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02-19-2015 , 03:20 PM
Looking for general input on the situation.

8 handed.

Hero(1100) straddles UTG for 10
(I have found this to be profitable at these stakes because it takes people out if their comfort zone and cuts their stacks sizes in half, in addition I will be able to take down the pot with a raise pre because table fails to adjust to 5/10 play)

MP1 limps
MP2 limps
CO limps
BTTN limps
Hero Raises to 50 (3h,6h)
MP1 folds
MP2 calls
CO folds
BTTN folds

Pot 130. Flop KsQh5s

Villain is a regular who I have played over a 100 hours. And would call pre with a pretty wide range. And is mostly fit or fold, but will float me 1 street because he likes to pick off cbets. Q9s+, Q10+, all pocket pairs. All suited connectors 45+. And I think no matter what he's floating me on flop if he does not connect. So I plan for 2 barreling.

Hero bets 65(195)
Villain flats (260)

Turn KsQh5s3d

Thoughts up to this point on the validity of betting. Will post more after responses.
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02-19-2015 , 03:24 PM
Effective stack is 1k
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02-19-2015 , 03:43 PM
I'm not thrilled with this play, especially if you are playing with regs who know you, but it can get you paid off when you have a big hand and sometimes when you hit a big hand.

This is strictly read dependent, and based on your read, it's fine. Fire away on turn. If he calls/raises I'm done with the hand unless he flats and I hit a 3 on the river (maybe a 6).
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02-19-2015 , 03:48 PM
Not a fan of your play here, personally. With 4 people calling the straddle I don't think it's going to be profitable to make this raise with junk like 63s, especially against villains who are described as being inclined to float flops and try to pick off cbets. It just seems like you're going to have be firing multiple barrels OOP with very little equity.
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02-19-2015 , 03:50 PM
I don't like any of it. True this reg might have a tendency to float flop Cbets but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a piece this time. This flop can easily hit a limp callers range and for all we know he is slow playing because he knows you like to raise your straddle with junk and he is planning to let you barrel off when he hits any decent piece. That's what I would do in his shoes.

Now we are out of position with very little info in a growing pot with bottom pair. Seems like we can find some better spots than this.

Now button straddling is something I could get behind but I'm assuming your room doesn't allow this if your straddling utg.
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02-19-2015 , 04:23 PM
if you're going to straddle and raise with any hand then $50 is too little given how much dead money is already on the table. Straddle raise pre cbet flop only works if you can iso it down. In a multiway pot this is c/fold flop as firing flop means you will have to commit to firing most turn if V calls flop.

Even worst, if V calls turn then what are you firing on river to get that marginal K or Q off to fold? Your only other option is c/f since C/C on river is never good.

Last edited by hoplo; 02-19-2015 at 04:31 PM.
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02-19-2015 , 04:31 PM
Ok all understandable responses. I posted that what I think his range is. I there are roughly 1000 combos there. I think a bet has a 50% fold equity. Folding out all of his range that does not have a spade draw, and middles pair or better.

As well I take all pockets pairs out of his range that connect with the board. He would not play AA in this manner. Or a flopped set. And he will also fold all pps that he was floating with now as well.

So I think a bet here is profitable.

Hero bets150( 410)
Villain calls (560)

Hero 750effective

River KsQx5s3x3s....

He never has a boat here. I'm sure of this. What is the most profitable play?
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02-19-2015 , 04:59 PM
Straddle UTG - bad
Raise this pre - bad
Raise size - probably needs to be bigger
Flop - gotta bet I guess. Sizing is small. A good reg should find this to be suspicious...
Turn- I guess you barrel if you're so confident in your read???

As played yippppppeeeeeeee! I would bet $485. Just shove if he'll think it's bluff and level himself.
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02-19-2015 , 05:19 PM

Last edited by mikko; 02-19-2015 at 05:28 PM.
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02-19-2015 , 05:22 PM
Ugh, worst card evah.

Depends on exactly how much of his range was spade draw OTT (50% maybe, you probably know it better). He paid too much for his draw, but not by much. Could you have reduced the percentages of spade draws OTT with a higher bet?

Unfortunately, given your description of V, I don't see how much worse calls here (maybe 2 pair? We aren't given quite enough to know what this V does OTR). I think against your average V, c/c allows some bluffs into his range OTR, whereas shoving folds out all but the flushes.

I think ya gotta c/c here.
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02-19-2015 , 05:38 PM
Just bet what you think he will call -- I assume you are not folding to a raise? $300 is probably about right.
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02-19-2015 , 05:39 PM
Don't like the play at all, not sure about straddle nor fancy ISO pre bets on straddle, however as played I'd bet about 320 on river and commit.
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02-20-2015 , 04:30 AM
bet the max you think he can call w/ Kx. Boards paired and you raised pre/fired 3 streets, he's never raising a flush, so I'd bet targeting his one pair hands.(2pair+ is always raising before river on this wet of a board)
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02-20-2015 , 11:10 AM
i dont like the raise pre. i think our hand is too weak and we can just take the free flop and hopefully flop big multiway. as played however, i think we can bet turn hoping to get some draws and maybe some queens to fold. if v calls us on the turn i am probably just checking river because we beat most draws and if he is calling the turn with a pair he likely isnt folding river.
Live 2/5 spot Quote
02-20-2015 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by beauvanlaanen
i dont like the raise pre. i think our hand is too weak and we can just take the free flop and hopefully flop big multiway. as played however, i think we can bet turn hoping to get some draws and maybe some queens to fold. if v calls us on the turn i am probably just checking river because we beat most draws and if he is calling the turn with a pair he likely isnt folding river.
And why wouldn't we value bet river if he doesn't fold a pair?
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02-20-2015 , 12:00 PM
I think you've misplayed every street so far.

1) If going to raise, way bigger needed pre
2) No credibility as the straddler.
3) Terrible board to continue on.
4) Villain never folding this turn.
Live 2/5 spot Quote
02-20-2015 , 04:31 PM
The history with V is so important here. Is Hero ever folding to a raise? If maybe, then the River bet has to be sized properly to discourage the raise or 'allow' for the fold. And that could quite be the same bet size.

If Hero has a history of c/r in various spots then he needs to bet out here, like 240 unless V can see it as a 'call me' bet .. from history .. or up to 310. I would prefer the 210-240 size since V is more likely to call with more losing hands.

History is so huge here ... what would V flat with here? flush draw/QQ/KQ? The broader the flatting range the more I am comfortable betting out here. Hero's bets have been fairly small to pot size so far .. so the flush may scare off all other value calling V holdings.

I am not much help to you here, but I probably c/c and risk losing value or c/f if I have the right read. GL
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02-20-2015 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by hkawastaken
And why wouldn't we value bet river if he doesn't fold a pair?
Hero has bottom pair...?
Live 2/5 spot Quote
02-20-2015 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by beauvanlaanen
Hero has bottom pair...?
Nope hero has trips 3's
Live 2/5 spot Quote
02-20-2015 , 08:48 PM
There is some pretty awful advice in here. Thank god poker is not dead.

Your raise pre is awful. This is a terrible hand to be isolating preflop out of position with. If you were on the btn or c/o then fine, but from the straddle? Just be glad u have a hand that flops well multi way and check.

The only thing worse than the raise is your sizing. $50 is not nearly enough when more than half the table limps. You shouldn't want more than one caller. Raise bigger (or like I said don't raise at all.) raising small with a hand that plays badly out of position is just compounding a mistake.

On the flop, if you know the guy floats a lot and is calling the flop wide but folding a lot of turns then you need to maximize your value and fold equity by betting bigger. I would bet 75-85 as played.

Turn is a bet since your equity went up and your read is that he folds a lot. Sizing is fine as played.

River is also a bet. There's a good chance he has a pair here and that river is a safe card for him. I would bet small like 250-350.

You do this because he probably isn't going to fold a King, he may not fold a Queen since draws missed, and he can also bluff missed draws occasionally.

You might get a bet out of him if he has a missed draw but you also risk him checking back a hand that he would call a bet with.

And whoever said to bet 485 on the river why??? That's so incredibly big I can't imagine we're ever getting called by worse enough to make that profitable. Bet an amount that gets you paid not so much that you're folding out all of your equity.
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02-21-2015 , 02:34 AM
Raising the straddle pre doesnt seem like a good idea, but if you decide to I think you have to make it more than 50. Im surprised you only got 1 caller. You say villain is fit or fold and then say he will float. Seems like a confusing read that will cause you to burn money and justify whatever it is you choose to do. The super small cbet otf doesnt seem to accomplish anything besides save you money if your "will fold to db" read is off. The only thing good about your sizing is that its so small it saves money when your bareling doesnt get folds. Im all for betting a PSBish bet or more otr. You say villain is fit or fold. He called the DB so I am assuming he isnt going anywhere.

Based on your reads are you just planning on double barreling no matter what the board texture is OP?

Last edited by 7weeks2days; 02-21-2015 at 02:40 AM.
Live 2/5 spot Quote
02-21-2015 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by CeJeH
You do this because he probably isn't going to fold a King, he may not fold a Queen since draws missed, and he can also bluff missed draws occasionally.
Spades completed...
Live 2/5 spot Quote
02-27-2015 , 06:38 AM
I agree that I did butcher this hand, but I saved myself on the river. So I decided in my head that a check was the best way to go. He has many more spade combos in his range than anything. So it's too thin to value bet.

If it goes check check I win.
It went check, and he bet 250.
He also has a flush here. 100% of the time. I check raised allin for a little over 500 more. He tank folded, called me a lucky bastard and flipped over 9,10 of spades.

Thanks for the advice guys
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02-27-2015 , 06:38 AM
Always has a flush**
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02-27-2015 , 06:52 AM
If you've known for raising your straddle often then checking here is probably better. If I do raise I would make it bigger.

On the flop I think bet/folding is better than check/calling but I think if our options (given reads) is either check/fold or double barrel I'd fold it on the flop. I would only want to fire one bullet here so if villain is sticky I wouldn't want to get involved.
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