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huge preflop raises in 1/2 lead to weird turn spot huge preflop raises in 1/2 lead to weird turn spot

06-05-2019 , 09:46 AM
fairly new to live poker

2 limpers to me and I make it $15 with AQo. BTN calls and both limpers call.

Flop is Q42 with a flush draw that I don't have. I bet $35 and the BTN calls. Should I be betting $45-50?
Pot is $130.

Turn is an offsuit 2. Q422. I have about $160 effective with the button.

Do I shove?
Bet $50 and then $110 on clean rivers?
C/R all in?

I chose one of those 3.
huge preflop raises in 1/2 lead to weird turn spot Quote
06-05-2019 , 09:58 AM
Do you have a card in your hand that blocks the flush draw?

Flop is fine.

Turn I keep betting like 1/2 pot. Occasionally mixing in a check.
huge preflop raises in 1/2 lead to weird turn spot Quote
06-05-2019 , 10:19 AM
If you don't have a blocker to the flush, I bet a bit bigger OTF, like 40-50, but if you do, 35 is fine.

I rarely bet less than half pot. Not leaving much behind for the river is no big deal, unless we are planning to fold on a flush card. Do not c/r, as a free card would be teh suck here. Get value out of their draw-heavy ranges. A flush card will kill your hand or your action.
huge preflop raises in 1/2 lead to weird turn spot Quote
06-05-2019 , 10:35 AM
I think the main argument for betting $45 instead of $35 on the flop is that you'd then be $150 effective with exactly $150 in the middle, making a shove a perfect size.

It's tough in-game to size for future streets this perfectly (unless you're the effective stack, in which case you should know how many chips you're playing and be able to do this pretty well), but you can generally ballpark as to whether you're trying to play a 2- or 3-street hand. Basically for the SPR you ended up with (about 3:1) I'm usually trying to play two streets.

I think $50 on the turn is no good, V with the flush draw nearly ends up with immediate odds and you put yourself in a terrible spot if the flush comes in on the river. Figure out a number that at least prevents the flush draw from ever playing +EV against you, so I think somewhere around $80 does that. It's up to you whether you'd rather go 80/80 or just ship it here, I think you'll probably get looked up by KQ/QJ either way, so I think I might just ship it.
huge preflop raises in 1/2 lead to weird turn spot Quote
06-05-2019 , 10:47 AM
I go bigger on the flop to charge the draws and set up a turn shove.

As played, I bet a bit more than half pot, prepared to gii on all non-flush (except Q/2) rivers and evaluate flush rivers.
huge preflop raises in 1/2 lead to weird turn spot Quote
06-05-2019 , 05:23 PM
X/jam is not my favorite line 4-ways, i’d like it HU since turn betting range would be a lot wider if we check here. His draws just want to realize equity for free and he’s much less likely to stab with 33/JJ for protection than if we were HU.

That being said i would have sized up flop and ship turn

Ap i think it’s ok to half pot and evaluate rivers or just overbet jam. Think overbet jam is probably better though, and especially if he’s somewhat stationey
huge preflop raises in 1/2 lead to weird turn spot Quote
