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NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY

10-05-2010 , 02:35 PM
villain 500
hero 200
Ok first hand, just sat down post 2$ in UTG+2
raised to 11 after 1 limper with JJ
all fold to villain (sb)
villain pops it up to 35
hero calls with the intention of set mining and check/fold even if all undercards

flop (75$)
villain bets 55
hero folds

next hand hero gets kk
hero raises, couple limpers and hero takes down the pot on the flop

hero added on 200$ more after first hand (max buy in is 400)
now it's at 390ish
villain covers

very next hand hero gets ak
hero raises to 8 utg
3 limpers
villain same one from earlier 3bets to 35
folds to hero

3 hands later
villain2 - 80-90, another villain
hero - 400

hero is CO with AK
1 limper
hero raises to 11
folds to sb (villain2)
villains pops it up to 35!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hero shoves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

is everybody playing with hero?
what's hero plan of action with so many 3bet with hands like these??
this is hero's first orbit and already got 3bet 3 times
hero get 3bet once again after this orbit......

btw, hero comes to this casino a good amount of times and dont recognize these players
regs rarely 3bet at 1/2 stakes without the goods.......
even at 2/5 3betting is very rare
all of a sudden hero keeps getting 3bet everytime hero has a decent hand
hero becomes clueless since they are all unknown
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
10-05-2010 , 04:12 PM
id 4b hand 1 - a lot of time people give zero respect to a poster that raises.

the next hand i would also 4b - same villain 4b twice? we have quite a hand here...

the final hand is fine.
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
10-05-2010 , 04:59 PM
if you 4b what's your 4bet sizing on h1 and h2
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
10-05-2010 , 05:06 PM
so you got jj, kk and ak twice in your first orbit? Not too bad! Nobody can put you on such a range, and people are probably trying to calm you down. I would probably not top up right away, and happily 4-bet every single posted hand. Not only does it look like the standard strategy, but you'll have a maniac image, and can expect non-believers in later rounds.
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
10-05-2010 , 05:50 PM
You stated in your post that regs rarely 3bet without the goods, and I'd tend to agree with this until proven otherwise. I doubt they're trying to "calm you down" or anything like that. My guess is that you (rather unfortunately) ran into a great hand in all three cases.

If a (perhaps crazy) unknown came to your table and raised a few times in the first orbit, what would your plan be? 3bet lightly and then get yourself in a sticky situation if he 4bets? Or simply wait for the goods, 3bet and hope he stacks off loosely with his piece of cheese preflop? My guess is the regs are taking the latter route.
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
10-05-2010 , 06:04 PM
thing is they dont look like regs
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
10-05-2010 , 06:10 PM
1st hand is played fine but I'm calling if I flop an over pair.

2nd hand 4 bet. This looks like a perfect squeeze spot for SB.

3rd hand ship it.
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
10-06-2010 , 05:11 PM
h2 - I instant snap 4bet to 120, villain snapped shove
hero was going to 4bet/call yet villain snapped shove made hero rethink again
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
10-06-2010 , 06:09 PM
I knew that was going to happen :-(

I still call.
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
10-07-2010 , 03:02 AM
NL 1/2 - 3bet FRENZY Quote
