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Need some serious advice on my poker life! Need some serious advice on my poker life!

04-03-2012 , 10:05 PM
Playing poker for living BLOWS, plain and simple.

Of course there are those that find the experience to be exact opposite, but for the general population, it is a horrible horrible thing to do.
04-03-2012 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
If OP was a winning player, then I could maybe support him just taking a shot and hoping for some run good.

But i've been going through some of his posts and reading between the lines...

I honestly, in my heart of hearts do not believe OP is a winning player. We tend to forget that poker is a hard game and that most players are not winning players.

This is why i'm pushing the online micros + poker studying so hard. I do not believe OP is a winning player and I think he has to learn the fundamental poker basics, completely dissect his game and build it up from scratch.

I think he not only needs to learn the mathematical aspects of the game, but the emotional and psychological aspects as well like discipline and patience...

I would almost be willing to lay odds that if OP takes a shot with his remaining $700 its gone... He'd be better served just playing blackjack or roulette with it.

he needs to take the $200, open a Merge account, get the part time jobs, study poker like a profession, and shoot for the Sep/Oct date to give this a go...

But I know he won't. I know he's gonna go take a shot tomorrow (or tonight) and then this weekend and I expect he will bust out and then grab whatever money he can and try again and again, busting out each time until he's spent all of his and his wife's money. Then there is the pawn shops and payday loan vultures and credit cards that will eat him up in $300 - $600 chunks as he goes bust bust bust... And when everything is said and done, he will be right back to where he started except he'll be buried in a $3K hole.

I've been there, done that, gotten the T-shirt so I know what i'm talking about. But hey, we all have to learn in our own way
Lmao, The above statements are so true.

Poker has been so big in my life. I have grown in so many ways. Learned so many things from all the aspect you have to study and go threw as a pro.

Nobody starts off winning. But if you learn from your mistakes quickly you can turn into a winning player almost instantly. I'm a true believer in a phase where you actually "get it", some people call it a light switch.

OP I hope you over come all of your faults and find true passion for the game.

Also, OP you have to learn how to be a grinder and not spend your winnings. Treat yourself here and their.
04-03-2012 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris

Not trying to be a dick, but you seem to be under the impression that you actually have to like something in order to do it.

That is the way a child thinks

I get the sense that you are a perpectual man-child.

Okay, so 3 x 350 = $1,050/month
Finding a part time job somewhere = $500/month
grinding micros online part time = $100/month
Study poker 10 - 15 hrs a week

Income = $1650/month x 6 months = $8,100

take the money and give this another shot in Sep/Oct time frame.

Do well, grind to $12K by February 2013, transition to 2/5nl, grind to $20K by May of 2013 and congratulations, you are an official poker "pro"

Or you can

eat your seed corn and bleed the rest of your bankroll away over the next couple of days/weeks (I still doubt you are a winning player)

Scrape another $300 - $400 together over the next month, take another shot, tread water for a month then bust out, scrape another $400 together over a month, take another shot, tread water for a month and bust out, rinse and repeat all the way till Apr 2013, lose a year of your life and be back where you started...

The choice is yours I guess.
but I get the sense you are one of those that have to learn the hard way.

best of luck to you.

Unfortunately, I've seen this movie many times and know how it ends
lol no man, I'm a person who has to enjoy life because I only get one dude. I don't have kids or a family and I pay my bills and put food in my wife and I's mouths all by making money doing things I enjoy. It's not childish to want to enjoy every aspect of your life instead of giving yourself more problems and stresses to deal with so you can die early. You're senses are stuck in the 50's man. 9-5 is dead and the man makes his own way these days.

I like your breakdown of income generated within 6 months. If I actually wrote it down I would realize that it doesn't look so bad and it doesn't. I'm sure I could scrape up a little more per month than that but ya, 6 months looks like a good timeframe to take another shot with a proper roll and I'll get some coaching to make sure I stick to BRM and not go on spending sprees. Separate my roll from my spending money.

That's how it would probably go. I would tread water for a while and go complete busto.

It's possible I would have an amazing week and my roll would skyrocket but depending on that is major -EV. So ya, I understand now that I need to life-grind until I build up a solid roll again + 6 months living expenses + 6 months spending cash.

I could look for a part-time job that I would possibly enjoy. There are places I refuse to work because of their business practices, the type of establishment, etc. I'll look around.
04-03-2012 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
But I know he won't. I know he's gonna go take a shot tomorrow (or tonight) and then this weekend and I expect he will bust out and then grab whatever money he can and try again and again, busting out each time until he's spent all of his and his wife's money. Then there is the pawn shops and payday loan vultures and credit cards that will eat him up in $300 - $600 chunks as he goes bust bust bust... And when everything is said and done, he will be right back to where he started except he'll be buried in a $3K hole.
This is a completely erroneous statement. I'm not an idiot man and I am able to make sense of things... not a ****** dude. I know what that roads like cause I've been there and wouldn't result to it again. You know nothing about my life and experiences and therefore have no basis for what I will or will not listen too or what advice I will or will not take.

I'm probably going to chill for 6 months and do the life-grind for a while.

I also know people who built solid rolls with very little money. I don't know if I'm a winning player cause my sample isn't large enough, so the safe thing to do is to do the life-grind for a while. However I'm naturally a risk taker but try not to be stupid about it... so we'll see how it goes.

Life-grind + rec poker (weeknights) for 6 months + online micros = good plan I think.
04-03-2012 , 11:24 PM
04-03-2012 , 11:31 PM
Can't believe you've heard of 2+2 since 2009 and never learned much...
04-03-2012 , 11:47 PM
Well, I think the thread has more or less ran its course.

this could be a historic moment if OP actually takes the advice. Usually the way these threads go is....

OP: Hi 2+2 I got $2K & am thinking about moving to Vegas to be a pro.
2+2: No, don't do that, you need six month living expenses + 20 buy-ins
OP: F--- that i'm awesome. Just tell me what I need to do to be a pro?
2+2: You need to do A, B, C, D, and E
OP: But what about doing it my way cuz i'm awesome!!!
2+2: That isn't gonna work, do A, B, C, D, and E
OP: pfft, you don't know how awesome I am, thx for the advice but i'm doing it my way
2+2: Okay, great, enjoy your ride to bustsville

fast forward a few months, check OP's activity and he hasn't logged-on in months because he went busto...

I don't know if i'm sold on OP or not and if he is willing to put in the work or if he truly understands just how much work he will have to put in (i.e. the studying, reading, researching 2+2 archives, posting, etc). But I "hope" he follows through and I wish him the best. I have this thread bookmarked to check back on OP in July ish just for shtts and giggles to see where he is at.

Time will tell.

04-04-2012 , 12:08 AM
Thanks everyone for the replies, I'll update the thread periodically with updates
04-04-2012 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by venice10

The paradox of poker is that it attracts those who are looking for easy money short term when the reality is that it is some of the most difficult money to earn long term.

TBH OP, if college isn't for you, get technical training. For example, 18 year old kids that are seniors in high school can easy land jobs paying $40k/year with full benefits. In fact, you can't hire them because by the time they are seniors, other companies have already signed them up. The reason is that they learned a trade like machining. A good machinist that shows up for work on time and is willing to work OT is never going to be out of work for long.

The reality is that you'll never take this advice, but rather bemoan that nobody will ever really understand how valuable/unlucky you really are.

Chances are FH will rationalize it away or ignore it.

Why? Because it's not FUN and you can't be his own boss.

Gambling is ENTERTAINMENT. Believing its anything more (career?) is a wet dream.

Ain't happenin. And deep down, you KNOW it too.

You really wanna make poker a career?

Become a dealer!!! It's a regular paycheck at least.

BTW, you don't have a monopoly on having a hard luck life growing up dude.

Starting TODAY, you are wasting value time NOT building any work career and financial security while you daydream your poker "calling".

Choices are all yours.

I'm betting that you won't make the hard choice.

Hope I wrong, but you've given us a pretty good read on you to work with.
04-04-2012 , 03:37 AM
I guess I qualify as a fish to at least one person in this thread: Dealers work hard and yeah, I tip them them $1 on a $3 pot when I take the blinds. Sorry, that's just the way I am. I am not a pro trying to support myself. I have a job. So I tip $1. I tip more on bigger pots. It costs me money, sure. But that's OK.

Harris' posts in this thread are tremendous. You sell yourself short DJ when you said the first one was TL DR. I read every word more than once. I suggest OP copy it, print it out and carry it in his back pocket.

There's no reason, if OP has a $700 bankroll to play poker, he can't go to a casino and play. Does he run the risk of going broke? Sure. But if he looks at it as 'educational' it's cheaper than going to college. He needs to play and learn and live is so much different than online.
04-04-2012 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by ibelieveinkolb
I guess I qualify as a fish to at least one person in this thread: Dealers work hard and yeah, I tip them them $1 on a $3 pot when I take the blinds. Sorry, that's just the way I am. I am not a pro trying to support myself. I have a job. So I tip $1. I tip more on bigger pots. It costs me money, sure. But that's OK.

Harris' posts in this thread are tremendous. You sell yourself short DJ when you said the first one was TL DR. I read every word more than once. I suggest OP copy it, print it out and carry it in his back pocket.

There's no reason, if OP has a $700 bankroll to play poker, he can't go to a casino and play. Does he run the risk of going broke? Sure. But if he looks at it as 'educational' it's cheaper than going to college. He needs to play and learn and live is so much different than online.
uh-oh, I didn't mean for this to be a discussion on tipping. I was just saying it just usually is an indication who has played a lot and who hasn't. Those who have some, and see other tips, get the idea they must tip for any size pot. The reg winners tend to be more selective. But nevermind before this discussion gets off track.
04-04-2012 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by MoneyMotivated
college is a scam and anyone advocating is already victim to the scam.

only thing college is good for is when your young to network and meet new friends your age.
This is true for some people and false for others.

Most of the students who blindly wander off to a four-year university straight out of high school because they don't know what else to do are wasting their time and money.

An awful lot of the students taking on privately-financed debt to attend technical colleges because they're sick of working for minimum wage are also wasting their time and money.

But that doesn't make either institution nothing but a scam.

In my current job I've trained enough technical college graduates to appreciate what those programs have to offer a motivated student.

My four-year degree sure as **** didn't help me get my first job (or any job - I studied German literature and theater), but having a well-rounded education from a competitive school has helped me be better at every job I've ever had.
04-05-2012 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by 1ns71nct
Agreed, if you aren't going for a quick 2 year trades degree, it's a scam. Only reason to go to college is for the LAW degree or a PhD.
If you aren't at a very, very good school, law degrees are currently really terrible investments. With CoL included you are going to end up way over 6 figures in debt. And there are way, way too many law students and way, way too few well-paying law jobs.

80% of law schools are just stealing your money. And the rest are extremely risky investments unless you can scholarship money.
04-05-2012 , 12:53 PM
If you work in a risky profession (example: poker) then you should live a less risky lifestyle (ie spend far less than you earn, have a lot of money saved up, etc). Op needs to drop the wife and the lifestyle or drop the poker (this assuming he can be a winning player). You can enjoy the lifestyle once you have earned it.
04-05-2012 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by MoneyMotivated
college is a scam and anyone advocating is already victim to the scam.

only thing college is good for is when your young to network and meet new friends your age.

if i had 100k to go to college i would much rather put that towards a small business and grow from there
Of course, because all late teens Internet kids will automatically become incredibly successful doing so, right?

Give me a break. The vast majority of people in society wouldn't even know how to successfully take the first few steps when it comes to opening a thriving small business, let alone some random kid just out of HS.
04-05-2012 , 04:12 PM
Of course, starting a small business is probably 90% likely to be a waste of your 100k where college has a slightly lower chance to be a waste of money.

The argument also assumes that most 18 year olds could somehow come up with 100k to start a business, which is ridiculous. WHereas its fairly easy to get loans for education.
04-05-2012 , 05:15 PM
I can't believe the anti-college arguments. I mean, its one thing to say college isn't for everyone or that you can be successful without college. I can agree with that. But its quite another to say that college is actually a "waste" of time and money.

I guess in my mind, I would ask the anti college crowd why we need high school? What is it about high school that makes it necessary as compared to Jr. High.

I'm being 100% serious here.

In Jr. High we learn reading, writing, math, science, computer science, history, political science, etc. So why do we need high school?

Again, i'm being 100% serious.

The logical arguments for not needing to go to college to succeed in today's world would be transferable to not needing to go to high school.

Whatever logical arguments you develop for needing to go to high school would likewise be transferable to needing to go to college.

Actually, "needing" is the wrong word here. "Benefits" is a better word choice.
04-05-2012 , 05:21 PM
College is good if your young and have no outline for what you want to do in life. But the real education is going or being able to get a masters. Which takes a long ass time. So going to college for four years just to graduate and cant find a job or a job making over an 100k is the real problem.
04-05-2012 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by KingHubbard
Thanks everyone for the replies, I'll update the thread periodically with updates
No, no you won't. If you want to start a blog, start it somewhere else.

