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Line check with AJ in position. Line check with AJ in position.

03-31-2015 , 12:12 PM
Hero has about $600 in front of him
Villain is a wild card and has about $500 in front of him. Villain likes to play too many hands - and seems to attack weakness. Also calls too light

Table is 1/2 but playing super deep. Every one has at least $500 in front of them and some villains are getting out of line and making ridiculous pre flop raises.

Hero has AJdd on the BTN. a few limpers and hero raises to $15.

Only villain calls.

Pot is around $35
AQT rainbow flop with 1 diamond.

Villain checks. Hero decides to just check behind - I like checking here as I don't want to get check raised this deep - and I think villain will call future bets or bet out himself as a check here looks pretty weak.

Turn is a 7

Pretty good turn card - villain checks - hero bets $25 and villain calls.

River is a 9 giving me pretty much the nuts. Only a straight flush beats me.

Pot is $85

Villain donks out $75 pretty fast.

Hero jams

Villain tank folds.

I think if I raise small or jam it will all look extremely strong. I think if I just raise $100 more he may call with 2 pair just to look me up, but I like jamming just incase he has a flush.
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 12:16 PM
jam is fine... makes villain put you on air or the nuts. could look bluffy, especially if the table has been a bit wild. kind of depends on your image too. i guess you could raise to $200-$250 but that screams value and looks less like a bluff, imo.
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 12:26 PM
Pre-flop looks good.

I could go either way on the flop. What position did V limp-call from pre-flop?

Turn looks good as played.

I'd just put in a normal sized raise on the river. The odds of two runner-runner flushes coming in are pretty long. Given that V "calls to light", I'd expect him to call a $200 raise very often. Shoving is just such overkill and I wouldn't expect it to get called very often.
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 12:37 PM
Note: I'll assume "a few limpers" means two limpers. What position is the V? I'll assume he was an EP limper.


F (35): Heads up. SPR is 14. So we've got TPGK, gutshot, and a backdoor FD, but we don't want to go broke with it. As this V "calls too light", my plan would be to keep the pot relatively small and go for three streets of value. Although, it would be nice if we knew something about his limp/call range in early position; does it include any two paint? I'd bet $15.

Well, as played we check. I guess your plan is fine as this V will bet if he senses weakness, but will he do this OOP?

T (35): If the plan, was for him to sense weakness and bet for us, I think we should just continue with the plan and check. If we are scared about the c/r on the flop, wouldn't this be a spot where he sense weakness on the flop and go for a c/r here on the turn? As played, we bet $25.

R (85): So V basically donks pot. I think jamming here is way too much given how deep we are playing and the pot size. I like a raise of about 2.5x to get him to call with his smaller flushes or two pair. We are shoving $460 into a pot of $160, so he's getting ((85+75+460):385) or 1.6:1
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 12:37 PM
Pre: might be able to be bigger depending on # limpers, but YMMV

Flop: like jesse, i could go either way too. don't hate checking but would rather bet small

Turn: standard

River: i think jamming is good. raising anything else, imo, screams flush. i'd tank shove though. depending on the V i might flash the A
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 12:50 PM
When dealing with these types of V I try to play the Rivers pretty ABCish. Look, they still know poker and yes, a shove on this River is polarizing. But calling light and calling stupid are 2 different things for players who put in hours, regardless of style.

I like the check behind on the Flop, hopefully it puts us on smaller pp or whiffed connectors and may lead to V leading Turn so further hide our holding.

Turn is a must bet with the picked up flush draw and 2nd 'no bet' from V.

For the River I would hollywood a bit, not too long, and then raise a more reasonable amount. Treat these spots like AA PF where you want to give the opponent a hint that you may fold out to another bet. I forget what stacks are here, but making it another $110 on top probably gets a larger portion of his range to call than the few times he will spew out his stack in this spot to a jam. If stacks are still big enough, he may even shove over the top to get you off your 'tank-weak-looking' raise. I think that happens more than calling the straight up jam. GL
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 01:48 PM
ya we had like 2 limpers. I figured he was betting out with 2 pair and not sure how to get more from him.

Later on in the session his move seemed to be donk out pretty big and fold to a raise. He did it vs another guy on the flop of K45.

He donked out like $50 into a pot of like $40 and another guy over shoved $500 with 63 and the player that donked out $50 folded.

Than the guy showed the 63 and racked up. It was pretty funny as I don't see people semi bluffing 250bb that often.
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 03:48 PM
Almost impossible for him to have flush draw here. Unless it's 6 high...or k8.

I would have targeted the rest of his range and raised to $200ish.

Otherwise well played.
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by mikko
Almost impossible for him to have flush draw here. Unless it's 6 high...or k8.
we don't know if the Q or the T is the but why not KQ or KT? obv depending on which is the
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
we don't know if the Q or the T is the Line check with AJ in position.: but why not KQ or KT? obv depending on which is the Line check with AJ in position.:
Yes, it's possible. Very unlikely

You want to target 1 hand. Or a large range?
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 04:59 PM
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by mikko
Yes, it's possible. Very unlikely

You want to target 1 hand. Or a large range?
Obv a range, just pointing out that hand would be a relevant option since you said his only FDs were 6high and K8
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:06 PM
Villains image of us is very important on the river. If he thinks we're a nit, a shove is awful. If he's seen us bluff big before, a shove is great. If he has no image of us or is a level 0 thinker, our ideal sizing is something around pot, say $250.
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
03-31-2015 , 11:20 PM
There's ~$160 in the pot after V's bet. If his 'tank' after you shoved wasn't just a 'hollywood' you put a match to at least $75.00.
If he'll call $75.00 100% of the time [getting 2:1+ on his money], you need him to call $250.00 30% of the time to break even.
If I can get $100 out of him, that's 1/6th of my starting stack to go along with the $115 he already put in, increasing my stack by ~1/3rd.
I'll take it.

Last edited by ZuneIt; 03-31-2015 at 11:27 PM.
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
04-01-2015 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt
There's ~$160 in the pot after V's bet. If his 'tank' after you shoved wasn't just a 'hollywood' you put a match to at least $75.00.
If he'll call $75.00 100% of the time [getting 2:1+ on his money], you need him to call $250.00 30% of the time to break even.
If I can get $100 out of him, that's 1/6th of my starting stack to go along with the $115 he already put in, increasing my stack by ~1/3rd.
I'll take it.
To be clear: I'm not betting $100 based on the fact that if he calls I'll increase my stack by a 1/3rd & "that's good enough for me."
I'm betting $100 'cause that's about all I think I can get out of him.

If I think he'll call $100 100% of the time & $150 70% of the time, I'm not making much more long-term by betting $150 & I don't know how accurate my '70% assessment' is.
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
04-01-2015 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by GrinningBuddha
Villains image of us is very important on the river. If he thinks we're a nit, a shove is awful. If he's seen us bluff big before, a shove is great. If he has no image of us or is a level 0 thinker, our ideal sizing is something around pot, say $250.
ya this is probably true.

He hasn't seen me to be that outta line. I think if I raise $200 he doesn't call any ways but I still think it could be better than a shove.
Line check with AJ in position. Quote
