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LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016

01-01-2016 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Good luck on both, esp #2!

Not sure if/when I'll play the pokerz again but good luck to all
Forgot someone.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-01-2016 , 04:03 PM
Be less of a dick to bad posters.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-01-2016 , 05:59 PM
First, you can't still believe in Chip Kelly.

I'm glad 15 is done. Had my worst downswing since I started keeping records. Fortunately, was able to hit a bit on my last night so ended the year up around $500.

1. As was the case last year, I want to double my BR this year. Again, this should be possible since it's not that big.

2. Get paid when I hit. I've had a bad habit of getting far too MUBSY, likely due to that bad downswing. I want to stop being a MUBSY bitch and start getting paid.

3. Post more hands. I've posted a few but I think I could do better by getting more input on where my thought process is causing me to bleed chips. I always run the numbers on questionable hands when I get home from the casino, but I should access the knowledge here more often.

4. Take one shot at PLO. It runs every so often at my casino and I've always been too chicken to play. I've never played it in a casino and I should just suck it up and play.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-01-2016 , 06:00 PM
Poker helped me accomplish some things I otherwise would not have been able to do financially this year. I'm thankful for that. Still, I had some definite poker and life leaks that need to be sewn up in 2016.

Life Goals:
Create a real system of balance between the truly important stuff in life (family time, self-betterment, relationships, community), work and poker.

Poker Goals: Gain better understanding of the math of poker. Commit to leaving a game if the situation calls for it. Better effort understanding the dynamics of the game I'm in and not trying to force things when the cards aren't coming.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-01-2016 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Be less of a dick to bad posters.
So much for THAT goal.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-01-2016 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
So much for THAT goal.
Huh? Haven't made one meant post yet.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-01-2016 , 10:50 PM
1) Drink less.
2) Troll less in chat thread.

Welp. Maybe 2017.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-02-2016 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by nicname
Poker Goals: Gain better understanding of the math of poker.
Mike Petriv's Hold Em's Odds Book. If you can find a copy. Not only does it give you the odds, but the math behind arriving at it.

Originally Posted by nicname
Commit to leaving a game if the situation calls for it. Better effort understanding the dynamics of the game I'm in and not trying to force things when the cards aren't coming.
Tommy Angelo's article - Reciprocality
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-02-2016 , 11:02 AM
2015: Made just over $20/hr on just over 320 hours.

The above I should be happy with, but for some stupid reason I'm not. Probably has something to do with 2015 goals to study more and be at $2-5 by end of year. Unfortunately, I can't mentally handle the swings at the higher games and don't play my 'A' game when stuck at $2-5.

2016 goals: poker: play 300 hours only when I feel like playing and play whatever limit I feel like playing.

Other: track other gambling in addition to poker.
Get licensed at work (most important goal for me! This will set me up for the rest of my life. Probably means about 700k over the course of my work life to get this).
Lose 30#. I lost 22# the last 2.5 months of 2015 on a weight loss bet and have another bet for the first 3.5 months of 2016. I will still be slightly overweight if I lose the 30#.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-02-2016 , 02:41 PM
1) Keep my kids alive
2) Kick azz @ work
3) Play some poker
4) Get back to tracking results of rare sessions to keep myself accountable
5) Have fun again @ this year's LLSNL meet up.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-02-2016 , 07:50 PM
1) Improve QQ+ play.

2) Improve river play.

3) Improve deep stack play.

4) Improve bluff running.

5) Control ego.

6) Quit poker after achieving #5.

Last edited by Hardball47; 01-02-2016 at 08:07 PM.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-02-2016 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
1) Drink less.
2) Troll less in chat thread.

Welp. Maybe 2017.
3) bink a royal flush

3/3 tyvm
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-03-2016 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt
Mike Petriv's Hold Em's Odds Book. If you can find a copy. Not only does it give you the odds, but the math behind arriving at it.

Tommy Angelo's article - Reciprocality

Also, about this.
Commit to leaving a game if the situation calls for it.

broke this one tonight and paid for it (through horrid play)
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-03-2016 , 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by zoltan
3) bink a royal flush

3/3 tyvm

LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 did you get paid?
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-03-2016 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 did you get paid?
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-03-2016 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by zoltan
3) bink a royal flush

3/3 tyvm

This is bad for my Apple stock
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-03-2016 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
This is bad for my Apple stock
Offset by my purchase of a new Shuffle yesterday.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-04-2016 , 04:03 PM
Lol shuffle.
Anyway, my goals for 2016:

1) 2NL winner at year's end online. Probably an easy goal, but I haven't played real online since BF. First deposit hitting Bovada soon.

2) Find a balance between work, life, and poker.

3) Develop a personal website. I quit painting and stuff for about 6 months because I was working too much. Recently got invited to participate in an event next winter with potential to be seen by legit collectors etc, so I need to be ready for that.

4) Read at least 1 book per month, non fiction/poker/self-improvement.

5) Improve overall health. I gave up soda, and with it fast food, as sort of a new year resolution. The gf and I have some goals related to attending a March wedding in Puerto Rico, so just working out how to focus on those things and stick with them.

6) Survive Senor Frog's 2016.

GL to everyone else in your pursuits!
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-04-2016 , 05:51 PM
Oh, and I'm committing to posting in at least one strat thread per day. I never really did that and I'm sure my thought processes need the work. Yikes.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-04-2016 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Good luck on both, esp #2!

Not sure if/when I'll play the pokerz again but good luck to all

Originally Posted by feel wrath
Good luck on the healthy baby Johnny. Nothing else matters

Edit (in comparison obv). Hope all goes well
Thanks guys
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-04-2016 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by BiteMeFish
Lol shuffle.
Off my lawn you little punk!
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-04-2016 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by BiteMeFish
6) Survive Senor Frog's 2016. Kill myself after realizing this is a bucket of AIDs

LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-04-2016 , 09:15 PM
So I ran at just under 10 big bets/hour in 2015 according to my poker tracker software, which is obv sick/unsustainable. Pretty sure crushing live just involves running good when taking shots at mid-high stakes PLO. Was thinking of switching to PLO full-time, but waiting for the nuts is bleh so prob going to play mix of 2/5+ Hold'em and 5/5/10+ Omaha.

Poker goals for 2016 are:

1. Play 1k+ hours.

2. Win at $50+/hour.

3. Take +EV shots at 5/10/20+ PLO, and if possible, transition to it full-time.

4. Avoid becoming poker degen.
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-04-2016 , 09:46 PM
Poker goals for 2016

1) Play at least 200 hours of 1/2 or 2/5 NL (prefer at least 50 hours of 2/5 but we will see how it goes)

2) Visit 5 new casinos / poker rooms and add a chip to my collection (real goal is to get to 50 total places)

3) Analyze my hands and poker journal from 2015 and identify leaks

4) Keep good records and keep writing in poker journal after each session including: (and analyze at 6 mo intervals)

Game selection- Did I pick the best game (stakes / game type / limit)? Did I actively look for better games (how often should you look)? Would I have been better passing on playing? (and for what reasons)

• Seat selection- Was I in a good seat? Why was it good or bad? Were there better spots at the table that I passed up?

• How did I do in big pots? Did I make any big mistakes? Did I make any mistakes more than once? Did I struggle with a certain player?

• Emotional State- I rate my mindset before, during, and after playing. How prepared was I? How focused was I during the session, and was I able to turn it off after it was over?

• Time/Length- When did I play and how did that correlate to my overall results. How long did I play? Did I quit too soon? More likely, did I quit too late?•
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
01-04-2016 , 10:29 PM
Poker/Lif Goals for 2016

1. Play 1800 hours at 1/2 and 1/3 combined(put in my 2 weeks today to go back to school)
2. Achieve Diamond status
3. Cash 5 live tournies
4. Play the Colossus
5. Read 10 books(haven't read a book in years)
6. Get somewhat healthy
LLSNL Goals Thread for 2016 Quote
