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How much is the average fish/****ty reg losing a week? How much is the average fish/****ty reg losing a week?

12-31-2012 , 01:10 AM
There's certain fish/regs I see in the casino 20-30 hours a week and it's hard for me to remember seeing them more than 2/3 times a month getting up from the poker table with a nice full rack of chips....

Do you think some of these guys that play 1/2 are losing 1k-4k a month at it?

Do you think they care at all about the $$$ they lose or do you think they probably used to lose more at blackjack?

Trying to understand the mind of the fish/****ty reg more...

Getting really upset lately at the amount of people using sophisticated poker terms at the tables as well.

There's a douche at MGM casino in Detroit that always goes color commentary after every hand and he taps on the glass so hard.

Never really tried to think of what the average fish or ****ty reg is losing a month until now...
12-31-2012 , 01:31 AM
The most I saw someone drop at a 1/2 Table in a night is about $1.5k. At 2/5 I saw a guy drop 5k pretty fast. He was playing nearly ever hand.

I also know this one HUGE fishy regular at Parx Casino. He always wears WSOP poker hats, has poker rings, sunglasses etc. But jesus christ does he know NOTHING about poker. Every time I play with him; he drops atleast like $300 and I have played with him like 15 times.

The average tight/passive fish probably loses about $800 a month at 1/2. A REALLY wild fish could lose upwards of 3k a month at 1/2. They don't care; they just want their fix.
12-31-2012 , 01:47 AM
I've been noticing more and more people do minimum $100 buy ins at the $1/$2 tables and minimum $200 buy ins at the $2/$5 tables.

If I was losing that much a month and half the time I was there people were making fun of me... I'd probably just go back to blowing it on blackjack.
12-31-2012 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by LotGrinder
I've been noticing more and more people do minimum $100 buy ins at the $1/$2 tables and minimum $200 buy ins at the $2/$5 tables.

If I was losing that much a month and half the time I was there people were making fun of me... I'd probably just go back to blowing it on blackjack.
I would NEVER make fun of a fish. I would do the opposite, be very friendly with them. The only people who make fun of fish, are fish themselves.
12-31-2012 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by i4betfold
I would NEVER make fun of a fish. I would do the opposite, be very friendly with them. The only people who make fun of fish, are fish themselves.
Yup. For sure. I think it's important to actually reinforce their bad play and say things like "I am never folding there" or "You had to call there, that idiot has been bluffing all day."


We all know the drill.

Anyway, was talking to a guy today that told me there's certain regs that are dropping 3-4k a month at 1/2.. and I was like WTF... but as I think about it now. I'll set with same guy 20 times in a month and like only 2-3 times out of that will he even leave with chips..

Never really stopped to think about what their weekly or hourly loss rates are..
12-31-2012 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by LotGrinder
Yup. For sure. I think it's important to actually reinforce their bad play and say things like "I am never folding there" or "You had to call there, that idiot has been bluffing all day."


We all know the drill.

Anyway, was talking to a guy today that told me there's certain regs that are dropping 3-4k a month at 1/2.. and I was like WTF... but as I think about it now. I'll set with same guy 20 times in a month and like only 2-3 times out of that will he even leave with chips..

Never really stopped to think about what their weekly or hourly loss rates are..
The thing that differentiates us from the general population is that we are "thinkers". We determine our moves in +EV/-EV calculations. The average person does not do this. My ex gf loved to play blackjack, but when I tried to sit her down and explain to her how it's impossible to "beat" blackjack, she snapped at me. You couldn't get me to play blackjack, craps, roulette ever because there just isn't any point in doing so. The people who lose all that money usually don't even keep track of their losses, and sometimes I actually feel bad taking money from the guy who looks like he worked $8/hr so he could buy-in for like $86. Most poker players.. are degenerates.

Also, sometimes I wonder where the **** someone who seems very incompetent at poker, and in general.. gets money to play. lol
12-31-2012 , 02:38 AM
I try not to talk to the fish/regs about anything other than poker, sports, or what's on the TV in front of us...

I've found that talking to them about their job, family, friends, life is -EV for me.

There was the nicest kid in the world the other day at $1/$2, looked to be 24-25 years old, and he got in an argument with a fish. The fish says "how much money you make at your job" or something along those lines..

The kid, to my complete shock, says... "$11.00 a hour. I am a line cook at a Coney Island. I work sixty hours a week for what I have and I come to the casino once a week for enjoyment. I am sorry if I don't play the right way."

Wanted to find the kid a job at an auto dealership right then/there just for his pride, honesty, and the fact that he busts his ass 60 hours a week at a low paying job.

I soft played against him later and ended up losing a pot because of it. Left after that and went to another casino.

I have a hard time playing against the nice old ladies as well, I always table change.
12-31-2012 , 02:47 AM
most recreational players play for something to do and dont really expect to win.
over the years the average joe loses two buyins and leaves. some much more and some one.
there are lots of people that can lose 3k a month as discretionary spending money. and some compulsive people that are just transferring their net worth elsewhere.
12-31-2012 , 07:38 AM
12-31-2012 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by GAYEST_MAN
Bout tree fiddy

How anyone poda know this and why is it important? Anyways, /thread
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