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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

10-18-2021 , 08:23 AM
Well noted, thank guys.

Playing around in GTO Wizard really helping me understand proper bet sizes and thinking about why we might bet the size that we do in relation to the board texture.

I literally had no clue as to how to size bets (still have no clue, but yeah)

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11-09-2021 , 05:36 AM
Line check: 2/5, seven handed

HJ ($1000) opens to $15, SB ($2000) calls, BB (Hero, $500) calls with K J

HJ just sat down, no reads.
SB plays a lot of hands, limp-calls some, raises some. Saw him donk a handful of times in SRPs on the turn/river after calling a c-bet on the flop OOP.
Saw him cold-call K7 from the SB in a MW 3-bet pot. He check-shoved his NFD on A K T facing a bet (from the other PF caller) and raise (by the PF 3-bettor).

Flop ($45): A T 7
SB checks, BB/Hero checks ($485 behind), HJ bets $35, SB raises to $135, Hero..

I chose the passive route of calling. If I 3-bet, I think SB comes along. Wasn't sure if I wanted to bloat the pot with this hand. Do you ever 3-bet? If so, why and to what size?

Do you guys flat here or rip it in? Apparently, I have 40% equity versus sets and two pairs although I didn't know this at the time.
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11-09-2021 , 06:13 AM
3bet pre. You have the chance to isolate a dude that calls preflop with K7 from out of position.

Flop, just rip it in and realize your equity. SB seems to be a bit of wild card and should have a pretty wide raising range including worse flush draws. I'd also consider donking this flop.
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11-09-2021 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Vancouver
Line check: 2/5, seven handed

HJ ($1000) opens to $15, SB ($2000) calls, BB (Hero, $500) calls with K J

HJ just sat down, no reads.
SB plays a lot of hands, limp-calls some, raises some. Saw him donk a handful of times in SRPs on the turn/river after calling a c-bet on the flop OOP.
Saw him cold-call K7 from the SB in a MW 3-bet pot. He check-shoved his NFD on A K T facing a bet (from the other PF caller) and raise (by the PF 3-bettor).

Flop ($45): A T 7
SB checks, BB/Hero checks ($485 behind), HJ bets $35, SB raises to $135, Hero..

I chose the passive route of calling. If I 3-bet, I think SB comes along. Wasn't sure if I wanted to bloat the pot with this hand. Do you ever 3-bet? If so, why and to what size?

Do you guys flat here or rip it in? Apparently, I have 40% equity versus sets and two pairs although I didn't know this at the time.
Not 3-bet-squeezing preflop makes the baby Jesus cry. Make it $75 to go: 4x for the in-position opener plus one more for the idiot flatcaller.

On the flop, notice that the As and Ts are on the board and the Ks and Js are in our hand. This cuts dramatically into the number of flush draws the other players can have. As you describe SB, they can have Qs9s or maybe even Qs8s, and connectors Ts9s and below. So this weights both villain's ranges towards value hands of some sort. We block, somewhat, AK and AJ.

Usually with a big combo draw we are faced with the problem of drawing to a big but non-nutted hand. If we rip it in and get called, we get called by value hands but sometimes by bigger flush draws. Here both our flush and gutshot draws are to the nuts. Once again, this weighs a villain's calling range if we rip to value hands, made hands.

Assuming someone has a set or two pair, if we flat, we are just barely getting the right price to continue, although if the HJ decides to come along we get a juicy overlay. If they jam, of course, we are calling, whether or not Gambles the Clown, in the SB, comes along for the ride. But if we flat and miss the turn, we are facing the prospect of getting the rest of our money in at a disadvantage.

Do you think the SB is going to fold very often if we shove? If we have any fold equity at all, then jamming is the clear choice. If they aren't folding, it seems closer to me, but shoving eliminates tough decisions later in the hand.

One very special situation happens if the SB is holding exactly Qs9s and the HJ folds: we are a big favorite in the hand, because the SB is a 3:1 dog with their pair draw; and the villain as you describe them is never, ever folding an OESFD to our jam.
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11-15-2021 , 02:07 PM
I was wondering this, psychologically, why are specific rec’s default max bets a stack of $5 chips in the form of $100? Pot could be $100, pot could be $500. Is it always for value/the nuts? Have you ever seen this as a bluff?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-22-2021 , 05:33 PM
$2-$5 NL, GVC Elgin, last Saturday night, absolute dream table.

Hero - button - covers by a lot - mid-30s white guy
V1 - MP - $500 - huuuuuuuuuuuuge station pre and post, only been at table about 3 orbits but has a VPIP north of 70% and has mucked a bunch of rivers after calling multiple streets.
V2 - $10 Straddle - $260 - literally his first hand, middle aged middle eastern guy who has a high level loyalty card.

UTG calls straddle, folds to V1 who calls straddle, Hero $55 with black TT.

V2 makes it $105, V1 calls.

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
11-24-2021 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by TheGramuel
$2-$5 NL, GVC Elgin, last Saturday night, absolute dream table.

Hero - button - covers by a lot - mid-30s white guy
V1 - MP - $500 - huuuuuuuuuuuuge station pre and post, only been at table about 3 orbits but has a VPIP north of 70% and has mucked a bunch of rivers after calling multiple streets.
V2 - $10 Straddle - $260 - literally his first hand, middle aged middle eastern guy who has a high level loyalty card.

UTG calls straddle, folds to V1 who calls straddle, Hero $55 with black TT.

V2 makes it $105, V1 calls.

Do not fold. Do not raise. Thereforen call and close the action.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-07-2021 , 02:16 AM
2/5 8 handed Vs are unknown BB is MAWG might be a bit gamble looking $700 effective.

Folded to H in BTN. Raise $15 5s4s. Both blinds call.

Flop($45) Q92sss. BB Bets $30. Hero Raises to $90. SB Folds.
Bb tanks good 30 secs asks how much I have left etc etc. Finally raises to $305 with ~3something behind.

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-07-2021 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by Pork Fri Rize
2/5 8 handed Vs are unknown BB is MAWG might be a bit gamble looking $700 effective.

Folded to H in BTN. Raise $15 5s4s. Both blinds call.

Flop($45) Q92sss. BB Bets $30. Hero Raises to $90. SB Folds.
Bb tanks good 30 secs asks how much I have left etc etc. Finally raises to $305 with ~3something behind.

In the games i play in, this is a fold against many villains as they simply doesent choose to 3 bet the flop without a flopped bigger flush.

Also, considering you have been on a downswing for a while now if i recall correctly- i would be more inclined to fold here and thus avoid lose my whole stack in a somewhat close spot. Alot could be said about doing things as easily for ourself as possible when things arent going our way, and how much it means for our confidence overall to get a few wins under our belt again.
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12-07-2021 , 10:27 AM
It's a pretty gross fold, but a fold none the less. Your line looks really strong and there's no worse flushes they can have.
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12-07-2021 , 11:25 AM
Thanks. After an hr of him being at the table, is realized there was a chance I was ahead lol but he grimaced and seemed angry when I folded. Maybe had As at worst :-/ . Had come over from blackjack but it definitely wasn't a first time/inexperienced player , However going on having no reads I guess it still needs to be a fold at the time to avoid more **** variance for me since we our hand can't improve if we GII. Lousy way to think but I'm close to 500 hrs now of these types of run bad/scenarios

Last edited by Pork Fri Rize; 12-07-2021 at 11:44 AM.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-07-2021 , 04:38 PM
No way am I raising BB's flop donk. Not only are we beat by every other flush combo in this particular situation, but in general we make more money by flatting flop donks with our entire range (air, marginal made hands, draws, and thick value hands alike) than we do by raising.

As played, once the villain bet/3-bets, we have to fold.
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12-07-2021 , 05:14 PM
Well my hand is vulnerable and I'm just going to fold if I call and turn comes spade and he leads out, so why not try to get value from his Qx and Ax with spades hands now? I'd also be giving SB too good a price to close action with any equity he may have
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-07-2021 , 05:45 PM
Some reasons not to raise the flop include:

1) Your hand can't stand a re-raise, meaning you can not realize your equity against a range that could include holdings you are ahead of.

2) You're either decently ahead or way way way behind (ie nearly drawing dead) vs hands that can continue vs a raise.

3) Our equity increases quite a bit on blank turns (making it a more opportune point to shovel chips in...we also lose less when villain binks the turn)

4) Calling keeps our hand range wide. If for example we called flop, called turn, and then raise river we are now near the top of our perceived range whereas if we raise the flop and bet turn/river this hand is near the bottom of our perceived range.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-08-2021 , 07:36 AM
1/2, hero sitting on about Ł180 having been at the table for about 90 minutes, pick up AThh on the BB, 5 players limp to me.

I pop it up to Ł17, and unexpectedly pick up four callers (there's been a lot of limp-folding so far, was expecting this to get me a couple of callers at most).

Flop is AK3cc, pot is Ł85 and we've got Ł160 behind now. I bet Ł50 and get called by UTG and a MP player, both cover me. UTG hasn't played that many hands and has generally been pretty passive, haven't seen him involved in any big hands. MP has been very active, and I've seen him show down second/third pair in several decent sized pots.

Turn is a low blank, got half a pot sized bet left so seems like shoving is my only option.

Feel like I'm happy with every street in isolation, but not delighted to be getting it in multiway with TPGK, anyone playing this differently?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-08-2021 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
1/2, hero sitting on about Ł180 having been at the table for about 90 minutes, pick up AThh on the BB, 5 players limp to me.

I pop it up to Ł17, and unexpectedly pick up four callers (there's been a lot of limp-folding so far, was expecting this to get me a couple of callers at most).

Flop is AK3cc, pot is Ł85 and we've got Ł160 behind now. I bet Ł50 and get called by UTG and a MP player, both cover me. UTG hasn't played that many hands and has generally been pretty passive, haven't seen him involved in any big hands. MP has been very active, and I've seen him show down second/third pair in several decent sized pots.

Turn is a low blank, got half a pot sized bet left so seems like shoving is my only option.

Feel like I'm happy with every street in isolation, but not delighted to be getting it in multiway with TPGK, anyone playing this differently?

Its fine as played. Sometimes we just ends up in situations like this due to low SPR and many limpers coming along.

Another quite sexy line here if we have some stabhappy callers in the field, is to check the flop in order to check-jam. Getting weaker Ax hands or flushdraw hands to bet, and then jam it in making the hand very easy to play out of position.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-08-2021 , 11:32 AM
ok cool
got stacked because UTG had limp/called AK, was trying to work out if I could have got away from it but maybe this was just one of those hands
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-08-2021 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
ok cool
got stacked because UTG had limp/called AK, was trying to work out if I could have got away from it but maybe this was just one of those hands
Nothing do to imo. Sometimes you just get stacked,even though we play correctly.Reload and make a mental note about the villain that limp called AK

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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-08-2021 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
1/2, hero sitting on about Ł180 having been at the table for about 90 minutes, pick up AThh on the BB, 5 players limp to me.
One thing I've really been reconsidering lately (for better or worse) is how to play these slightly below premium (ex. AJ/AT/KQ/etc.) hands preflop versus a field of limpers (especially ones who can be passive) with a non-deep stack. I'm not as convinced as I once was that playing them aggressively is the best route, as I'm not totally convinced the many small pots they take down outweigh the rarer times we get in stacks as the dog on every street (like we did here) / simply have someone outbink us for stacks in small handcuffing SPR pots (and meanwhile with a non-deep stack and very multiway we don't necessarily need to build the pot preflop to play for reasonable $$$ postflop for the times we bink). I'm thinking as the number of limpers increases that our raising range should quickly be tightening up massively, especially OOP.

Think it would actually make for an interesting topic in itself, although very good chance it would simply degenerate into a flaming war.

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-31-2021 , 10:39 PM
This is bothering me.

H:I’m perceived as tight sometimes can be aggressive. Haven’t played a lot with V but he’s definitely a thinking player and better than most pretty TAG

1/3 stacks are like 400 he raises UTG to 15 I call button with Jc10c BB calls

Flop 7c5s4d

Checks to me I bet 15 he raises to 55

It doesn’t make sense to me. I think he thinks how I think generally. I think AA is a check call sometimes but can we or should we check raise overpairs as the UTG raiser with a board like this against the button and BB range.

I almost repopped it because I didn’t like his line.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-04-2022 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Imjustrunningbad
This is bothering me.

H:I’m perceived as tight sometimes can be aggressive. Haven’t played a lot with V but he’s definitely a thinking player and better than most pretty TAG

1/3 stacks are like 400 he raises UTG to 15 I call button with Jc10c BB calls

Flop 7c5s4d

Checks to me I bet 15 he raises to 55

It doesn’t make sense to me. I think he thinks how I think generally. I think AA is a check call sometimes but can we or should we check raise overpairs as the UTG raiser with a board like this against the button and BB range.

I almost repopped it because I didn’t like his line.
I'm never going to hate on preflop here due to having position and non-short. But against a better-than-most player, I also think it is fine to just pass here too.

With no real equity and the BB who could be sandbagging, I just take a free card on the flop.

Yeah, if I was him I definitely wouldn't be check/raising any overpairs since we can easily have all the sets/straights. And if I hit a piece of disguised cheese I'd probably just bet and hope someone else has something. So his line definitely is weird. But we also have J high no draw, so I think we're just kinda forced to give this up.

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-04-2022 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Imjustrunningbad
This is bothering me.

H:I’m perceived as tight sometimes can be aggressive. Haven’t played a lot with V but he’s definitely a thinking player and better than most pretty TAG

1/3 stacks are like 400 he raises UTG to 15 I call button with Jc10c BB calls

Flop 7c5s4d

Checks to me I bet 15 he raises to 55

It doesn’t make sense to me. I think he thinks how I think generally. I think AA is a check call sometimes but can we or should we check raise overpairs as the UTG raiser with a board like this against the button and BB range.

I almost repopped it because I didn’t like his line.
I might play overpairs as a check-shove on this board if I was villain but not at these stack depths. I think x/r is more likely FOS, but I don't think we can completely discount overpairs. Would he ever do this with say 77 trying to inflate the pot as quickly as possible? Most villains don't raise 55/44 UTG. Kind of academic though for me because we essentially have a naked bluff and generally if I'm going to x/r bluff someone I want to know I've got at least some equity on the next street as back up because barring a disaster card I want to fire another barrel.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-09-2022 , 12:24 PM
$1/$3 NL (8-handed) at Aria in Las Vegas.

Two limps. Button (over $300) raises to $17. SB (over $300) calls. BB (Hero, $276, effective stack) calls with AhKh. Limpers fold.

Flop ($57): AsAdJd
SB checks. Hero checks (intending to check-raise big). Button checks back.

Turn ($57): 6s
SB checks. Hero bets $45. Only button calls.

River ($147): 8s



Preflop, I usually 3-bet in this spot, but I like to mix in just flatting with AK about 20% or 30% of the time and seeing the flop first before building the pot (that way, I don't lose too much money if I completely whiff the flop). Should I ALWAYS 3-bet AKs or AKo in BB here? If so, what is a good 3-bet size?

On the flop, I rarely donk-lead in general and prefer to check to the preflop raiser 95%+ of the time when I am OOP. Should I have donk-led here instead of trying to check-raise?

Last edited by Nutsaboutpoker; 01-09-2022 at 12:26 PM. Reason: corrected pot size on the river
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-09-2022 , 03:48 PM
PF should be a pure squeeze with AKs from your spot. Flatting is way lower EV it's not close at all.
I would make it 75.

Flop check is fine, you shouldn't have any leads here if you just called pf.

As played lead river for 1/3 pot.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-10-2022 , 05:47 AM
$1/3 NL, 8-handed, at Aria in Las Vegas.

There is a $6 UTG straddle on. UGT+1 (Hero, $124, effective stack) has JcJs and raises to $23. LJ (over $300) calls. CO (maybe $250) calls. SB (over $300) calls.

Flop ($101): AdQdTs
Hero checks. LJ checks. CO bets $20. SB folds. Hero calls. LJ calls.

Turn ($141): Jh
Hero checks. LJ checks. CO bets $25.

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