether the poker movement has the guts to really fight and get somewhere (like the gay rights movement has achieved) or whether the poker movement will remain fractured with lots of apathetic members and achieve very little (like the legalize marijuana movement has for the last 40 years).

12-15-2010 , 06:03 PM
The one lesson that cannot be ignored is just how little our Senators, gaming corporations, and groups like the PPA care about us as individuals, much less as individual poker players.

Whatever else happens it is clear we need to change that to whatever degree we can.
Fixed that part. What should be pointed out is that what is or is not acceptable to the PPA is precisely what is or is not acceptable to their corporate backers, not us. This post yet again makes the disingenuous implication that they're talking about what is or is not acceptable to poker players. But, in fact, that has nothing to do with anything. There are massive financial interests on either side of this bill, some of which have the muscle to create language in the bill that the IGC and other gaming special interests and their armies of lobbyists find unpalatable. Again, it has nothing to do with us.

Skallagrim is correct that this should be (yet another) wakeup call that the Senators don't care about us and that we have to start taking control of our own fate in the poker world instead of relying on corporations and politicians to keep things hospitable for us. I wish I had some awesome idea to propose to solve the problem of the degenerative state our livelihoods are in, but I do not. Keeping discussions on the matter active seems like the best course of action for now, as it at least has the possibility of producing actionable ideas as we continue to collectively brainstorm on the matter.
12-15-2010 , 09:49 PM
Worth a read..... from full tilt - pretty shady and everyone should know about this

They let some guy who plays HU sngs change his name for no reason - did it mid game by mistake - and then lied about it to cover it up
12-15-2010 , 11:11 PM

here's one way to get up after a -14 BI day.
12-15-2010 , 11:13 PM
nice, well done!!
12-15-2010 , 11:25 PM
hell yeah dude! even with da professional at the FT (he's an mtt beast from what i hear)
12-16-2010 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by thepizzlefosho

here's one way to get up after a -14 BI day.
12-16-2010 , 01:08 AM
nice pizzle!! did u close out all ur tables when u got deep?
12-16-2010 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by Andrew Song
nice pizzle!! did u close out all ur tables when u got deep?
yeah but mostly because I was losing so much playing cash that if I kept playing even winning the tourney wasn't going to get me back in the green for the day. Games sucked today anyway.
12-16-2010 , 08:39 AM
well done sir....

makes me think I've just never won a single tourney in my whole life....
12-16-2010 , 10:14 AM
Way to go PF!
12-16-2010 , 05:40 PM
Well done Pizzle
12-16-2010 , 07:43 PM
12-16-2010 , 08:59 PM
nice score pizzle
12-16-2010 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by peterk9
nice, well done!!
Originally Posted by Adam27X
hell yeah dude! even with da professional at the FT (he's an mtt beast from what i hear)
Originally Posted by peterpjames
Originally Posted by jij452
well done sir....

makes me think I've just never won a single tourney in my whole life....
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
Way to go PF!
Originally Posted by tclark828
Well done Pizzle
Originally Posted by Ricky1231
Originally Posted by MATEUSZEK
nice score pizzle
12-16-2010 , 09:44 PM

I wonder if a guy from the *****Offcial MTT Regs thread***** would get the same enthousiam if he posted "hey guys, today I won 4BI's at 50NL FR" + screenshot of 500BB stack.

12-16-2010 , 10:19 PM
a win is a win bro
