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Making alot of mistakes Making alot of mistakes

03-20-2014 , 12:04 PM
Hey all i seem to be making so many mistakes this week so would like a few from outside the box.

Hand 1

Hero has been up and down the table be all in 2 times with nuts to lose to draws on river. Playing a bit faster and being agressive

V1 is running like god calling any 2 pre and trying to rattle people into calling bets his made draws big and seems to like a 3 bet vs me on flop or even if i check he bets at me.

Hand 1 £1/£1

2 Limpers
Hero (120) BTN raises 6 109
V1 (covers) SB Calls
Everyone folds

Flop (15) 835
V Checks
Hero bets 9
V1 Raises 45

Hand 2 Same V1
V2 Girl not been at table long not even seen her play a hand and only relised she was actually dealt in when she called

3 Limpers
Hero (100) SB JJ Raises 11
V1 (covers) BB Calls
V2 (100) UTG Calls
Everyone else folds

Flop (35) AJ4
Hero Checks
V1 Checks
V2 Checks

Turn (35) 9
Hero bets 25
V1 Calls
V2 Folds

River (85) 2
Hero Checks
V1 Bets 50

Hand 3 new table new days

Hero is playing aggressive in position and most c bets and double barrels are working only had a few showdowns with good wining hands like top set and flushes and lost a bit of a pot with 2 pair over 2 pair so im back to roughly my buyin

Villian 1 Just sat down has busted from the torunament never seen him before but few at table know him.


Folded to V1
V1 (100)C/O Limps
Hero(Covers) BTN Raises 5 AA
Blinds fold
V1 Calls

Flop (12) 10 8 6
V1 Checks
Hero bets 9
V1 grabs a pile dont count just puts him in his raise is 35
Hero?? This is a shove or fold correct?

Hand 4 Hero on same table has above
V1 Just busted a stack is very lose and limps with anything including big hands and is on tilt

V2 Played a big session with him first time i playd with position on him he is a good LAG and knows where he is alot of the time in hands and his value betting is very good usually. Played some big pots before with him having boat over my straight and getting paid and me have trips with a better kicker in a 3 way all in where he was the last caller in the hand.

Hand £1/£1

2 Limpers
V1 Limps 150
V2 Limps Covers
Hero (200) btn limps J9
Blinds Check

Flop (7) 996
Checked to V1
V1 Bets 5
V2 Calls
Hero Calls
Everyone folds

Turn (22) 5
V1 Checks
V2 Checks
Hero bets 15
V1 Folds
V2 Calls

River (52) 10
V1 Bets 25
Hero?? If i raise am i only gettin called by better??
Making alot of mistakes Quote
03-20-2014 , 12:49 PM
Hand 1: Fold. I don't think your 1 pair outs are good often enough to justify any other action.

Hand 2: Bet the flop. As played, you are way under-repped, but I'm not sure he calls with worse often enough for raising to be good. A9, A2 and 22 are possible, but there are a ton of backdoor flushes in his range too. I guess Id just call. You butchered this one.

Hand 3: Shove. He should be opening hands that made sets from LP (TT and 88 at a minimum) and is more likely to have a strong draw or pair+draw here than anything else.

Hand 4: I'm raising this flop with overs/78/complete air a lot here, so I'm doing it with this hand too. I may be in the minority on this one. As played, I think the ten hits his range HARD and am going for a value raise. Whatever looks bluffiest to this villain (you would know better than I.)
Making alot of mistakes Quote
03-20-2014 , 01:00 PM
The biggest leak across all the hands is your PF bet sizing. All of them are too small, especially when we have a premium holding with limpers ahead. All of them should have been 15+, especially the JJ. Due to your small PF betting you are letting in a very wide range. Hand 3 with AA is the biggest offender of this.

Next problem I see is your flop bets. Hand 1 I would go 15, 9 just looks too weak. As played call and reevaluate the turn. Hand 2 we really need to cbet. We got out set, with an ace on the board which likely hits someone's range. 35 dead in the pot 4-way, lets go 25-30. Our goal is to get all our chips in, this sets us up for an easy turn shove with 1-2 callers. Hand 3 because of our weak PF raise we have to shove. Hand 4 we really need to raise this. Everyone limped so it is possible for another naked 9 to be out there, also for value. I'm going 20.

Mainly I think the weak flop bets/action/lines are a derivative of your PF play.

The turn and river for the hands that made it there largely fall victim to what I outlined above so I won't go into much detail.

Fix your PF and flop play. Good luck, and go get em.
Making alot of mistakes Quote
03-20-2014 , 01:53 PM
I will reply to all comments but just so u know that is the standard raise of the table and I hate raising bigger with big hands kinda takes the deception away from what I have
Making alot of mistakes Quote
03-20-2014 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Flying Start
I will reply to all comments but just so u know that is the standard raise of the table and I hate raising bigger with big hands kinda takes the deception away from what I have
That's fair. But I would recommend raising the price then until they adjust. 2 things can happen:

1. They won't adjust and you can profitably widen your raising range.
2. They adjust, and them playing bigger than normal pots will cause them to make more mistakes.
Making alot of mistakes Quote
03-20-2014 , 04:58 PM
hand 1- if he is cappabel of bluff raises with nothing then reraise and get it in

hand 2- bet/fold river. check callig is bad here but once you check you have to call because he can have 2 pair or AK/AQ easily. but i would bet beciaseyou can gt value from a lot of hands that would check

hand 3- terrible board, folding is fine

hand 4- just call
Making alot of mistakes Quote
