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LLSNL Weight Loss Thread LLSNL Weight Loss Thread

09-03-2016 , 04:28 PM

Weight: 212

Despite skipping the gym yesterday, going out to dinner last night, and drinking a fair amount I woke up sans-hangover and 1lb lighter. Life is good.

Did some heavy skwats today, ripped my final set @90% for 5 reps, goal was 3. Damn near failed the final rep but pushed it home.

Followed up with OHP, rowing, and a bunch of pull ups.

Going to the running store tomorrow to get properly fitted for running shoes. They do they whole video tape you running on a treadmill, analyze your gait and pronation, make suggestions that fit your needs and let you try a out a bunch. Looking forward to it.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-03-2016 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
1 lb/wk is still pretty ambitious. I think the web chatter said .25lb fat per week is what's attainable.
This is going to be completely dependent on multiple factors such as body fat % and the changes you make in your diet and physical activity. .25lbs would be ok I guess for someone that just wants to sit their ass on the couch all day and only make slight changes to their diet. I'm pretty sure I would lose my remaining 15+ lbs of fat by going on an intense 3 week backpacking trek.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 07:36 AM

Weight: 214

Got fitted for running shoes over the taped me running and analyzed my gait, pronation, and support needs. Then hooked up some recommendations, walked away with a comfy new pair.

Did a 10k in the new kicks on Sunday, though only planned to do a couple miles. Didn't want to stop.

Took it easy yesterday, took a long 5 mile walk with the gf and puppy.

Did super heavy(@ 95% of 1rm) bench press and deadlift today. Bench felt better than deadlift, but that was most likely due to doing a max effort bench before doing a max effort deadlift. Either way the weight went up and I'm happy. Looking to get in another 10k this week with a long cycle, followed with a heavy max effort skwats/OHP later in the week.

Next week will be devoted to speed work and conditioning. Then adding weight to my 1rm and starting my 4 week cycle over again.

Gl this week dudes.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 04:54 PM
What brand of running shoes did you go with?
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 07:08 PM
Saucony, the Kinvara 7

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 07:10 PM
Slime/black, not the blue the link lands on.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-08-2016 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
Slime/black, not the blue the link lands on.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
Looks a lot like my aqua blue Hoka's which have ridiculously cushioned soles.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-09-2016 , 11:27 AM
This week went VERY well. First off I got tons of exercise outside in the 95° heat. On Saturday I ended up chopping down a huge ass cottonwood tree in my backyard. I mostly did so with a boy's axe and a hand axe. It was a lot of work. I was close to being done but was completely exhausted and needed to finish before the UT game (couldn't have the tree falling randomly without me there) so I borrowed a small pruning saw from my neighbor which helped me finish it off. I also tied a rope to a branch and started pulling it the direction I wanted it to fall which was quite useful.

On subsequent days I ended up chopping the branches off and chopped the trunk into 4 pieces so that I could move them. I also hauled off a bunch of bricks and cinder blocks so all in all i got a lot of exercise this week.

I recently made it my goal to get down to 149lbs by 9/16/2016 which would mean that I will have lost 40lbs in exactly 3 months. This week I continued my taco diet for 4 days and then went super low calorie the past 3 days. Pretty happy with how I did and am going to reward myself with Sirloin, Egg, and Cheese tacos all weekend.

6/16/2016: 189.5lbs
6/22/2016: 181.5lbs
6/27/2016: 178.5lbs
7/3/2016: 174.5lbs
7/11/2016: 174.5lbs
7/22/2016: 168.5lbs
7/29/2016: 165lbs
8/5/2016: 162lbs
8/12/2016: 159.5lbs
8/19/2016: 157.5lbs
8/26/2016: 156lbs
9/2/2016: 153lbs
9/9/2016: 150lbs
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-09-2016 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
Looks a lot like my aqua blue Hoka's which have ridiculously cushioned soles.
They're not as cushioned Hoka's, but they are more cushioned than I'm used too. No complaints yet, about 15 miles of barefoot running in them and I like them a lot.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-09-2016 , 03:16 PM

Weight: 211

Been a pretty active week, heavy bench and DL earlier in the week. Did a long cycle yesterday, 8.5k run this morning.

Moar heavy skwats and OHP tomorrow, followed by rest day on Sunday.

Next week is supposed to be deload week, so I'll drop weight to about 40%-60% of max and work on speed. Will also work to increase conditioning mileage on both cycling and running, tho been slacking hard on swimming recently.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-09-2016 , 04:22 PM
DC you have a fireplace?
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-09-2016 , 08:05 PM
No fireplace, and wouldn't use it in this heat anyways plus Cottonwood doesn't smell that great.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-10-2016 , 03:33 PM

Heavy skwat day mofos!!!!

Ripped up 3 reps(goal was at least 1) @95% 1rm, I feel a little disappointed that I didn't do 1 or 2 more when I feel like I could have.

I was a little intimidated as I'm quite a bit over body weight now, but I'm getting over that. Followed up with heavy OHP and a marathon number of pull up sets.

Going to get my chicken wing on, and rest for today and tomorrow. Gotta control the diet and maintain thru the weekend so I can get some lbs off next week.

Gl to the rest of you guys

Speed work and conditioning next week and

sent from my
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-10-2016 , 04:34 PM
Lost quite a bit of strength in football lent, only 7 reps on my usual set of 10 at 66% max. Obv the beer was sustaining the muscle. lol no seriously it was because the day I ran 5 miles I did four sets of bench before hand . I could see it the drop in size in the mirror, which while small was quite a % loss.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-11-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
They're not as cushioned Hoka's, but they are more cushioned than I'm used too. No complaints yet, about 15 miles of barefoot running in them and I like them a lot.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
You sure you know what barefoot means?

Sent from my phone...oh wait nm.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-12-2016 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
You sure you know what barefoot means?

Sent from my phone...oh wait nm.
Fkc, sockless running is what I meant. Precision of language is haarrddd.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-12-2016 , 08:51 PM
lol code monkeys
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-18-2016 , 01:20 PM

Weight: 208

This past deload week was relatively easy 3 days in the gym. Kept the diet on point with the exception of yesterday when i had some corned beef hash, eggs, and home fries.

Bench: 5×5 working from 60%-85%
Deadlift: 5×5 60%-85%
Squat: 5×5 60%-85%
OHP: 5×5 60%-85%

2km row
10km cycle
4km run

10km run

Adding 5lbs to upper body max, 10lbs to lower body max and then starting the cycle again.

I've been looking into submaximal programming and I'm beginning to think my current program of 85+% 3×'s a month may be too much.

Instead I could do 3 week cycles, doing lower reps but more sets. Something like: 3 week cycle, working from 8×4 at 65%, 8×3 at 75%, and 8×2/3 at 85% with an AMRep for final set. And perhaps do each lift 2x's a week, which will give me time for triathlon/half-marathon work.

Good luck this week folks.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-18-2016 , 03:53 PM
I succeeded in losing over 40lbs in 3 months. I plan to continue to go hard with the diet for the next 3 weeks. That means mostly just low calorie stuff (grilled chicken, frozen veggies, fiber one cereal) plus tacos about 4 days a week. I'm going out of town in 3 weeks and will abandon the diet at that time. Hoping to lose 5lbs by then.

I've been busting my ass in the heat (upper 90s) digging up a couple tree stumps in my backyard. These are trees that I previously chopped down. Pulling out the stumps is far more difficult than chopping down the tree. In fact, one of the roots I chopped through was as thick as the tree trunk itself. I've removed one of the stumps and have removed all of the tertiary roots. Now I'm left with the main stump and am hoping to have that finished in the next couple of days.

More than likely I will be getting my patio replaced, which means more exercise for me including removing 2 large bushes and 1 small bush and moving my existing patio bricks to my neighbor's house (giving them to him).

The week I go out of town I will be moving a lot of large furniture and appliances so that will be good exercise. After that I am considering taking BJJ courses which will help me stay active and in shape. I'm in pretty good shape now such that I think I will be well prepared for the classes physically.

6/16/2016: 189.5lbs
6/22/2016: 181.5lbs
6/27/2016: 178.5lbs
7/3/2016: 174.5lbs
7/11/2016: 174.5lbs
7/22/2016: 168.5lbs
7/29/2016: 165lbs
8/5/2016: 162lbs
8/12/2016: 159.5lbs
8/19/2016: 157.5lbs
8/26/2016: 156lbs
9/2/2016: 153lbs
9/9/2016: 150lbs
9/16/2016: 148lbs
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-18-2016 , 03:56 PM
Op obv lost a **** ton.

got a hair cut
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-18-2016 , 04:53 PM
Nice work on the weight loss DC. Any sign of those abs yet?

Also agree with digging out tree stumps. Are you watering the area heavily before digging? Definitely helps
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-18-2016 , 08:53 PM
Definite sign of abs. I'm really not sure how much more I need to lose. People would look at me and say none but I have small love handles and a bit of fat on my tummy so I'm thinking maybe a final 15lbs.

As for the tree stumps, that has been a project I've been putting time into every day this past week. Some of the roots near the surface were 25+ ft long. That was actually the easy work. The tough stuff was getting to the roots directly underneath the base. I did use water some the past few days because I was digging hard clay several feet below the surface. Water helped soften the dirt and made it easier to spot the roots.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-19-2016 , 06:17 PM
You likely need under 10% body fat for abs.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-19-2016 , 07:41 PM
Week 1: 220
Week 2: 217.5
Week 3: 214.5
Week 4: 212.8
Week 5: 210.8
Week 6: 210.6
Week 7: 208.8
Week 8: 206.6
Week 10: (maybe?) 205.4

My gym closed for a week and the other one was like 30 minutes from my house. We all know that didn't happen. Then I just got lazy for a week.
But I bike to class a few days of the week, and the diet has been generally pretty healthy, so still moving (slowly) in the right direction.

Keepin on keepin on.

Last edited by iraisetoomuch; 09-19-2016 at 07:46 PM.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
09-19-2016 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
You likely need under 10% body fat for abs.

sent from my <insert clever thing here>
I had difficulty determining my body fat % but it's safe to say I'm still a long way from under 10%. So let's lose another 20lbs.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
