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Medium pair top kicker, bet or check Medium pair top kicker, bet or check

07-30-2012 , 08:59 AM
Laggy 2/2 cash game at the Hague. It is a straddled pot (4&euro. A very aggressive player (has about 300€ behind, same as me, making effective stacks about 150bb) raises to €20 from UTG. UTG +1 calls (standard passive fish), I call, the straddler Laggy player, makes what looks like a reluctant call. Pot = 88. Flop is kqj, original raises looks gutted and probably has 88 or 99s (I would have thought about all higher pairs, but had to rule out this possibility because he would have at least called on the flop because he would have had oesd. It checked around to me and there is no one behind me. I bet €50 into the €83 pot, because I wanted to win the pot, but I need to think about what the best play would have been, because I think I only managed to fold out worse hands. However, I don't really want to give someone a free card on that board. What is the best way to proceed with this hand?
Medium pair top kicker, bet or check Quote
