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10-27-2016 , 09:32 PM
How much you dead lifting?
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
10-27-2016 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
How much you dead lifting?
This cycles 1rm is 375, tonight was 285 for 8×3, but I only did 1 set of 3 before pain. I completed the same workout on Monday this week, had mild discomfort and then it felt fine by tonight so I deadlifted. Gonna have to give it a rest for a bit.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
10-28-2016 , 05:19 PM
Not much exciting to report. Continued my taco diet. Didn't get much exercise aside from the 200 crunches i do everyday. Would like to drop below 140 by next week.

6/16/2016: 189.5lbs
6/22/2016: 181.5lbs
6/27/2016: 178.5lbs
7/3/2016: 174.5lbs
7/11/2016: 174.5lbs
7/22/2016: 168.5lbs
7/29/2016: 165lbs
8/5/2016: 162lbs
8/12/2016: 159.5lbs
8/19/2016: 157.5lbs
8/26/2016: 156lbs
9/2/2016: 153lbs
9/9/2016: 150lbs
9/16/2016: 148lbs
9/23/2016: 146.5lbs
9/30/2016: 146lbs
10/7/2016: 144lbs
**************OFF DIET: 10/7/2016 through 10/18/2016**************
10/21/2016: 142.5lbs
10/28/2016: 141.5lbs
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
10-30-2016 , 03:02 PM

No weigh in

Made it to the gym 5 days this week, with a modified day 3 and 4 due to shoulder pain. Day 3 I worked up to about 80% on my DL before feeling pain, so I backed off and squatted. Finished up with some bench due to my light deadlift workout.

Day 4 was supposed to be bench, pullup, and run but bc I did bench the day before I did a 5mile cycle and 3.1 mile run

Took a rest day yesterday.

Today went for my long run and bagged 7.1miles. Felt good about it, and will sit in the 6-10 range on sundays for the next few months.

Controlled my diet for the most part yesterday and today. Looking to head into Monday at the same weight I ended Friday with, somewhere around ~206. This should put me in good position to get to 203/204 be next weekend. The key for me here is to control weekend binging.

Shoulder pain is dissipating, and isn't as easily aggravated. Found a few good stretches that seem to be helping, paired with the rest I think I'll be ok. Going to take this upcoming week off from deadlifting, will combine my squat and press days and switch in a conditioning brick day which should keep the weight trending downward.

If my squat, pullup, and bench stay consistent over the next week or two then I don't expect to see much loss in the deadlift once I start again.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
10-31-2016 , 11:07 AM
Dang it turtle I got shoulder pain the day after reading your post. I may have to segregate pullups and bench, or unsubscribe.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
10-31-2016 , 11:16 AM
Oddly enough I don't get shoulder pain from benching, but I don't occasionally get a sore lower back(overarching due to tight hip flexors). Nor do I get shoulder pain from pull ups. Good luck, stretching has helped me a lot

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
10-31-2016 , 09:37 PM

Weight: 205

Managed to stay at 205 over the weekend, so I'm in a good position to stay below 205 for the week. More weekend
dedication is needed.

4 sets 55%-75%
8×2 @85%
4 sets 55%-75%
8×2 @85%
Pull-ups: 5×5

I've been stretching the shoulder like crazy, but I'm still having some discomfort. Benching didn't hurt it much, if it twinges at all it's when unracking. Getting into the proper squat position can cause pain if I'm not careful. So I take care getting in and out of my stance. I've found that I've been relaxing my shoulder blades a bit which can strain the shoulder. Driving them back and down, pulling the bar apart and into my back seems to be the trick.

Pull-ups didn't hurt it at all, but the shoulder was aching a bit when I was walking home after my workout. I stretched, took some aleve and the pain is nonexistent. But this is far from a routine I want to continue.

Will give it another week of stretching and the intended break from deadlifting. If the pain persists then I'll see a dr. hopefully to confirm I just need rest, stretching, and mobility.

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LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-04-2016 , 08:37 PM
Cheated for just over 100 calories by eating 3 whopper candies and a reeses peanut butter cup on Halloween. Also, I've been eating a bit more i'll eat 3 chicken breasts instead of 2 simply because I'm going to play poker again and I don't want to risk getting hungry during a session.

Still doing 200 crunches/pushups a day. Been missing some days which means I have to catchup by doing 600 to 800 on later days. Also chopped down some bushes and removed their roots which was a decent little workout. I've been walking my dogs more since my backyard is under construction and they need exercise. Today I walked my rottweiler 2.5 miles and my boerboel 1.5 miles. I'll be walking them quite a bit over the next 2 weeks.

I still have 25 yelp reviews to do this year to hit my goal of 100 in 2016. I'm going to do as many as possible about businesses other than restaurants so that I can stay on my diet as much as possible. I'm definitely not going to be on a diet for Thanksgiving. I just spent $70 on a chocolate pie and a pumpkin pie. Yummmm

6/16/2016: 189.5lbs
6/22/2016: 181.5lbs
6/27/2016: 178.5lbs
7/3/2016: 174.5lbs
7/11/2016: 174.5lbs
7/22/2016: 168.5lbs
7/29/2016: 165lbs
8/5/2016: 162lbs
8/12/2016: 159.5lbs
8/19/2016: 157.5lbs
8/26/2016: 156lbs
9/2/2016: 153lbs
9/9/2016: 150lbs
9/16/2016: 148lbs
9/23/2016: 146.5lbs
9/30/2016: 146lbs
10/7/2016: 144lbs
**************OFF DIET: 10/7/2016 through 10/18/2016**************
10/21/2016: 142.5lbs
10/28/2016: 141.5lbs
11/4/2016: 139.5lbs
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-05-2016 , 01:03 PM

Weight: 203

Been keeping the diet on point this week, and made it to the gym 4 days thus far with a long run scheduled tomorrow. Weight has been consistently at all time lows this whole week and I'm happy.

This was my "heavy" week for lifting, where all lifts are between 85%-87%. Still focusing on bench, squat, and pull-ups as the shoulder recoups.

Posted above

Cycle - 8miles
Run - 3.1miles


Cycle - 8miles
Run - 3.1miles


4 sets 55% - 75%
4×2 @85%
4×3 @85%
4 sets 55% - 75%
8×2 @85%

Tomorrow will be a 6-7mile run to close out the week. Ill be adding 10lbs to squat max, adding 5lbs to bench max,, dropping down to 65%-70%, and increasing the volume to 8×4 next week. For conditioning I'll up the cycling to 12miles or mix in rowing, but for the most part will stay the same with the running distances. 12-14miles a week spread between 3 runs will be the norm for a while.

Good luck all.

sent from my
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-06-2016 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher

6/16/2016: 189.5lbs

11/4/2016: 139.5lbs
This is pretty awesome. Do you have before/after pics? 60 lb weight loss in less than 5 months is impressive!
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-06-2016 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo

Weight: 203

Been keeping the diet on point this week, and made it to the gym 4 days thus far with a long run scheduled tomorrow. Weight has been consistently at all time lows this whole week and I'm happy.

Good luck all.

sent from my
Let's go!!! keep up the great work.


My diet has been solid for the past week other than beer. Went to a football (American) game and had some drinks.

I finally got into the gym twice this week and feel really good! I don't have a specific program that I'm doing right now so I kind of just did a little bit of everything. I know it's not optimal but lifting something is better than lifting nothing.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-06-2016 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by BJballs
This is pretty awesome. Do you have before/after pics? 60 lb weight loss in less than 5 months is impressive!
No pics. Only 50lbs lost though (I mess up the math on that as well..rounding error). I will say that after losing about 25lbs I was told that I didn't need to lose any more weight lol, so it's not like I was morbidly obese looking. Now at 50lbs lost I am still looking to lose another 10+lbs.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-06-2016 , 06:01 PM
Oops sorry lol
math is hard.

Still excellent progress
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-13-2016 , 07:56 AM
This past week was more of the same, although I cheated twice, eating 4 tacos as a meal rather than 3. Once to celebrate a big win at the poker table and the other to celebrate the election results.

I'm sure I didn't drop a full 3.5lbs this week. Most likely I just weighed myself at my absolute lightest this week and didn't last week. I guess we'll see what I weigh next week, especially since I already cheated eating 10 breaded chicken wings at hooters last night and will probably have 4 tacos again today to celebrate the great UFC which was followed by my 12th straight win on the felt.

Healthy me is pretty much invincible at the poker table now. One day I played bad because I had forgotten to eat before my session, but played strong to finish that session and score a W. Aside from that my mental game has been on point (on a side note each time I ate an extra taco before going to sleep I forgot to eat the next day before going to play poker lol).

6/16/2016: 189.5lbs
6/22/2016: 181.5lbs
6/27/2016: 178.5lbs
7/3/2016: 174.5lbs
7/11/2016: 174.5lbs
7/22/2016: 168.5lbs
7/29/2016: 165lbs
8/5/2016: 162lbs
8/12/2016: 159.5lbs
8/19/2016: 157.5lbs
8/26/2016: 156lbs
9/2/2016: 153lbs
9/9/2016: 150lbs
9/16/2016: 148lbs
9/23/2016: 146.5lbs
9/30/2016: 146lbs
10/7/2016: 144lbs
**************OFF DIET: 10/7/2016 through 10/18/2016**************
10/21/2016: 142.5lbs
10/28/2016: 141.5lbs
11/4/2016: 139.5lbs
11/11/2016: 136lbs

Last edited by Dream Crusher; 11-13-2016 at 08:01 AM.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-14-2016 , 11:38 PM

Weight: 202-204

No real movement but maintaining below 205, which is the goal. Last week we bumped the squats up 10lbd and worked in the 65%-70%. But I also ate more, good stuff though.

Started pushing my runs and have hit both 3mile and 4mile PR's in the past 2 weeks.

Day 1:
8 mile cycle
3.1 mile run w/ 1/4 mile sprint intervals - PR

Day 2:
3×4 bar-55%
8×4 @65%
3×4 bar-55%
8×4 @65%

Day 4:
4 mile run

Day 5:
3×4 bar-55%
8×4 @70%
3×4 bar-55%
8×4 @70%

Day 7:
6.2 mile run

Shoulder rehab:
Lateral raises: 4×10
External rotation: 4×10
4 mile run - PR

Ill be working in the 75% - 80% range this week and depending on how it feels I'll do 8×3 or 8×4.

Good luck this week.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-19-2016 , 01:52 PM

Weight: 200-203 (haven't been sub200 yet)

Turned my training on its head a bit this week and went attacked both volume and intensity.

Day 1:
Workout above

Day 2:
3×4 bar-65%
6×4 @80%
3×3 @80%
3×4 bar-65%
7×3 @75%
1×6 @75%

Day 3:

Day 4:
3×3 bar-65%
5×2 @88%
1×1 @90%
1×1 @95%
1×1 @105% (PR at this weight)
1×1 @95%
4×2 bar-75%
1×2 @85%
1×2 @90%
1×1 @105%(PR at this weight)
1×1 @105% (failed)
1×1 @95%

Day 5:

Day 6:
Shoulder rehab:
Lateral raises: 3×10
External rotation: 3×10
Internal rotation: 3×10
4 mile run

Day 7(tomorrow 11/20):
Planned 6.2 mile run but may do a 4 miler and another 4 miler on monday.

So the diet has been decent this week. I'm making it a point to take in more clean calories, so I'm filling that gap with some healthy fats and lots of proteins. I'm limiting carbs a bit but mostly just being aware of them. Ideally I want to build muscle and that takes clean calories. I think I'm active enough to where I can increase my food intake, cut back on beer intake(esp during the week) and the fat loss will continue to happen.

Psyched about my PRs this week, increasing confidence that I can continue to get stronger while losing fat. Shoulder is feeling a bit better, motion is good, and I'm excited to get back to DL's week after next.

I'd like to test my max for DL by the new year, which should get me into the mid-to-high 8's for a total.

The weight is fluctuating but it hit 200 this week which was the first time since HS(15 years ago).

Good luck next week folks!

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-19-2016 , 06:09 PM
^ **** yea!! Keep crushing.

I've been going to physical therapy for my shoulders. Not sure if I mentioned it in the thread already. I do about 45 minutes of shoulder work a day. I skipped the past 2 days & need to get back on track.

Multiple stretches and then band work. I have terrible internal rotation. So much so that I cannot put a bar behind my back to squat. When I do, I have severe pain and my arms go numb. Not good!

I have been lifting so I'm really happy about that especially because I'm out of town and it's always harder to workout on the road.

I think I'm gaining a little weight but as long as the fluctuation is small, I'm ok with it. I've been weighing myself but the scale may be off by 4-6 lbs.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-19-2016 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by BJballs

I think I'm gaining a little weight but as long as the fluctuation is small, I'm ok with it. I've been weighing myself but the scale may be off by 4-6 lbs.
my cheap <$20 taylor scale from kmart is within a pound of my doctor's scale the last couple times I weighed myself before a doctor visit so yours may not be off as much as you think.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-30-2016 , 04:10 PM
I weighed in at 193 today. I've been maintaining weight for over a month now. I would really like to lose 8-10 lbs before Christmas. It's time to start doing cardio!!!!!
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
11-30-2016 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by BJballs
I weighed in at 193 today. I've been maintaining weight for over a month now. I would really like to lose 8-10 lbs before Christmas. It's time to start doing cardio!!!!!
I do not suggest doing cardio only for weight loss. Used in tandem with weight training is far superior.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
12-01-2016 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
I do not suggest doing cardio only for weight loss. Used in tandem with weight training is far superior.

sent from my
Appreciate the advice. I've been weight training and will continue to do so. I'm enjoying it and look forward to the next lifting day!

I've plateaued in my weight loss for the past month and my measurements have stayed the same. I figured it was time to either eat less or add some cardio. I'm going to do the least amount of cardio possible
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
12-01-2016 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
I do not suggest doing cardio only for weight loss. Used in tandem with weight training is far superior.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
I do not suggest trying to lose weight this time of year. Just causing yourself hours of mental stress.

Especially if you used my vodka hangover diet that caused me to drop a few over Thanksgiving.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
12-01-2016 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by BJballs
Appreciate the advice. I've been weight training and will continue to do so. I'm enjoying it and look forward to the next lifting day!

I've plateaued in my weight loss for the past month and my measurements have stayed the same. I figured it was time to either eat less or add some cardio. I'm going to do the least amount of cardio possible
One of the coaches I follow always suggest making one move at a time, otherwise when you plateau you don't have anywhere to go. Like:

Start off with small calorie deficit
Add small amount of cardio
Increase deficit
Increase cardio

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
12-01-2016 , 10:42 PM

Weight(on Sunday 11/2-something/16): 208

Took an entire 7 days off from the gym last week. Had mild guilt about it, but I knew it was important after going hard 5 days a week for 6 straight weeks. While I didn't need a complete break, I happily took one.

I ate a ton, gained some weight(mostly water I'm sure, with some muscle, and more fat). While eating felt good, I feel I missed an opportunity to get stronger bc my calories were so high, I could have done some damage had I worked out.

Back on the grind this week, keeping my food clean, and putting in the work.

6 mile run
5×5 Pull-ups

Rest Day due to team outing

Rest Day due to team outing

3×4 @bar-55%
8×3 @75%
3×4 @bar-65%
8×3 @75%

Deadlift (first time in 5 weeks due to shoulder injury):
3×4 @bar-55%
8×3 @70%
3.1 mile run

Rinse and repeat my 3 lifts for Fri and Saturday, followed by a long run on Sunday.

Good luck folks!!

sent from my
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
12-04-2016 , 06:40 PM

Weight: 205

Wednesday's and Thursday's sessions had me fatigued so I took a rest day on Friday.

4×4 bar-55%
4×6 @65%
4×4 bar-55%
4×6 @65%
4×4 bar-55%
4×6 @65%

7 mile run

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
