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Help On This Tough Spot Help On This Tough Spot

08-01-2019 , 07:56 AM
Was in a really weird spot earlier in a 2/2 live game that I could have misplayed in multiple spots, so some feedback would be appreciated.

Hero has been at the table a few hours. Pretty much your run of the mill LS game. V is directly to my left, is a 35ish guy, and has been at the table since I sat down. Played a hand with him earlier where he just flatted my open with AK, so I’m assuming his 3b range is >QQ. That’s all I really have to go on. OTTH

Hero ($300) is UTG with AcAs, opens to $15. V($190) HJ, and BU call. (Pot: $64)

Flop: 9h, 10d, Kh.

Hero checks. I’m thinking this board really hits all Vs range pretty hard so I thought c-betting would be lighting $ on fire, but then again if I get bet into, I’m way less comfortable than if I bet and get raised, I could make an easy fold. Idk, let me know what you’d do here.

V bets $40, HJ calls, BU folds. Hero calls. I thought Just folding would be too nitty, so I elected to peel one and go from there. (Pot: $184)

Turn: 3c. Hero checks, V jams for $135, HJ folds, Hero?

Thinking back on it now, I feel like if I c-bet the flop, I wouldn’t be in this spot. If V actually has me crushed, he would have most likely raised there, and it’d be easy to get away from. Now I’m getting jammed on in a bloated pot with 1 pair and hating life. Would be really take this line with anything I can beat? Maybe K+straight or flush draw? That’s really all I can think of, but I only have to have 30% equity against his range to call, but idk if I’m even good that often here.

I just feel like folding is too nitty, and calling is a punt. Thoughts on the river spot, and the line I took?

Last edited by jmarsh88; 08-01-2019 at 08:03 AM.
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08-01-2019 , 08:04 AM
Bet flop

Snap turn

The flop definitely "hits his range" but it hits his KQ and AK and JT and a million other hands youre ahead of. Its not like you're mega deep or anything this is a fine stack off spot. Sorry you ran into 2p+ this time.
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08-01-2019 , 08:17 AM
100% bet flop. AA is a check some % of time on dry flops (922 rainbow etc) where needs little protection. Not c-betting is losing potential value.

AP call turn. you are under-repped and brick 3 changes nothing. Checking flop has kept his range wide as turns out for you to profitably call. him not 3 betting AK on 1 occasion does not give us sufficient info to deduce much at the moment.
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08-01-2019 , 08:19 AM
Thanks for the feedback. What kind of board textures would you not c-bet in this spot? Like 789h?
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08-01-2019 , 08:22 AM
Yup. Responses above nailed it. This flop hits Vs' ranges to pay you off more than to have already got you beat, and giving free cards to the millions of draws out there is very bad.

AP, call turn and hope he has AdKx trying to charge your perceived draw, or a semi-bluff himself. If not, oh well.
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08-01-2019 , 08:28 AM
The vast majority of players do not semi bluff so if you bet on a "scary" board and get raised its usually a pretty easy fold. An even smaller amount of players are willing to call with huge hands on drawy boards like this so if you cbet its very easy to tell where you are at. The description of V flatting pre with AK makes it almost 0% this player type is going to raise a draw here so check calling the flop made his hand way less defined and put you in a weird spot. Bet flop, fold to a raise. As played I would call the turn shove since we massively under repped our hand and made it look like we are drawing. We are getting really good pot odds too.
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08-01-2019 , 09:33 AM
bet flop for value, probably call off to V's shove. Board is very draw heavy and V could be shoving lots of hands here, not just QJ. You're behind sometimes, but ahead enough that you just can't fold here
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08-01-2019 , 09:50 AM
bet flop with this spr with the plan to shove decent turns
had the pot been small and/or eff stacks deeper, you're mainly x/c flop
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08-02-2019 , 11:37 AM
1 observation and some questions.

After being at the table with V for a few hours, your profile on him is very slim.

With this being a run of the mill LS game, are we giving credit to V understanding SPR and commitment?

OTF it's not just V in the hand with us, we're 4-way. Isn't a cbet here more of a "where are we at" action?

OTF V bets ~60% PSB and gets a caller. I see where there can be Kx & Tx hands here. But are the ranges really weighted toward hands that pay us off instead of 2pr & sets?

Is c/r OTF ridiculous?

OTT none of the draws complete and yet V shoves in to 2 players. Is he doing this with TP?

I'm thinking that after a few hours at the table with V (and the other players in the hand?) we should have a better understanding of V's actions.
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