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LLSNL Weight Loss Thread LLSNL Weight Loss Thread

06-16-2016 , 11:58 PM
IT went from Times New Roman to Script MT
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-18-2016 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by ibelieveyouoweme$80k
Maybe we should set the final weigh in for just before the $1/$1 game?
I must say that I'm a little disappointed in you. You started this thread on April 4th, and your last post in this thread occurred on April 5th. Are we to assume that you quit your weight loss challenge within a day or 2 of starting it?! SMH.

Anyways, no weigh in took place before the $1/$1 game. I'm just now entering this thread so this challenge can not just die.

Originally Posted by TeamKB
that Sol guy took a lot of heat for basically saying something that almost everyone universally acknowledges nowadays.
He didn't even say it that rudely. I thought it was going to be much worse based on what I'd heard through the grapevine.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
hand on heart, that is more dates than I have gone on in my entire life. that while dating thing you guys have going fascinates me
Good for you. I don't believe in dates either.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-18-2016 , 10:52 AM
Starting Date: 6/16/2016
Starting Weight: 189.5lbs
Target: Lose 5lbs by the end of the month (2 weeks)

I'm pretty much in the top percentile in terms of eating unhealthy. People make jokes about eating at Chipotle but eating a burrito at Chipotle is far healthier than my normal meal. I eat out every meal and commonly eat burgers with multiple patties, lots of french fries, and lots of Mexican food.

In the short term I am going to try to eat healthier with a diet consisting mostly of grilled chicken breasts and salads. It's unlikely that I can sustain that in the long term but I would like to continue to eat at least one healthy meal a day over the long term. On the good side I don't snack very often, don't drink soda, and rarely drink alcohol. I do only eat 2 meals a day though which I understand can be problematic.

Eating healthier should actually save me money, considering as of late I've been spending about $30/day just eating tacos.

The first salad I made since starting included the following ingredients:
50/50 SpringMix/Spinach blend
1 Carrot (matchstick cut)
1 Tomato on the Vine
1 Jalapeno
1 Apple
4 Strawberries
4 Sun Gold Tomatoes
1 Avocado
No dressing

In the 2nd salad I made, I replaced the Avocado with a Bell Pepper added more lettuce/spinach (low calories) and added a smidgeon of olive oil dressing. Looking at the calories this is way less than I normally eat, but am I overdoing it with fruits? These are all fruits except the carrots and the lettuce/spinach. Also, not sure how you guys eat just 1/3rd of an Avocado considering the rest will go bad so quickly.

I've been drinking soy milk with my meals, and I also drink a lot of water. I currently have over 20 cases of bottled water. I also have Naked's Green Machine and Blue Machine which I plan to drink as part of my meal or when I'm hungry for a snack.

Given that I've done next to no physical activity in the past 20 years, I also plan to do a small amount of cardio work which will be an improvement over none.

I'm not sure what my ideal weight should maybe below 150. Lets go!

LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-18-2016 , 02:19 PM
There are a few different ways you can make a half of an avocado last a day or two according to google. The method I have tried which works ok for 1 - 2 days is to leave the pit in the half you keep (I have an avocado tool that does everything) spray it with Pam EVOO or Coconut oil spray and wrap as tight as you can in Saran wrap and put it in the fridge.

As far as fruits: from what I have read it is best to have the bulk of your fruits for your first meal of the day. Strawberries are my fave (apples are good too, both are fairly low carb/sugar fruits) but I do banana and plantains some times too since I am at maintenance levels and rarely go over my daily sugar numbers eating as clean/vegetarian as I do. I usually do 125 - 225 grams of strawberries with my muesli, oats or granola with soy milk and vegan protein powder (or vegan Simply Protein bar) for breakfast. Goji berries, dates, figs and chia/flax seed some times get mixed in as well when I don't have fresh fruit on hand.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-18-2016 , 02:57 PM
Starting 6/18/16
Weight 237
Goal 210 by 2017

I want to see my abs again---6'5". If 210 doesn't do it; will go lower. Need to reduce drinking to 1 drink per week and eliminate late night snacking
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-18-2016 , 03:09 PM
Glad to see new enthusiasm. Weighed in at 213 yesterday, and had a killer squat and overhead press workout.

Worked from 70% up to 80% of this cycles 1rm doing 3 reps. Then hit 6 reps at 90%, felt so fkcing good to push thru that.

Next week's goal is 3+ reps at 95% of this cycles 1rm and then deload. After deload week I'll add 20lbs to DL, 15lbs to squat and 10lbs to bench and start over.

This triathlon can't come soon enough so I can be more aggressive and go after that 1k total, or 1135 total including OHP. Hopefully i can hit those at around 185lbs - 190lbs body weight.

sent from my "oohhh haaaiiiii lapi!!!"
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-18-2016 , 04:40 PM
Can only eat so much out west. Pumped to get back into this thread when I get back.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-18-2016 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I must say that I'm a little disappointed in you. You started this thread on April 4th, and your last post in this thread occurred on April 5th. Are we to assume that you quit your weight loss challenge within a day or 2 of starting it?! SMH.

Anyways, no weigh in took place before the $1/$1 game. I'm just now entering this thread so this challenge can not just die.

He didn't even say it that rudely. I thought it was going to be much worse based on what I'd heard through the grapevine.

Good for you. I don't believe in dates either.
I started the thread because others didn't. People posted in chat thread that they wanted to do this. I was helping.

To be honest, I thought I was going to start the diet again at that point. I failed.

But there's no time like the present to start again going forward.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-19-2016 , 02:18 AM
I'm holding you accountable. You started this whole thread and then you failed to follow through. It's time to step up!
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-19-2016 , 03:37 AM
LOL. Good news is I figured I probably got more exercise in a week in Vegas than I usually do in a month. Turns out my phone (not an iPhone) has an app that tracks your steps. I was averaging about 1,000 per hour (when actually moving) the last day or two.

Homer claims he walked 40 miles and my first thought was no way.

I will step up and weigh myself either tomorrow or Monday and commence a weight loss challenge of my own.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-19-2016 , 04:22 AM
I also got more exercise in Vegas but that was counteracted by eating steak dinners most nights, wynn buffet, and lots of strawberry juliuses at the table.

Nothing would surprise me with Homer. He was walking up and down the strip like it was his job. He probably could have worn an advertisement sign and gotten paid for his efforts.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-19-2016 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I also got more exercise in Vegas but that was counteracted by eating steak dinners most nights, wynn buffet, and lots of strawberry juliuses at the table.

Nothing would surprise me with Homer. He was walking up and down the strip like it was his job. He probably could have worn an advertisement sign and gotten paid for his efforts.
You'd think you would be in a better mood with this happening in your neighborhood.

sent from my "oohhh haaaiiiii lapi!!!"
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-19-2016 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
You'd think you would be in a better mood with this happening in your neighborhood.

sent from my "oohhh haaaiiiii lapi!!!"
I didn't realize i was in a bad mood. I know the booty tickler. He's a good guy. A few years back got in some trouble for offering to rape people's children. Turned out to be a bad deal for him.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-20-2016 , 10:24 AM
Down 3 lbs to 202 even after a saturday filled with beers and brisket. Worked out 4 days last week in my first week back in the gym in a while. Would've been better had I drank more water over the weekend.

Weekly Goal: 5 days in gym, Record meals every day & stay under 2000 cal each day, lose 2 lbs.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-20-2016 , 10:37 AM
My target was to lose 5lbs in 2 weeks. If I stick to my diet of chicken breasts and salad then I should blow by that target by the end of this first week. I knew 5lbs was a conservative target but didn't realize it was that conservative.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-21-2016 , 03:06 PM
Losing fat sucks, Bench is getting weaker, but other lifts are progressing. Think I need to add more volume to counteract.

sent from my "oohhh haaaiiiii lapi!!!"
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-22-2016 , 11:05 AM
I've been showing a steady weight decline every day. Today I weighed in at 181.5lbs, which is 8lbs lighter than my starting weight of 189.5lbs 6 days ago. I do think some of this is likely water weight but I'm confident I've dropped a full 5 lbs this first week.

I've actually only cheated on my diet once, and that was on day 1. I was in an area that I don't get to very often and I wanted to try out a very popular sandwich shop. I ended up eating an extremely large sandwich and some chips. Since that day I have only eaten either chicken breasts with spicy sauce or salads for meals. For snacks I've only eaten fruit or drank fruit drinks.

I haven't really exercised which is unfortunate. As I increase my calories I would like to increase the exercise I do.

I do plan to start expanding the food I'm eating which will increase my calories to a more normal level. Soon I will be eating El Pollo Regio. The half chicken special includes everything seen in the picture below and a drink. My plan is to only eat the chicken, the grilled onion, and the green sauce (no drink). I could pretty much eat this every day for the rest of my life.


Also, I discovered that Tacodeli's sirloin, egg, and cheese tacos on corn tortilla are only 200 calories each. Can't be super healthy but tastes so good. I normally order 4 so what I'm going to try now is to order just 2 and eat some fruit with them.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-22-2016 , 01:42 PM
-2 lbs this week. Weighed in at 202 and lost 3/4" off my waist (at belly button). I started taking waist measurements a few weeks ago and taking progress pics. It's nice to have more than 1 indicator of weight loss/body transformation. The scale doesn't lie but weight loss is not linear.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-22-2016 , 05:51 PM
I have lost 6lbs since a week before Vegas. Haven't exercised at all til yesterday but just couldn't fit in enough meals around the sleep and poker schedule while not having cooking facilities and then have had a nasty home situation blow up while I was over there, so still not eating much

Have lost a **** ton of strength over past three weeks so no doubt some of the weight loss is muscle wastage
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 07:36 PM
Did a 12mile cycle, 3.2mile run brick today. Last half mile wasn't that fun but slowly getting my time down, almost under 60 minutes.

sent from my "oohhh haaaiiiii lapi!!!"
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-25-2016 , 05:47 PM
Finished out a pretty strong week, hit rep PR's @95% of 1rm on all my lifts. Deloading next week, maybe some speed work.

Conditioning is going well. 12-20 mile cycles are getting faster. 5k runs are getting faster. Brick workouts are slowly but surely getting faster.

Gained 2-3lbs this week and am at 216. Body fat % went down on the scale, but that's hardly accurate.

Think increasing my water intake, cut back on the cheat meals for the next few weeks and I can hit the goal.

sent from my "oohhh haaaiiiii lapi!!!"
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-27-2016 , 10:43 AM
Yesterday and this morning I weighed in at 178.5lbs which is 11 lbs lower than my starting weight. I cheated for the 2nd time yesterday, but it was a very small cheat: 1 vodka soda water. I'd estimate that was a 100 calorie cheat, so not too bad.

I haven't been eating salads much recently which probably isn't good for my health. Mostly been eating chicken breasts for meals and tomatoes/fruits for snacks. I don't get hungry very often which is probably a sign that my stomach has already shrunk quite a bit (contracted).

Oh, and I had El Pollo Regio one time but the chicken tasted too greasy to me....a side effect from my diet I assume. I did load up on their green salsa though which I have been eating in moderation with my chicken breasts...although I mostly eat them with Tabasco sauce (0 calories). I have not had any tacos yet.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-28-2016 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by ChickenNuts
Starting 6/18/16
Weight 237
Goal 210 by 2017

I want to see my abs again---6'5". If 210 doesn't do it; will go lower. Need to reduce drinking to 1 drink per week and eliminate late night snacking
238--playing cards & backyard bbqs are challenging. Good times
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-28-2016 , 08:20 PM
Weight fluctuates between 213-216, bf% on scale continues to drop and I'm finally feeling a stronger bench. So im somewhat confident the weight is muscle gain, but I'll need to pay more attention to my diet to continue to drop fat.

My approach will be to maintain 2200-2400 calories a day, while increasing the workload(intensity and time under tension) in my workouts.

Dropping 15lbs in 4 weeks without losing my mind bc my lifts are going down/flat-lining is going to be a challenge.

That being said, my focus needs to be on my triathlon the first week of Aug. and not on lifting so maybe it's ok, as long as my pace times are dropping.

sent from my "oohhh haaaiiiii lapi!!!"

Last edited by Donat3llo; 06-28-2016 at 08:25 PM.
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
06-28-2016 , 10:09 PM
I've no idea how BF scales can be accurate - all that nonsense about sending sensors through your feet into your body. Also pretty hard to gain 2-3 lbs of muscle in a few days and way more easy for it to be water retention due to increased sodium/carbs

doesn't really matter though - you've lost a load of weight and you're getting fitter, so it's vnh/wp

I've lost 5lbs since before Vegas and the weight has stayed off. Have been going to the gym each morning, but not really training with intensity, just keeping the body moving and getting the muscles conditioned to working again.

Gonna start something new from next Monday. Not sure what yet
LLSNL Weight Loss Thread Quote
