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***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** ***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread***

12-06-2010 , 04:51 AM
dfly finds out who everyones ss is, asks everybody for their address and then gives the addresses to the ss's
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-06-2010 , 05:07 AM
DFly should just play santa and give everyone something himself and thats it.
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-06-2010 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
all right... this is now seriously F*ed up... for some reason, some replies seem to be posted and other replies seem to be not posted on the gift exchange wall. So rather than risk having more addresses posted on the gift exchange wall, let's just bag the elfster thing - I think it's too confusing. So I just deleted the Elfster Gift Exchange.

Let's start over again... I have a master list of who everyone's SSs are... Can you guys confirm if you still want to do this? I'm thinking a better idea is for me to create anonymous email accounts for everyone and then you guys can exchange emails completely anonymously. Anyone have a better idea?

In before a flood of "FAIL" posts. :-(
just make it happen cap'n
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-06-2010 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
all right... this is now seriously F*ed up... for some reason, some replies seem to be posted and other replies seem to be not posted on the gift exchange wall. So rather than risk having more addresses posted on the gift exchange wall, let's just bag the elfster thing - I think it's too confusing. So I just deleted the Elfster Gift Exchange.

Let's start over again... I have a master list of who everyone's SSs are... Can you guys confirm if you still want to do this? I'm thinking a better idea is for me to create anonymous email accounts for everyone and then you guys can exchange emails completely anonymously. Anyone have a better idea?

In before a flood of "FAIL" posts. :-(
I still want to do it if it can be sorted out sooner than later. Was intending on shipping today until I revisited this thread.

Creating email accounts is too hassle IMO. But do what ever you want, I'll go with the flow.
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-06-2010 , 04:30 PM
I'm in if it still happens.
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-06-2010 , 05:45 PM
All right. Let's go with plan "A", which was, everyone send me their mailing address (or send me an email of a third party who can give your Secret Santa your mailing address, if you don't want me to know). Then, I will forward you the mailing address of your Secret Santa. Let's set a deadline of this Friday at midnight. If I don't hear from you with either a mailing address (or email of a third party), then I will assume you are no longer interested (but let me know ASAP either way). If any of the new guys want to do it, let me know and I'll try to squeeze you in. Finally, let me know if you've already shopped for your secret santa, and so I won't change your designation (I'm going to try and keep it the same, but we may have people dropping out). Then you still have 2 weeks to get your shopping done, which should be plenty of time.

And let's say if you don't get your gift postmarked (or ordered by 12/24 midnight), then you owe your secret santa $100. Sound good?

Here's the list of people who need to send me their addresses:

jasons0147 - NEED ADDRESS
Andrew Song - NEED ADDRESS

Last edited by DoubleFly; 12-06-2010 at 05:57 PM.
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-06-2010 , 07:40 PM

But you gotta give credit to Dfly for organizing such a nice event.
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-06-2010 , 08:07 PM
Now I know why we haven't had a Secret Santa before. But I still think this could be a lot of fun, and spreading some "joy" with the people who take my money on a regular basis is the true sign of Holiday spirit. :-)
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-06-2010 , 09:34 PM
sounds like DFly found his perfect chance to keylog everyone via his "present"
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-07-2010 , 06:45 AM
address is what i sent to secret santa
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-07-2010 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by JumanjiBoard
DFly should just play santa and give everyone something himself and thats it.

hahaha ! seems right to me.....
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-07-2010 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by JumanjiBoard
sounds like DFly found his perfect chance to keylog everyone via his "present"
lol. Jumanji... I have this awesome cartoon you should look at. I'll email it to you shortly. :-P
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-07-2010 , 03:24 PM
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-07-2010 , 04:18 PM
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-08-2010 , 11:33 AM
All right... just a few more people and I can give the green light...

Here's the list of people who STILL need to send me their addresses:

Andrew Song - NEED ADDRESS
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-08-2010 , 01:36 PM
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-08-2010 , 01:42 PM
We're keeping the same secret santa/people right? I'm confused.
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-08-2010 , 04:02 PM
Not yet. Duke just asked me if it was okay for him to keep his.
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-09-2010 , 11:09 AM
All Righty! You should have received your Secret Santa addresses, so you are all set! They should be the same as the SS that elfster had originally picked out. You have a little over two weeks to get your Santee a "thoughtful" gift. :-)
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-12-2010 , 09:39 PM
Just ordered and shipped my SS gift... but I couldn't believe the friggin' site wouldn't let me attach a message... :-(
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-13-2010 , 01:05 PM
It seems like i'm the SS of my SS.... standard ?
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-13-2010 , 01:23 PM
LOL. No. But one or more of you guys are horrifically bad about the "secret" in SS. :-P
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-13-2010 , 11:41 PM
got my gift and will ship tomorrow
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-15-2010 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
LOL. No. But one or more of you guys are horrifically bad about the "secret" in SS. :-P
Well, I got a PM sayin' "hey, I'm your SS...." loooooool
I thought to myself "pffff.... That guy didn't even understand the whole concept.... amazing !!!!" ; .....

and then replied "OK, I'll send you questions tomorow to chose your gift and will send it asap", clicked "send message" box .

It then took me 24h to realize I was as dumb as him

true story.

Originally Posted by Ricky1231
got my gift and will ship tomorrow
"reputable or send first" policy I guess...... lol
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
12-15-2010 , 04:46 PM
obv meant i bought my gift for the other person
***Official 2010 FT MSFR Secret Santa Thread*** Quote
