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[LOW] A/K off facing an overbet on the river [LOW] A/K off facing an overbet on the river

10-24-2022 , 01:42 AM
1/2 home game sitting about ~700 deep, v is effective with 450
Read on V from many sessions played together, he's a very loose splashy player, overvalues marginal hands and plays very loose preflop

Hero - AhKs in MP,

V opens for 5, one caller in mp, and hero raises to 17

V calls and mp folds and the flop is JhQh4 and V donks for 30

Donk makes me put him on a draw or weak top pair, and QQ+JJ would 4b from this opponent removing some value combos

Turn is Ac Pot: $99
V bets $45 H calls

River is Qc Pot: $180
V bets $215 H: ???

Lmk your thoughts
[LOW] A/K off facing an overbet on the river Quote
10-24-2022 , 01:54 AM
Way too small pre. You are losing.
[LOW] A/K off facing an overbet on the river Quote
10-24-2022 , 02:26 AM
it's time to make an aggressive call.
[LOW] A/K off facing an overbet on the river Quote
10-24-2022 , 05:33 AM
Preflop to $25 or $30

Large donk equals big hand usually. K10 also hit. I fold flop having only 4 clean outs facing a PSB after rake.

Relative size of turn is smaller, calling turn

By river bet pattern looks like he has q9 or better. Only hand you beat is J10 or small pocket pair other than 44lead out for psb on flop. Folding river and feeling good about it.
[LOW] A/K off facing an overbet on the river Quote
10-24-2022 , 05:59 AM
I think you should raise the flop 100% of the time with the Ah, with the intent to triple-barrel.

As played I think the River is a very easy fold. It’s an overbet and you have one of the worst hands you can ever have in this spot. (The only worse hands you could ever get to the River with here are, what, KK or AJ/AT?)
[LOW] A/K off facing an overbet on the river Quote
10-24-2022 , 11:32 AM
Agreed with the fold takes in the moment, I fold and V never revealed what he had but felt pretty good about it.
[LOW] A/K off facing an overbet on the river Quote
