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**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** **The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread**

04-13-2013 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by TAOxEaglex
In the Jacob vs. JCW hand, JCW's range there is still 99+ plus a larger than normal amount of random spew (since it's JCW). He is barreling the K turn with 100% of his range. Therefore, it's probably ok to call but shoving is bad because it folds out all the fluff.

The real problem is that the stack sizes were super awkward and calling would him with like a 1/3 PSB.
I guess it was the long tank that was lol for me. I'm obviously not original in saying so but it would be a sick move to do that with the nuts ever. I have to go back and look at the hands because I don't remember it enough to say whether or not JCW is ever folding there or w/e, it's just that I remember thinking he can't ever find a fold there given the amount of time it took Jacob to jam. But I'll go look again and maybe I'm wrong.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 02:42 PM
Also when I snap call otr, he says you got the straight I said yup. So maybe he is one of those guys that knows the right plays but can't perform them. Kinda like good in the books but suck when the "lights" are on.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
Nope no hesitation, when I can just wait till he limps and raise.

But I agree I am a little inexperienced with flat calling ip. I was thinking I can't peel with JCW in the blinds. So it was a raise or fold. Maybe I was aware of JCW and Aesah too much. What did he have that hand ace?

Also what 2pair did sujit have vs my K9?
I think something like T7o. I just remember that you were ahead and I was like WTF was that even if I didnt know his cards.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 02:56 PM
And just so you know, take all this as constructive criticism because you are getting props from the same people who are breaking down some of your hands.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 02:58 PM
APD, great job on all this. You're the man.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 02:59 PM
he had 10j
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:03 PM
I see ILCD's point if he thinks the blinds (JCW in this case) will squeeze with a very high frequency; I just don't necessarily agree with that premise.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:06 PM
Ace shouldn't that be standard? I mean I didn't watch the show. I'm just here to give my thoughts on everyones thoughts and learn from. I been doing that for 2 years here. I love the critique. Got straight video on my game lol.

It was crazy I wanted to 3bet so bad. I thought "sol double blockers" can't peel JCW in the blinds. I was a pussy on that hand.

Given my strategy and JCW is it still an easy call? I just want to hear emphasis on JCW in the blinds who is 3bet happy. I still think its a raise fold right now, given dynamic and situation.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:08 PM
Ok poll question;

Who was the best player at the table last night?
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:09 PM
raising it is very bad. folding isn't too awful. calling is best.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:09 PM
Seemed like wendy, but she also had very easy spots.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:16 PM
Wendy was the weakest player at the table. You have to be leveling lol.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:19 PM
Now you have to be leveling. The weakest at the table was the fish who let you hit your gutshot when he flopped two pair. The second weakest was the fish who took his seat.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:20 PM
I agree that calling is best but I think, as does ILCD in hindsight, that if folding>calling then bluffraising>folding (in a vacuum at least; you could argue that there are better parts of your range to bluff with to achieve the optimal frequency, but it's not like he's going to play with these people again).

Also Wendy seemed like a nit who turned her hands face up, but I fully admit that I may be biased by the fact that he hands actually were face up to us viewers. I'd vote Aesha, although there's some confirmation bias at work there.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:24 PM
Aesah did not play well this session at all.

3betting the JQ is really the worst option possible.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:24 PM
Aesah is good he could be better like phenomenal if he had the eye of the tiger. If I hung out with him I would bring that out of him. He knows he is good by default. But the confidence should be way higher.

Aesah told a story, where he got mad because someone called him a fish. Good players don't do that. He has confidence leaks. I'm broke and I have more confidence than him. Imagine if I had the bankroll he had lol.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:29 PM
My top 3 at the table last night.

**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:31 PM
BGP can you elaborate on why bluffing with the QJ is worse than folding? I'd like to learn something if possible
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:32 PM
If JCW is the one who I think he is he was pretty bad as well. I'm placing you above Aesah and him.

Still think Wendy is the top, although most of her decisions were raise this medium to large pocket pair... fold this junk

still her raise sizings were all good and she played the best of anyone there.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:35 PM
I won't comment further on wendy. Without completely bashing her because this is a public forum.

She was by far the worst at the table.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:35 PM
I'm still stunned that with the board three to a straight two pair thought it was good vs the guy who's played four hands all night, and then pays you the rest of his $ when every draw completes OTR with a club.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:35 PM
the jq has a ton of equity vs his lp opening range. 3betting it is the worst option because when called jq is going to have almost the lowest equity of any 3betting hand. It will never flop big unless we hit a straight, it only flops weak top pairs that we can never get value from.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:36 PM
For the uninitiated, who was Aesah?
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:37 PM
You think wendy played worse than the guy who started off to your direct right?
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 03:39 PM
Aesah was in seat 1 I think. Wearing a black blazer
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
