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**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** **The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread**

04-13-2013 , 06:39 AM
Nice job tonight Cali.

And I don't understand the drama about 88 on a Q 9 2 x x board. Very few people are value bluffing without a 9 or better there. In my games people check a 9 there because they are so glad to get a free showdown. I'll grant that they would bet the turn IF they were going to bet it.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 07:15 AM
Ok, so y'all check my math, but here is what i've got:

$2172.05 shipped via paypal.
$40 from ticketmaster

SubTotal $2212.05

ILCD shipped $506 (way to go, buddy!)

Total: $2718.05

Paid out:

$253 to ILCD
$45 back to ticketmaster ( think i overpaid him about a buck).
$99.65 in gas

Total out: $397.65

$2718.05 - $397.65 = $2320.40

That's the total of the stake and the excess gas money, if any. Not sure how much was allocated to expenses, so APD can figure that out.

It's a coin toss whether i'll wake up before the bank closes. If i dont, i'll get it into the bank first thing Monday morning.

Congrats, ILCD, and also to the stakers.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 07:24 AM
well done, I Love California Donkeys, well done.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 08:58 AM
Ez fold with 88 OTR

Seems like you played in a really soft game, which was to be expected
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 09:25 AM
Yea I think that 88 hand is pretty damn close....Folding may be better, i'm not sure, but saying its an easy call is kinda results oriented.

I think most of these live sd monkey donks are checking their low pps a lot otr. If they decide to button click good for them. It's a meh spot and folding isn't bad at all
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Ok, so y'all check my math, but here is what i've got:

$2172.05 shipped via paypal.
$40 from ticketmaster

SubTotal $2212.05

ILCD shipped $506 (way to go, buddy!)

Total: $2718.05

Paid out:

$253 to ILCD
$45 back to ticketmaster ( think i overpaid him about a buck).
$99.65 in gas

Total out: $397.65

$2718.05 - $397.65 = $2320.40

That's the total of the stake and the excess gas money, if any. Not sure how much was allocated to expenses, so APD can figure that out.

It's a coin toss whether i'll wake up before the bank closes. If i dont, i'll get it into the bank first thing Monday morning.

Congrats, ILCD, and also to the stakers.
I pm'd you. Monday is fine for the bank. Don't trip on rushing down there.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
The K9 on 992 board with aesha, I thought he hand an over pair. Pot was like 70 he bets 140 how can I raise I said to bart. He said calling was really strong there.
There wasn't an action you could have taken that looks weak. Aesha assured that with his overbet.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 10:13 AM
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 10:15 AM
88 hand: People random button click there so often after it checks to the river. They bet for all shorts of stupid reasons: "I can't win if I check", "I think my hand is good", "It checked twice.", etc. He definitely has the equity to call that river bet.

Last edited by DevinLake; 04-13-2013 at 10:29 AM.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 10:23 AM
I headed to bed with only one hour left, but there is only 1 1/2 hours of show in the archives wtf? I wanted to finish watching.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
There wasn't an action you could have taken that looks weak. Aesha assured that with his overbet.
Personally I would of raised that huge to make him feel *insert word here thats not insulting* for betting that much. Like devin said, you look strong no matter what. Might as well try to mess up his flow a little.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 11:02 AM
Who's next to be staked then?
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 11:04 AM
Good work ilcd your a rock!! You defo not the person posting about auto raising K10 utg in any ring game :-p
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 11:33 AM
grats to ILCD and thanks to M and Ace for getting it put together. Would be fun if we could stake someone else, but given the logistics, this was pretty insane to pull off.

Grats all!
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 11:38 AM
Mpethy - a debt of gratitude for your sacrifice - you took on the least fun part of the job to make this happen... missing the web cast and chat action and instead standing on location for 3 hours.

Chat was pretty entertaining... most of us acting like 8th graders in an AOL chat room back in the day... Skip leading the charge - lol "wrassle me Bart"
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 11:39 AM
Didn't watch, bro got married last night, but congrats!
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 11:41 AM
I think the next stake needs to cover Bart's fee to oil wrassle Skip
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 11:44 AM
Wish I could have seen the whole thing live only saw the hour an half on site...........MMOOAAAARRR!!!! This can't stop here, someone must be staked again maybe even ace or M, who's the biggest winner out of reputable regs on chat feed? Congrats again on the whole thing going smoothly.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by dreamchaser
Wish I could have seen the whole thing live only saw the hour an half on site...........MMOOAAAARRR!!!! This can't stop here, someone must be staked again maybe even ace or M, who's the biggest winner out of reputable regs on chat feed? Congrats again on the whole thing going smoothly.
They should have the rest up soon I assume. Haven't seen the archives before commentary included? I'd expect so, but man if you missed the chat then some of the references and corresponding chat blow up (esp. Skip getting panties in a bunch over not getting shout outs) will be lost.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 12:20 PM
The echo on this audio is super annoying. I understand they got entirely new software but I don't see why this would screw with the audio as well.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 12:27 PM
Well it did...
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by BiteMeFish
I think the next stake needs to cover Bart's fee to oil wrassle Skip
Zima drinking contest imo
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 12:30 PM
ILCD sorry to hear you busted the stake, unlucky.

Oh wtf he won???
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 01:03 PM
About 2/3 of the way through the show. My conclusions are:

1. Sujit is easily the target mark. It seriously looks like he is just clicking buttons.

2. JCW is just as bad as I was saying he was. But he runs white-hot and is aggro monkey so it's easily camouflaged. To anyone saying he plays successfully for a living - I would not take his word for it. Giraffes plz.

3. ILCD isn't terrible! Sure, on the surface, weak-tight sounds like an awful characterization. But seriously, if you just played a tight value range and always folded to lots of aggression, you would easily make a profit at these lower stakes. Screw anyone who criticizes weak-tight play. Impressive work, ILCD.

I would also like to know if your bad advice on these forums is you actively trolling people or if you just play better when the pressure is on.
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
04-13-2013 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by NeverScurred
Zima drinking contest imo
Or 4Loko...over/under on how many Bart can down before he gets alcohol poisoning?
**The LLSNL We Gon' Stake ILCD on LATB Thread** Quote
