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lost on the river lost on the river

01-14-2015 , 10:09 AM
1/2 game
stacks are 300

5 callers
hero is in SB with J 10 off
BB checks

Pot 12


7 clubs 8 spades 9 spades

hero bets 7 (as soon as i put the enough out I knew it was too small)
4 callers

Pot 47


8 Clubs

Hero bet 32 (I didnt really knew what a good number was here i thought anything too less and i will get way too many callers but if i bet too much everyone will fold and i won get value from people with some kinda draw)

button calls

Pot 111


4 clubs

I didn't really know what to do here at the start of the hand my straight was looking not bad but now there is so much that can beat me
I dont have a read on the villain yet as he just sat down and had not play any hand of significance
lost on the river Quote
01-14-2015 , 11:00 AM
b/f $75

Bigger on both previous streets. Probably $15 on flop.
lost on the river Quote
01-14-2015 , 11:07 AM
We dont really know enough about you and what a 'donk' bet means coming from you. I do like the fact that you did bet out .. but sure you could've gone with $10-15 with the same resultant callers.

Turn really isnt that bad depending on your table dynamics. You probably would've heard from any 2pr hands out there on the Flop with this nasty board so the board pairing really doesn't scare me too much yet. Good bet here by you!! But again, we don't know what it means to the table with you continuing here.

The River is really a blank except for backdoor flush. You should have no issue putting out a $60-$70 value bet here. You have the nut straight .. You will have $190 behind into $250+raise and can then decide to call or fold. I think most here would go with b/f or b/c on this River. You want to bet enough that the V will think you are committed to calling a shove .. so $70+ is probably the way to go. You get called by all 8x of course, and most 9x hands maybe.

If you feel that you wont get a call and want to make it look like you missed your flush or dont want to call a raise, then you MUST c/c this River unless V shoves, then you have a decision. (In order to prevent that, you need to bet!!)

I really think most here will want you to bet out on all streets for value (and protection) but you may miss out on the River being OOP on V. Your triple barrel will probably fold out most 1 pair hands. Weak 8x hands will always call, but maybe not bet .. and you want your value from those hands. So bet .. something .. GL
lost on the river Quote
01-14-2015 , 12:06 PM
I would keep it small to avoid getting bluffed out. Same bet or 50ish.

Fold to all raises.
lost on the river Quote
01-14-2015 , 12:43 PM
I think his range is mostly trip 8s and missed draws (and a few hands that beat us). I'd expect an unknown to usually value bet an 8 when checked to, so I'd check-call here because it will also give him a chance to bluff his missed draws.

Edit: I guess this allows his pair and draw hands like 9T to check back but I'm not sure how much they'd call on the river anyway - I guess it comes down to his bluff frequency with missed draws versus his stationing frequency with top pair.
lost on the river Quote
01-14-2015 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Pseudonym
I think his range is mostly trip 8s and missed draws (and a few hands that beat us). I'd expect an unknown to usually value bet an 8 when checked to, so I'd check-call here because it will also give him a chance to bluff his missed draws.

Edit: I guess this allows his pair and draw hands like 9T to check back but I'm not sure how much they'd call on the river anyway - I guess it comes down to his bluff frequency with missed draws versus his stationing frequency with top pair.
This sounds about right.
lost on the river Quote
01-14-2015 , 01:55 PM
Yeah, either bet $75 and lean toward folding to a raise or check planning to call virtually any bet.

At 1/2, lacking reads, you're probably better off bet-folding. The value of the check/call comes from players who will bet their busted draws. Lots of 1/2 stations don't do that, but will call your bet with a bare 9.

Try to get some physical read on the button though. Does he look comfortable? Cagey? How is he dressed? What's his posture like?
lost on the river Quote
01-14-2015 , 02:08 PM
Bet/Fold. I actually like a bigger sizing as played, like $80-90. The c/c will miss you a ton of value live, because villains GENERALLY tend to bet $50 with all of their value range, and never really fire a busted draw. I would imagine He's going to shrug/call all of his value range. I worry that sometimes he will overvalue exactly K8-A8 and shove, but we can safely bet/fold this river IMO.
lost on the river Quote
01-14-2015 , 02:26 PM
I ended up firing out 58 I thought that I would be getting called a lot by any 8x maybe even top pair kinda hand.
Was pretty happy with the sizing but one thing I noticed laterly is that I am not really sure how to value bet on the river.
I will usually bet smallish 1/4-1/3 pot and get called 80-90% of the time which I like but sometimes I feel like I am missing value.
I know it is villain depended just cant get a good feel for it l. Guess I will have to look into that.
As for the hand he called with Q 10 of clubs for back door flush.
lost on the river Quote
