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min raise to my aa on flushy flop... 3! or call and evaluate turn min raise to my aa on flushy flop... 3! or call and evaluate turn

04-21-2011 , 03:31 AM
I have about 250, villain covers.

8 handed Straddled 1/2, I'm utg+1 with red aa raise to 12, one caller.

Villain is a thinking lag, sees me as pretty tight but capable of making moves.

flop (30)
4h 8h qs

My standard c-bet is half pot so i lead 16, he makes it 32 hero?

I'm torn between calling and potting a non heart turn and making it 94 to go now. I see him making this bet with sets, baby combo draws and tpg/tk. he usually calls here with a heart draw and raises more with air and 2pair...
min raise to my aa on flushy flop... 3! or call and evaluate turn Quote
04-21-2011 , 03:38 AM
I am lost here. Where is villain, is he the straddler?
min raise to my aa on flushy flop... 3! or call and evaluate turn Quote
04-21-2011 , 03:45 AM
1.) What position is the villain?
2.) Raise more pre.
3.) 1/2 pot bet here looks weak, which can induce a raise from a variety of hands.
min raise to my aa on flushy flop... 3! or call and evaluate turn Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:14 AM
This is very read dependent. Based on your pos he probably puts you on 99-AA, AQ-AK.

The issue is that if you make it 94, will he shove sets/combo draws? If so you'll be in a tough situation. He knows your range so you've got a situation where you folding out the hands your way ahead Q10-AQ/air (~50combos), and getting shoved on with combo draws/sets/2p (~60% ~8 combos, ~30% 8 combos, and ~10% with ~6 combos).

Tough... I make it 100 and shove a non-heart turn.
min raise to my aa on flushy flop... 3! or call and evaluate turn Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:52 AM
If you raise now you are effectively telling your opponent you have an over pair Or AQ. He is probably raising for information. Depending on the opponent I could call or raise. Depends on read. Is villain a calling station. You should raise another $40 and see what villain does.
min raise to my aa on flushy flop... 3! or call and evaluate turn Quote
04-21-2011 , 02:52 PM
3betting here is only good if villain is only doing this with draws which is prob not the case here as there must be some air/sets/Qx hands in his range.

three betting commits us pretty much and allows villain to get away from his weaker hands cheaply while only calling with his monster and very strong draws which I why I am not a fan of it.

what do you make of raise sizing? if villain is solid it def means something.
min raise to my aa on flushy flop... 3! or call and evaluate turn Quote
04-21-2011 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by mingzi
I have about 250, villain covers.

8 handed Straddled 1/2, I'm utg+1 with red aa raise to 12, one caller.

Villain is a thinking lag, sees me as pretty tight but capable of making moves.

flop (30)
4h 8h qs

My standard c-bet is half pot so i lead 16, he makes it 32 hero?

I'm torn between calling and potting a non heart turn and making it 94 to go now. I see him making this bet with sets, baby combo draws and tpg/tk. he usually calls here with a heart draw and raises more with air and 2pair...
So it's 1/2/4 (at least for this hand)?

We're like 60bb deep here and in bad position... raise more pre and make this easier on yourself. At least $16-$20. Then cbet more and just get it in.

As it is I think calling and trying to play guessing games on a board that's likely to get pretty ugly for our hand is awful. And if we call and then donk turn we're just going to fold out everything but the stuff we don't want to see. What's the thought behind this? Letting a non heart peel? If he's got something with hearts he's behind and we have one of his outs + the nut redraw.

3bet get it in on flop or jam turn if he flats. Flip the table over and tell everybody how you never win with aces and hope you never get them again if he has a set.
min raise to my aa on flushy flop... 3! or call and evaluate turn Quote
