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NFD Line Check NFD Line Check

02-27-2015 , 06:57 PM
Friday afternoon $1-2NL. Been at the table about an hour, and the table opened not even an hour before that. Despite it being the afternoon on a new table, there is quite a bit of money out with a few stacks in the $600-1000 range.

There has been tonnes of action - several multi way PFAI, a few more AI on the flop. There has been a $5 button straddle on 75%+ of hands, typical raise in a straddled hand is $20, $15 in a non-straddle hand.

V1 MP - $200 - fairly loose passive, been in quite a few hands but hasn't done much

Hero HJ - $300 - aggressive image. I raised 3 hands PF within the first two orbits when I sat down. I won the first without showdown (77), and folded two others on later streets (KQo, AQo) when I whiffed flop with multiple callers. Raised another hand with AKs UTG only to get re-popped by OMC with no other callers so I folded. V2 and V3 have noticed how I've played, don't think anyone else has been paying attention. I probably look a lot looser PF than I have been playing considering I've missed everything post and haven't been to showdown.

V2 CO - $1000 - was down to $60, then seat changed to my left and starting hitting like mad and ran up his stack. Is playing extremely loose now and seeing at least 75% of the flops, he's shown down some very marginal hands like 23o, Q7s etc. We've been chatting. Nice guy but not good at poker.

V3 BN - $1000 - seems like reasonably competent player, LAGgy. Mentioned he was down $800 from BlackJack and here to gamble. Despite that I haven't seem him make a bad play. He has the highest PF aggression % at the table.

All 4 players are 30-ish year old white guys. Cheers for diversity.

Button straddle to $5.

Two limpers, Hero dealt A2 and limps along. Based on the aggression on my left, I was happy to see a flop for $5 or limp/call a $20 raise, didn't feel the need to be the aggressor here, believed I would get paid if I hit. I could also fold and only lose $5 if there was a re-raise. CO and BN limp behind, BB calls, all else fold.

Flop ($28) 832

V1 leads out for $22. With pair and NFD debated raising right here and either ending it or getting heads up. Settled on calling, since I thought there was a good chance there would be another non-nut draw calling behind me. V2 calls without much hesitation, V3 and BB fold.

Turn ($94) 832K

V1 checks. At this point I figure he as an 8X, 77-55 type hand, or MAYBE trapping with a set. Decide to bet $75, hoping to take it down or get a call from SD or a worse FD. If V1 comes along I have lots of outs Planned to fold if CRAI from V1, as I didn't see him as the type of guy making a move here.

V2 takes his time cutting out $75. Thinks about it for a bit then pulls another $100 stack and raises to $175 total. At this point I am ranging him on two pair, a FD or SD, or some combo draw like mine. Tough to really range the guy as he has been playing nearly ATC. I don't see him having air or a set in this spot.

The pot is now $344 less rake, I have ~$175 left, giving me almost 2:1.


Would like to hear thoughts on the previous streets thought process and bet sizing as well.
NFD Line Check Quote
02-27-2015 , 07:14 PM
Get a seat change ASAP. Definitely raise the flop.

As played, I don't see what the problem is. (The action is a little confusing, but I think you bet $75 and got raised to $175?) You can't fold and there's no reason to raise, so call. If you don't improve on the river, check and call if there's only $75 left to bet.
NFD Line Check Quote
02-27-2015 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Get a seat change ASAP. Definitely raise the flop.

As played, I don't see what the problem is. (The action is a little confusing, but I think you bet $75 and got raised to $175?) You can't fold and there's no reason to raise, so call. If you don't improve on the river, check and call if there's only $75 left to bet.
No open seats, and I was leaving shortly anyways, but you are right about it being less than optimal seating.

And yes, I bet $75, he went to $175. It was $100 more for me to call, which would have left $75 behind, so I'm not calling here. It's fold or AI.

Why do you think I should raise the flop? I'm not afraid of anyone calling behind, only reason would be to take it down right there.
NFD Line Check Quote
02-27-2015 , 07:54 PM
You should raise the flop because that is the street on which your hand likely has the most equity in my opinion.
NFD Line Check Quote
02-27-2015 , 07:59 PM
PF: I just don't like limping, and I especially don't like limping in a straddled pot. Staddles cut the effective stack down. So here you aren't playing 150bb, you are playing 60bb which is too low for a speculative hand in your position. Fold.

I think you have your straddle misidentified because you say that the BTN limped and the BB called the $5 after the BTN. So this looks like an UTG straddle, not a button straddle. Anyway...doesn't really matter.

F: (5) handed. Pot is $26 (It can't be $28 - 5 limpers at $5 plus the $1 in the SB). SPRs are 7.5 (V1 stack) and 11 (Hero Stack). At this point, I would just raise with the intention of getting the rest in on the turn. I want this loose-passive V1 to call with his 8x, 99-QQ, and lower flush draws. I'd raise to $70. So the pot on the turn will be $166 and we can shove the remaining $125 of V1's stack.

T: (3) handed. Pot is $92. V1 checks. We bet $75. We've got $198 left. We've put in half of V1's stack and over 1/3 of our stack. I don't like the bet. What are we repping here that called the flop and bet the turn with a K falls? Khxh, I don't think anything else. I wouldn't choose to play my draw aggressively now. We should check. Maybe it's checked behind and we get to see the river.

So V2 raises to $175. Doesn't V2 raise 2P on the flop? Pot is now $342 and we need to call 100, giving us 3.4:1 (23%). Our implied odds are (92+75+175+98:100) or 4.4:1 (19%). Just to clarify, the $98 is your remaining stack after you call the $100, so you can only win an additional $98 from V2. Our chance to hit the river flush is 18%. If we count our 2 outs for trips, then we have 11 outs or 22% (3.5:1).

So at this point if we count our 2 outs then we have the equity to call here. It's really close. I don't really think we have much fold equity, so I'd just call here.

I don't see how you have $175 left. By your stack description and the betting you clearly have $198 left. Even if you did have $175 left, I don't know how you think you are getting 2:1, either direct or implied odds.
NFD Line Check Quote
02-27-2015 , 08:22 PM
As a few people have pointed out a few of the details are incorrect. I was going off memory without notes, but nothing materially changes the hand.

It was a button straddle, the BB would have limped to start the action and BTN checked his option.

I see your point about what was I repping on the turn - not a lot made sense. What I did have going for me is the other guys weren't thinking players and I saw weakness from both.

What would the ideal flop raise be and what do we do if reraised?
NFD Line Check Quote
02-27-2015 , 08:31 PM
When people say raise flop, with the intention of getting it in on the turn, I just don't get that thinking. I am A long time player but relatively new to "thinking poker" so I might be wrong but it seems like people on this forum our way to willing to GII with flush draws. Even if I do raise the flop I am slowing down if the turn is a brick. If you get hyper aggressive every time you flop a big draw, sooner or later you're going to miss and somebody's going to take all of your chips.

AP it seems like you are going against a set, 2p or AK, Unless v is a little better than you thought and knows you are on a draw. I honestly have no idea what I would do, but I definitely would have raised the flop & checked back turn
NFD Line Check Quote
02-27-2015 , 09:07 PM
(If we do gii) We are not getting it in here with a naked flush draw which has ~36% equity against TP/TK and two pair.
We are potentially getting it in with pair+flush draw which has ~44% equity against TP/TK and 48.2% equity against two pair. A significant difference. We also block 2 combos of sets, so his range is automatically weaker than if we didn't have a pair.

If we were comtemplating getting it in with a naked flush draw here theres some good arguments that it would be spewy, but with our increased equity + some fold equity it can easily be a +EV play to raise here with the intention of getting it in.

Also, often when we raise the flop and jam the turn we can put a LOT of pressure on our villains. And while sometimes we don't get the fold that we want on the flop, or on the turn, the times that we do get a fold on the flop (or even better, a call on the flop and a fold on a blank turn card) we gain a lot of real money above and beyond what our actual equity in the hand is.
NFD Line Check Quote
