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Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Idiot Full House Facing River Shove

08-08-2013 , 03:37 PM
1/2 NL

Most players are weak tight or loose passive so I start opening up my range very wide in late position.

Hero image is Loose Aggressive. Villain is loose/weak call station.

Hero has about 450; Villain is just short of 300.

We are 7 handed. Two limpers in front of me included Villain, I raise to 11 in cutoff with J8o. Button calls, blinds fold, both limpers call.

Pot is 47.

Flop comes 9c8c8s.

Check, check to me, I c-bet 28. Button folds, limper #1, Villain calls.

Pot is 103.

Turn is 10d. Villain checks, I bet 71.

Villain seems hesitant, but calls the 71.

Pot is 244.

River 10h. Villain instaships for 146.


Last edited by PokerDharma; 08-08-2013 at 03:44 PM.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-08-2013 , 03:50 PM
based on how you described villan, e.g., loose/weak calling station then do you think he is ever bluffing?

you need $146 to win $$390 so you can't call - he is bluffing here once in a blue moon based on what you said.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-08-2013 , 05:20 PM
yuck, I'm calling most of the time because he's priced into shoving with many hands that you have beat. This type could think his AQ chops with your AK so he's shoving in hopes you give up the chop. gotta call.

But yeah, he has the 10 lots of times too. Maybe I show him the 8 and see if he gives you anything. Yuck.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-08-2013 , 05:20 PM
I guess no one disagrees with you. Lol.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-08-2013 , 05:51 PM
cmon I don't think a station has AK-AQ ever when they BET instead of CALL. That's just wishful thinking. Loose stations just sigh call, they don't say eff it and shove with the bottom of their range.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-08-2013 , 05:52 PM
This is a fold. plenty legit ts in his range.

Preflop is total spew IMO, against any field.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-08-2013 , 06:00 PM
His range is mostly Tx when he leads
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-08-2013 , 07:54 PM
This line looks a lot like Ac10c calling your cbet with a FD, even if he had QJ I don't think he would jam the river with a double paired board like that with a str8.

He doesn't sound like the type of player that would jam a missed FD on the river that fast, and he would want to probably check/call any 8.

On paper it looks like your smoked, but I know most average recreational players will never lay that hand down (but we got here by raising with trash preflop to begin with)
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-09-2013 , 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by PokerDharma
1/2 NL

Most players are weak tight or loose passive so I start opening up my range very wide in late position.

Hero image is Loose Aggressive. Villain is loose/weak call station.

Hero has about 450; Villain is just short of 300.

We are 7 handed. Two limpers in front of me included Villain, I raise to 11 in cutoff with J8o. Button calls, blinds fold, both limpers call.
Fold this awful hand preflop.

Pot is 47.

Flop comes 9c8c8s.

Check, check to me, I c-bet 28. Button folds, limper #1, Villain calls.
Ok, we hit gin. Betting is good. Sizing is OK I guess. I'd probably go $30-35.

Pot is 103.

Turn is 10d. Villain checks, I bet 71.

Villain seems hesitant, but calls the 71.
Why the screwball numbers? Just bet $70 like a normal person.

Sizing is fine. When he calls I'm thinking he might have a bad 8 and be scared of the straight. Also might be an SD or FD or combo draw.

If he's prone to acting he might be pulling the "act weak but really strong" Caro tell ... would need to watch him do it.

Pot is 244.

River 10h. Villain instaships for 146.

Ugh. V could easily have an 8 here. It's consistent with the whole hand. But so is a T with another draw. QTcc, JT, T7,etc.

Throws up a little and wishes he had bet a little more on previous streets.
Calls and expects to lose about half the time.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-09-2013 , 12:24 AM
I think your behind about 60% of the time here. Based upon what is in there and the bet pending, I would call.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-09-2013 , 12:35 AM
I don't mind raising with J8o at a table of limp-call-check-fold type players. At a table of better players you're probably losing money but I don't think it's a big mistake either way. I definitely don't think that it's as clear-cut as others make it out to be. Your image also has a lot to do with it. If you consistently raise once or twice every orbit from late position, you're going to have villains show up with a lot weaker hands. If you've been more solid than your raise may get more respect but generally strong hands don't raise to $11 with 2 limpers. You're not projecting a lot of strength.

I don't like the half pot size bet on a super wet board. $35-$40.

I think sizing on the turn is OK.

As played, the river is a fold. If you had bet more on the flop you are probably priced in but expect to lose more often than not.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
08-09-2013 , 10:21 AM
Thanks for the comments. In looking back, I agree on flop bet sizing. 35ish would be better.

The 11 PF raise fit the table IMO. Most players were raising to 6. I was generally raising 8-12 with my entire range, which at this point I opened up grossly wide. Had I been at a table of tougher, more competent players, then yeah I'm folding that hand PF.
Idiot Full House Facing River Shove Quote
