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Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam

02-02-2017 , 09:36 AM

2nd hand at the table after posting no reads on opponents, haven't seen anyone at the table before.

Hero: AcAd $298
Villain covers hero by $100+

UTG limps
Hero raises $16 to isolate
Button calls $13
Villain (BB) defends $13
UTG folds

Pot: $42
Flop: QcTc8s
Villain(BB) check
Hero bets $32
Button folds
Villain raises to $100
Hero calls(???)

My question is can I fold this flop with the bdfd or should I be folding to this raise because the majority of his value range crushes me and the best I'm up against is a combo draw. Hero will have less than a pot size bet left behind after I call

Pot: $ 242
Turn 2c
Board QcTc8s2c
Villain(BB) shoves all in for remainder of hero's stack
Hero ???

On the turn it's 166 to call for 408 so I'm getting 2 and a half to one on a call but no reads on the villain other than that he raised UTG in the only other hand I saw with 56o and c/r the flop with bottom pair and hit running quads. Do I call with the Ac in my hand?
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 11:46 AM
These spots are read dependent, but if you've never seen him before, give it to him.

I understand you've never seen him but what does he look like? Is he a middle aged guy with messy chips, or a young kid wearing a hoodie and shuffling chips like he's been playing for years?

Generally if you don't know he would semi bluff a draw or bluff you out of the pot, you should just fold.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 11:48 AM
no reads on the villain other than that he raised UTG in the only other hand I saw with 56o and c/r the flop with bottom pair and hit running quads. Do I call with the Ac in my hand?
Was a fold flop until this = easy calldown

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Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 12:09 PM
^ yup, that does equate to a read and with A, call but we probably don't need the flush.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 12:19 PM
I am trying to figure out what hands can he plays like that in general:
1) Better hands QQ, TT, 88, J9
I don't think that hands like QT or T8 reraise on this flop
2) Draws KcJc, Kc9c, Jc8c
Really I don't see many draw hands here which can play like that, and you have Ac.
3) Worse hands KK...
I don't think hands like AQ,KQ reraise here
So our AA vs this range has only 36%.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 12:39 PM
Readless 100bbs deep, I would probably limp to limp/reraise. We have no idea how loose the table is playing (so no clue on what our preflop sizing has to be to narrow the field, plus still in the dark due to being OOP), and no idea how difficult vs ABC the players are (which will make postflop tricky OOP in a most likely awkward SPR spot). If we limp and in limps around, whatever, we play one pair in a very high SPR pot (not too much can go wrong); if someone raises, we get to 3bet and setup a trivial SPR pot to stack off to.

The result ain't bad, but it ain't great either. We narrowed the field to 3ways (surprised this didn't go four ways with UTG folding closing the action), and yet we're OOP to one player, plus we only put in 5% of our stack and yet we are now in an SPR 5.5 pot (where it will be trivial for someone to make us play for stacks). And we're readless.

And now here's a drawy board in a big pot and of course we're betting to protect our hand (if it's best) against draws, and yet by betting the flop/turn we'll easily be committed by the river (heck, you could even argue if we feel committed that we should be overbetting the flop to jam the turn), and now we're facing a raise against an unknown which is basically putting our stack in play *right now*. All for 5% of our stack preflop.

I'd probably just fold to the raise and move on. But my best guess here is that whatever we do (fold, call, jam) just sucks. Which is why I do something different preflop (especially until I have a handle on what is going on at this table).

As played, I'd call the turn shove because most of our spade outs are probably good, there's a chance we're ahead, an A is most likely good, and there's also a decent chance we have some counterfeiting outs.

Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 01:54 PM
Once you call the flop you have to call the turn -- at least I would.

Readless, I'd probably just fold the flop. However, I agree w/ Playbig2000 that even a physical description would help. If he's just an average Joe, fold flop.

Wait, the 56 hand makes this a raise on the flop or a call flop never fold. (More dynamics of the 56 hand would be great, but in a nutshell, don't fold.)
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Wait, the 56 hand makes this a raise on the flop
still wouldn't want him folding bottom or second pair though
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 02:58 PM
Against a complete unknown, I'd fold the flop. You're either flipping or crushed. I think you played it fine based on his hh. Call.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 02:59 PM
Yeah this was an easy fold until the info about V at the end. Now it's a super easy flat intending to get stacks in ott.

In general, we can't be flatting the flop c/r if we intend to fold to a very likely turn shove, and AA is not doing well against a typical LLSNL V's c/r range.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
still wouldn't want him folding bottom or second pair though
i probably ship the flop to protect against any draws villain has picked up. Also I am thinking if he has a made hand like 2nd pair, we lose our action if a club comes on the turn.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 03:41 PM
Globally speaking, once a player raises the flop at these stakes and stacks, he is following through with his entire range as the aggressor.

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Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 04:44 PM
I don't see how you could fold the flop if the only hand you saw him play he check raised the flop, just like has against you, with bottom pair. If you hadn't seen that then I would agree with others that have said it is best to fold and move on in this spot until you know more.

How we continue is pretty tricky though I think. If we raise we run out basically all the hands we are way ahead against (I know that should be almost 0 hands but considering how V played the 56 this may not be the case) and only keep big combo draws and hands having us either beat or crushed. If we just call though I feel we would then have to check the turn intending on calling but we run the risk of him checking back and letting him get to the river without putting any more money in. I feel like once he becomes the aggressor on that flop the chances of him putting on the brakes on the turn is pretty low though.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 05:34 PM
If he can open UTG w/ 65 and check/raise bottom pair, then you can't go folding AA on this flop, not to mention he would probably re-raise QQ or TT preflop if he's so aggressive. So we're basically up against two pair, straight (discounted), straight draws, flush draws, combo draws, top pairs, and random cheese; that's a lot that we're ahead of. If we call the pot will 242 and we'll have 282 back, I'd rather just get value now and shove, which also prevents us from getting bluffed out and/or guessing on bad turn cards.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-02-2017 , 05:45 PM
Kinda wanna shove flop with this hand if I just sat down.

I'm in the minority in that I put zero stock in the 56o witnessed prior, but if I did then I'd immediately jam flop.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-03-2017 , 01:54 PM
I honestly don't know how much stock to put in the 56o hand. In real time I'd have a hard time pitching AA here after witnessing it. I think in the long run folding is better because calling flop is committing basically our whole stack since as someone else has already said villain is continuing if we call. Too many hands we lose to and the hands we are ahead are probably some combo FD + SD. The raise is a decent size too, 3x.

As played, called flop we need to call turn. Nut worst choice is to call flop and fold turn after getting NFD which could let us suck out against 2 pair+ hand.
Live 1/3 Facing Turn Jam Quote
02-03-2017 , 03:39 PM
Re: the 56o hand, when we see a V play one hand in which he raises UTG with 56o and c/r's the flop with bottom pair, the takeaway is not that he c/r's flops with bottom pair. (Because who knows why he chose to do it that time?) It's that he's probably an aggrotard who's capable of spewing. It just means there's no way we can assign him a tight enough range to fold here. Or, put another way, this does not compute:
he raised UTG in the only other hand I saw with 56o and c/r the flop with bottom pair
the best I'm up against is a combo draw.
We're 52% against this arbitrary range: {QQ-88,AQs-AJs,KJs,QTs+,J9s+,T8s+,97s,Kc9c,Jc8c,9c8c,Kc7c,8c7 c,Kc6c,7c6c,Kc5c,6c5c,Kc4c,5c4c,4c3c,AJo,KJo,QTo,J 9o,T8o,97o}, which omits a lot of 1-pair combos & naked flush combos. Folding would be absolutely nuts.
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