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Live 2-5, 3-bet flop bluff against 2 opponents Live 2-5, 3-bet flop bluff against 2 opponents

10-18-2008 , 01:13 PM
Hey guys,

This is a very loose table. So combined with the title you probably think "wtf just nut peddle u losser lulz!" Anyway that's what I've been doing the past few months and lots of people have caught on.

Today it's 10-handed, $2/5, and the table is varied. There are some maniacs, some LAGs, two solid players, and a scared money who just moved up from 1/2 but who is okay. My image is tight and unimaginative (actually I am playing textbook LAG, but that is super-tight, relatively speaking, at this table)

Stack sizes are
Me: 830
UTG+2: ~1,000
HJ: ~900

I get K 4 on the button. UTG+2 (solid player but just moved up from 1/2) calls 5. Hijack (very straightforward player) raises to 30. I call 30. UTG+2 calls 25. Everyone else folds.

Flop: 5 5 J (Pot: 97)

UTG+2 checks, HJ bets 30. I call 30. UTG+2 raises to 80. HJ calls 50. I raise to 250 total.

The pot is 337 and it costs 170 to call. There is 550 effective stacks behind.

I'd like to know how good/bad this looks in isolation. I can provide additional information about the players afterwards. Just wondering if this play is fine on its own merits against straightforward people.
Live 2-5, 3-bet flop bluff against 2 opponents Quote
10-18-2008 , 02:23 PM
Preflop: Usually I would just pick a better hand to mix my play up here because even though your motives are most likely to bluff this pot regardless (unless it is really scary) I do not want to get caught with a hand that now has actual value where I lose sight of my plan. What I mean is that if you catch a Kxx flop you now may think you have the best hand and/or showdown value and thus play your hand differently from your original intentions. So, I would rather have T4o or something similarly bad like that instead.

Flop: The flop is just not a good one for you to continue with your plan. With your image it just makes it highly difficult for you to credibly represent a 5. This means you either have to be repping a J or an overpair to have any clout. An overpair seems far fetched given your call preflop and your unimaginative image and a naked J probably just doesn't take this line since it is a bluff/max value line and Jx does not fall into either one of these categories.

Having a J is credible (where a 5 is much less from you) for sure but no way is it believable that you call the HJs bet only to repop the UTG+2 who is playing on scared money. This means you have a house. There are no combinations of this that you could hold (in their view). JJ would be raised and J5 would not be played (according to their thinking).

This line is only credible when the flop texture allows for a wider range of holding that you may do this with. Your line represents ultra strength that isn't scarred about letting 2 opponents see a turn card. Very rare indeed. Usually you need a house, straight, or at the very least a set on a non threatening board. This just isn't the case here.

Also I want to mention that it is smart of you to want to target the scarred money but you need to recognize that when he c/r's 2 people on this board he don't seem so scarred. This should make you rethink your original attempt at exploiting him on this hand.

If you wanted to make a play on this board it should have been raising the HJ the first time around. He could be betting this flop with many hands and your raise seems much more in line now. Now the UTG+2 will have a much more difficult time (if not an impossible time for him) making a play on the both of you whether this be thin value raising or c/r bluffing given the squeeze dimension that exists.

The line is commendable but I just think you misapplied it and didn't think it all the way through. It seems contrived to the point of it being a knee jerk reaction without much thought. More like you got it in your head you were bluffing this pot from the beginning and didn't adapt to the ever changing environment. Being aware of changing dynamics, whether that be players showing surprising strength or the board falling poorly for your preconceived plan, is a key element in this game. Aborting your plan is a must when the situation dictated so...
Live 2-5, 3-bet flop bluff against 2 opponents Quote
10-18-2008 , 03:52 PM
you can't wait for like q7 sooted or something to mix up your play... doing it with k4 off just seems silly
Live 2-5, 3-bet flop bluff against 2 opponents Quote
