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live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk

04-27-2011 , 05:15 AM

Villain is a huge donk who doesn't like to fold pre much. He'll flat a 4.5x raise with 75o oop or anything of the like that relates to each other. He doesn't quite play 80% of his hands, but the 50% he does play, he doesn't like to fold preflop. He folds flop to cbet when he totally misses (i think).

Two HH with him:
effective stacks: villain has 500
btn has 1.2k
hero covers
hand history 1)
4 limpers (he limps in sb i make it 100 with 66 in the bb. btn (donk) calls and he calls
flop comes K42 chks around
turn comes a Q. sb leads for 50. i looked over at btn and he seemed interested in the hand so i folded. btn called
turn T. villain checks, btn fires 200, villain snaps. btn shows AJ for straight and villain cries, says he has 2 pairs, and mucks a T faceup.

hand history 2)
he limps HJ/MP. i make it 45 in HJ/CO with 88. folds back to him and flats. He only has ~210 left after calling.
flop comes AKx. i cbet 45 and he jams, i fold, he shows a K and said "oh i guess that's good"

hand history 3)
~250 effective
he raises OTB to 25. i flat sb with ATo
flop: A76ss. he cbets to 30, i cr to 75 he flats.
turn comes offsuit 8. he has 140 left so I jammed, he snaps with 96.
i scooped with 9 on the river.

Now on to the hands:
hand 1)
~500 effective
There was a $20 blind raise.
villain limps HJ. i make it 100 with A9dd in the CO. folds around to him and he calls.
flop comes K65hh. he checks, i fire 105, he calls.
turn offsuit 2. chk/chk
river offsuit K. he jams for 290. hero??
I don't see him betting many 6's or 5's or even 88/99. Seems pretty polarized to me and a bunch of stuff missed. That said, he could be bluffing with the best hand. Or he could also have Kx/set. thoughts?

Hand 2)
~500 effective
I make it 40 UTG with red AA. everyone folds, he flats from the bb.
flop comes K65ss. he checks, i bet 65, he calls.
turn offsuit 7. he checks, i bet 105, he calls
river Ts. he checks with 300 behind. check? jam?
I am not sure if he calls river with 78/86 type hands. He's probably calling a K. There aren't a whole lot of flushes in his range, and the fact that he didn't donk/shove can lead us to discount some of his flush range. He could, however, he could have like 8xs/9xs/4xs that decided to peel turn. I dunno.

hand 3)
~800 effective
he limps EP. i pop it to 45 AQhh, folds to him, and we're HU again to the flop.
flop: JJ3cc. he checks, i bet 50, he calls.
turn offsuit 4. chk/chk
river: offsuit 2. he donks for 200 with 500 behind. hero call? jam? fold?
Meh. He could bluff with better. he could have A5 and backdoor into a straight. he could have a set/Jx. or he can have overs or missed clubs.

hand 1 happened before hand 3. If you think you need results from hand 1 to make a decision on hand 3, here is the results for hand 1:
he was bluffing with A6

thanks for help =)
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
04-27-2011 , 06:03 AM
bet bigger turn in hand 2 ldo
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
04-28-2011 , 12:31 PM
some very questionable raises described ITT
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
04-28-2011 , 02:37 PM
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
04-28-2011 , 04:21 PM
1. is a fold. he is value betting light a lot when he doesn't even realize it
2. i bet 250
3. same feedback as #1, but this actually seems like trip js
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
04-29-2011 , 03:25 AM
I'd call 1, 2 is close but I'd bet 150 or jam i think, 3 I probably sigh fold.
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
04-29-2011 , 05:17 AM
1. I don't like your Cbet. You only fold out worse and this villain is gonna peel a ton and put you in gross river spots like this, and there's a decent chance you get to showdown for cheap if you check. That said I call river even though he's bluffing with a pair sometimes.
2. I check as he could easily be slowplaying and even though you have him beat most of the time I think the river is such a scare card that he doesn't call with worse often enough.
3. Fold. PSB usually=nuts in live poker & he could think any pair is worth a Vbet on this board
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:55 AM
1. Ship turn... Sounds spewy but he is folding better a lot for the rest of his baby stack and probably calling off his draws a decent amount too (because he is awesome). As played, call river- though I have a funny feeling people will say fold for some reason .

2. Bet more on the turn. As played, don't jam river imo. Instead, bet like 145 to widen his calling range and reduce self value ownage when beaten.

3. Fold- like the Hornets did last night when I had them .
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
04-29-2011 , 03:51 PM
shove turn in hand 1, as played fold
hand 2 say something like 'let's see if im good' and shove
hand 3 fold river and bet turn
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
04-29-2011 , 07:37 PM
Hand history #1- If you are going to raise it preflop from the BB with 66 after a field of limpers, including some who are likely to call the bet, I would never be checking that flop in that 3way pot with those 2 opponents. Never.

Hand history #2- Given stacks and this guys recklessness/propensity to call off light, I may actually check that flop. It just seems like this guy is going to find a reason to get his chips in and we don't have the hand to hero call on that flop. By taking a free card you maayyy even freeze him up on the turn if he translates your non c-bet as a trap.**

With that said, I understand a c-bet as being perfectly fine as well.

**The joy of playing against poor opponents is that you can simplify your play to their very limited thinking. One of the common traits for level one/poor thinking is the lack of adjustments made as it pertains to effective stacks (and sometimes they just disregard them completely). This includes over/underestimating FE, slowplaying when it isn't warranted/optimal, shoving/folding too light, etc..

Hand history #3- This guy has shown he is willing to mix it up/get it in light (jamming with 2nd pair, calling huge raises from the SB with Tx,etc..) I would be 3betting preflop and probably shoving most flops. The problem with flatting is that if you miss the flop you most likely have to c/f with these stacks (unless you plan on c/r'ng which can work on a handful of flops).

Hand 1- If I bet half pot on the flop it would be with the sole intention of shoving any turn that gets checked to me (with that turn being as optimal as they come). If I was only going to go one bullet then I would make my flop bet larger to garner the most FE I may have. Stacks are too short for you to give up initiative and then expect to be able to make good decisions/non guessing games later in the hand.

Hand 2- Not sure why you bet the turn so little. Doing so is inferior in every way to a bigger bet. As played, I'd probably bet ~$175 on the river hoping to get looked up by a pair, but your turn bet sizing makes it that much more difficult to extract the maximum on this hand.

Hand 3- Again, I'm not a fan of your flop bet sizing. This seems to be a pattern where you make arbitrary bet sizes, then turn passive and are lost later in the hand trying to decode a story that will never make sense (from your doing). Understand what your bet sizes mean (taking into consideration effective stacks) and what you are trying to accomplish moving forward.

Here you bet 1/2 pot on that flop only to check behind on the turn? Either follow through with a turn barrel (on another perfect card) or bet the flop bigger if FE is where your priority lies. What you keep doing is setting yourself up to make hero calls with hands that can't handle that role (at least well).

As played, I won't comment on what I'd do (as i didn't in the 1st hand either) because any advice offered on these hero calls would be better answered by you, who was there within the dynamic of the game with a much better feel. But again, maybe you should think about bet sizing and what story is being told by them so you can avoid/cut down on the amount of hero call situations you keep putting yourself in.
live 5/10 3 river decisions, same donk Quote
