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I have some concerns with transitioning to live play I have some concerns with transitioning to live play

05-30-2012 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise_
good advice but, what do you mean that there aren't any live tells, I've always read that most of your opponents at live play don't know how to look for certain things and you're really going to be the only one at the table who's able to decipher basic tells?

although i completely understand that you can't read donkeys if that's what you mean
I'm saying don't concern yourself with things like
-oh he's blinking a lot, he's bluffing.
-his hands are shaking he has a monster/bluffing
-he is breathing heavy he has a monster/bluffing
-He's staring directly at me, he's showing strength/weakness

What you should be concerned with
-Player A psb when he had TPGK but he 1/2 psb when he had TPMK
-Player C cbets small when he whiffs and big when he connects
-Player B called with middle pair when Player A cbet small
-Player A bombs river with bluffs and Value bets small with made hands
-Player B folds to big bets otr but will call small ones
-etc etc you get the idea
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:56 AM
The important live tells are that when sOmeone sighs they have the nuts. When people start talking loads when betting and try and talk you into a call they always have it.

Try and play in a room which plays deep. Most of your winnings will come from really bad players deciding top pair mid kicker is good for 250bb
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by madlondoner
The important live tells are that when sOmeone sighs they have the nuts. When people start talking loads when betting and try and talk you into a call they always have it.

Try and play in a room which plays deep. Most of your winnings will come from really bad players deciding top pair mid kicker is good for 250bb
Again, not always the case. I've seen quite a few players that are the opposite actually. Quiet when they have the nuts, and try to get you wiled up talking when they're bluffing.
This is why I try to steer away from any "tells" other than betting tells.
Ofc when a nit/oldman/reg/rock sighs and gives speech then bets/raises he's got nuts, but we should know that already because he is nit/old/reg/rock
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by LolPony
There really are no "live tells" so don't try to do any soul reading. Pay attention to villain bet sizing, it's what gives away the most information.
This I don't 100% agree with. Live tells do happen, are worth looking for, and are nice when you see one. It is not the be-all and end-all of live poker, and a line on the vil's play is definitely more important. But tells are worth keeping an eye peeled for. You might not always find one, and they may not always be exploitable, but you won't see if you don't look.

I would also add beware of the ostentatious tell. It's likely a fake and is liable to be reversed on you.
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise_
I'm 20 and I've been playing online since 2007 and until BF I was a profitable player, since BF I've only played a little bit on merge and that's about it

I turn 21 in January and then I plan on going to the new casino in Cleveland, OH to play 1/2 nlhe and since I've really only played online (sit&gos and mtts primarily) I'm wondering how I'll do playing live for literally the first time ever in a proper B&M setting

I've been thinking that I should just get the rhythm of live play 1st by playing safe abc poker, I'll want to focus at getting used to the basics like learning how & how much to tip, how to handle a chip-stack, table etiquette, making sure I don't unintentionally angle, slowroll or string bet, etc.....

I have 3 big concerns that I'd love some help on:

1) In addition to that I've read a lot on 1/2 in the strategy forums and I get the idea that since there are so many reckless people who are consistently loose & stupid that the only thing that makes since is to just be conservative until you're in a really good spot (basically abc poker being the best style for 1/2), is this how you should pretty much always play 1/2?

2) I'm afraid of the idea of walking into the poker room and sitting down and immediately being glared at by 8 other faces of people who are all above their 30's, with them giving me a hassle for being young if even only in a joking manner so, am i exaggerating with this?

3) My goal is simple really, I'm not trying to go pro within the next 2 years, so I'm not focused on moving up, more so I'll be focused on forming a good BR in 2013 and maybe play in a circuit/the actual wsop

I have no living expenses at all for the next two years (I'm a student and the next two years are being payed in full by the military so, any profit I make can stay in my BR and transportation is no big deal since I'm very close to Cleveland
anyway... how many buy ins should I have with me when I first play?

Thank You for reading, I tried to keep this as short as possible, any responses would be very much appreciated
Don't know if you ever played online cash but pretty much $5NL = 1/2 & 2/3 and $10NL = 2/5. I honestly don't understand how some online players have difficulty with live cash games. Heck, even someone who was beating $100NL could probably hold their own in 5/10. And yes, ABC wins most of the money in the lower limits.
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
05-30-2012 , 07:33 PM
At 1/2, play tight and win.

It's amazing how you can showdown KK UTG and on the very next orbit get 5 callers when you raise it up again with a premo hand.

Just amazing.
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
05-31-2012 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by bigmuff
Don't know if you ever played online cash but pretty much $5NL = 1/2 & 2/3 and $10NL = 2/5. I honestly don't understand how some online players have difficulty with live cash games. Heck, even someone who was beating $100NL could probably hold their own in 5/10. And yes, ABC wins most of the money in the lower limits.
as somebody who is just making the transition to live, I think its mostly patience. I always 4 tabled and played up to 100NL, just starting 1/2 live now. At first the money was a bit intimidating because of the limits I had played at, but the pace is what killed me. Took me a good session or two to really adjust to that.

the money difference is still a bit intimidating, tbh. I'll have to take some shots at 2/5 to get a feel for it but I'll have to get over the stakes first. The game certainly isn't difficult at low limits from what I've seen though. I had to think more about my game at 25nl online than I do at 1/2 live so far.
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
05-31-2012 , 03:24 AM
I dont think people at the table are particularly friendly. not necessarily unfriendly either.

If I were you, for at least the first few sessions,

The more you pay attention, the more you learn, and the more you learn the more comfortable you get, and the more comfortable you get, the more hands you can play and the more often you can talk.

I got hassled a little my first time at the table, I just kinda smiled and said something short in response like "yeah..." to indicate I have no interest in what they were saying.
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
05-31-2012 , 05:24 AM
try to be friendly and chop it up with the people

some of the people there are actually pretty nice and if you get on their good side theyll

want to soft play you so you like them more and etc

but if you come out looking like the silent killer your just going to get no respect at the table as theyll think your one of those internet kids
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
05-31-2012 , 10:29 AM
I suggest from ep/mp limping AA then shoving to a raise. That alone always makes you the table captain.
I have some concerns with transitioning to live play Quote
