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[LOW] Preflop QQ raise sizing? [LOW] Preflop QQ raise sizing?

10-05-2023 , 05:18 AM
First hand in a sit n go

75 bb
Hero HJ QQ, Villain BB

Folds to Hero, opens to 3bb
CO call
SB call
BB raise to 8bb
Hero raises to 20bb
CO/SB fold
BB raises to 32bb
Hero shoves
BB call

Villain shows 8c5c
Runs out 3h2c6dAc4c

What's the proper raise sizing here? I just kinda winged it.
Also, first time posting a hand, is there a standard format? Or some way to export from Ignition to post?

Edit: whoops I realized I posted this in cash, not tourney, is there a way to move a thread?
[LOW] Preflop QQ raise sizing? Quote
10-05-2023 , 09:32 AM
A mod can probably move this. Looks okay to me. Maybe size the four bet a bit larger - about 3x the three bet amount, but that really is just a quibble. The larger 4! leaves you with roughly a pot-sized shove OTF if you get a favorable flop, assuming villain calls. The sizing you used results in a bit of an overbet shove OTF when villain calls. A slightly larger 4! (30bb or so) would even give you about a three quarter pot shove when called, so I certainly wouldn’t argue with a larger than standard sizing in this spot.

Of course for this hand that’s a moot point since villain was an obvious fish and wasn’t flatting the four bet.
[LOW] Preflop QQ raise sizing? Quote
