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need help on fundamentals need help on fundamentals

12-03-2011 , 05:33 AM
Last down swing I had was just I was running horrible for couple hands, but this one I just feel I'm not playing well and I'm actually running pretty good but still stuck...

I was wondering if there's any free coaching sources like podcasts or youtube videos that can help me get some leaks out of my game...
need help on fundamentals Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:19 AM
Read the Concept of the Week (COTW) in micro full ring. I know it's geared towards online play, but there is some excellent stuff in there that's applicable to live.

Last edited by ThierryHenry; 12-03-2011 at 09:19 AM. Reason: meant week, not month.
need help on fundamentals Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:38 AM
Which books have you read? What stakes are you playing?

Try posting some hands you think you mis-played to get feedback.

I can definetely recommend some resources once I know where you are at.
need help on fundamentals Quote
12-03-2011 , 11:28 AM
Book wise Ed Millers new book on hand reading is directly addressing 1-2 and 2-5 b&M poker (boy did I have the ranges of players wrong in these games).

Bart Hansen, has I think two series of pod casts, a lot of them are free...I think they are called cash plays, and deuce plays (not sure if they are all public domain but some definitely are).

He also has a series at duecescracked called poker with your pants on (love the name). I don't think its free but it is well worth a month subscription, just to grab those....
need help on fundamentals Quote
12-03-2011 , 02:58 PM
ye, I've read most books out there about poker, and listened to all Bart's podcasts...I play 1-2 right now with the hopes of building up a br to play 2-5 soon

I'm having trouble dealing with polarized ranges right now on the river..i.e bluff on a missed flush/straight draw or the nuts...also I'd like to open up my range a little bit in deep stack situations.
need help on fundamentals Quote
12-03-2011 , 03:48 PM
I would recommend Dynamic Full Ring NLHE by Split. The e-book is available on Amazon. He does a good job with the basics but also with thinking through the 'why' of different lines.

Although I would have to say, if you are playing 1/2 the things you mentioned above are very unlikely to be what you need. You need to play solid poker, value bet a lot, and plan your hand. In deepstack situations your adjustments should center around whether your opponents are giving you implied odds, fold equity or both, and at what point in the hand. That determines your likely plan for how to exploit them. That determines your preflop ranges in different positions/situations. Read split's book, it will help you get a solid foundation. I am assuming you have read PNLHE. If you haven't, definitely read that. Post a bunch of hands as questions come up.

Trust me, despite our desire to the contrary, 1/2 is not about playing some super-duper poker strategy. It's really about betting a lot for value, bet/folding a lot in the right spots, and not paying passive players off when they become active and you have a medium hand.
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