Originally Posted by ivantheterbl
What does he just strategically get up to go the bathroom, get food/drink, etc?
Very funny, I like this.
IMO here we are trying to minimize loss, not maximize profit. I glad you stated it that way as that was the first thing I thought of. I have found, at least for my style, that this is the best way to play against this type of villain. So I call here.
On turn, bet any card that misses you, a little less than pot size, say $150. I know it seems strange to call flop reraise and then bet out turn, but this is confusing to this type player and he will only reraise w/nuts or close to it. It looks like massive strength by you and shows you're not afraid of him. If you check here it shows too much weakness and he can force you out. You want pot control/minimize loss but also not give up control of the betting-a fine line to walk.