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Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Help Me Improve - 99 in MP

03-18-2014 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by alienbogey
Hero doesn't like the Q, obviously, and weakly decides to check and hope for a free card coming as a 9 or undercard. LK and Granny check.

(Flop Q75 rainbow) Turn is a J, pot is $40, SB checks.

I think we sorta missed our spot on the flop. At this point with another overcard coming, I almost feel like checking it down, although a bet/fold isn't horrible either (especially since we can get called by straight draws now).

Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-18-2014 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by alienbogey
Hero doesn't like the Q, obviously, and weakly decides to check and hope for a free card coming as a 9 or undercard. LK and Granny check.

(Flop Q75 rainbow) Turn is a J, pot is $40, SB checks.

I bet $25 on turn as played. Hope to take it down here, fold to a big raise. I hate 3 players in this hand at this point.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-18-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I think we sorta missed our spot on the flop.
I agree and would pretty much never be putting more money in here without a 9 on the river.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-18-2014 , 02:28 PM
C/F. If Granny bets she probably has JX. Taking a shot here (turn) is not nearly as optimal as OTF.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-18-2014 , 03:53 PM
(Edit: The turn J makes second club)

Hero decides that likely no one has a Q, and finally takes a shot by betting 25, hoping to rep hitting the J.

Latino Kid calls, Granny calls all in, SB folds.

(Hero 99, Flop Q75 rainbow, Turn is a J second club) River is 2 clubs. Pot 115.

Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-18-2014 , 04:15 PM
Check/fold the river. We hardly beat anything now and LK ain't going to bluff in a protected pot (and if LK and Granny were both behind on the turn, it's likely one of them moved ahead on the river).

Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-18-2014 , 09:26 PM
Check/fold the river seems right. What does granny have behind? $5 or $15. I don't mind throwing granny an extra red chip if she makes good cookies.

I still believe more aggression early in the hands would give more opportunity to win besides hitting your 2 outs.

Last edited by dean327; 03-18-2014 at 09:37 PM.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-19-2014 , 08:08 AM
Sorry, Granny started with $40. $15 PF and $25 on rivier puts her all in.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-19-2014 , 12:13 PM
Yep, Hero checked.

Latino Kid bet $50, Granny watched, and Hero decided there was nothing he could beat and folded.

LK showed A7 for a bluff that got him nothing, because Granny showed Q7 ftw.

(Yes, Granny slowplayed her flopped two pair from the button.)

My takeaways from the hand:

Had I bet the 99 pre I likely would have folded everybody and, if not, a cbet would folded LK and SB.

As played, had I bet the flop I would have folded SB, probably LK, but not Granny, of course.

Those conclusions are results oriented for this specific hand, but my lingering question is whether it is max EV to raise the 99 in this kind of spot or limp to set mine.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-19-2014 , 12:55 PM
How big of a coup is it to raise 99 preflop and have everyone fold? You win the blinds, fistpump? Of course, there will be times where a cbet against a lone caller (if there is just a lone caller) will also be somewhat more profitable too, no doubt. But going eleventeen ways to a flop with morons and flopping a set, that's where your real money is made.

FWIW, Granny played it fine postflop (although preflop sucks). She was totally committed on the flop with her small stack, and her slowplay on a pretty drawless board enabled 2 opponents to put in money drawing almost dead.

Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-19-2014 , 02:41 PM
Hero should be looked at as a huge nit because you limped 99 in mp. This is a really strong hand and crushes these villains preflop calling ranges.

Fish in the blinds = profit with 99
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-19-2014 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
Hero should be looked at as a huge nit because you limped 99 in mp. This is a really strong hand and crushes these villains preflop calling ranges.

Fish in the blinds = profit with 99
By whom? This forum, or Vs in the hand/at table? fwiw, I can't remember the last time I've seen anyone (who isn't me) open 99 (and even TT) from mp preflop. (By which I mean, I would be amazed if the table saw him as a nit after this hand.)

If you meant this forum should see him as a nit, nm.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-19-2014 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
Fish in the blinds = profit with 99
Realistic chances of getting it HU with a fish in the blinds in this particular situation?

Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-19-2014 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by alienbogey
Yep, Hero checked.

Latino Kid bet $50, Granny watched, and Hero decided there was nothing he could beat and folded.

LK showed A7 for a bluff that got him nothing, because Granny showed Q7 ftw.

(Yes, Granny slowplayed her flopped two pair from the button.)

My takeaways from the hand:

Had I bet the 99 pre I likely would have folded everybody and, if not, a cbet would folded LK and SB.

As played, had I bet the flop I would have folded SB, probably LK, but not Granny, of course.

Those conclusions are results oriented for this specific hand, but my lingering question is whether it is max EV to raise the 99 in this kind of spot or limp to set mine.
Results oriented but also somewhat representative of a typical situation and why I said I'm usually set mining or playing it aggressively out of the box. The "tweener" plan is where I've found my leaks. FWIW I have no prob set mining the hand but if I do I need a very good reason to switch gears.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-20-2014 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Realistic chances of getting it HU with a fish in the blinds in this particular situation?

In my weekday game it does, sad to say
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-20-2014 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by zoltan
By whom? This forum, or Vs in the hand/at table? fwiw, I can't remember the last time I've seen anyone (who isn't me) open 99 (and even TT) from mp preflop. (By which I mean, I would be amazed if the table saw him as a nit after this hand.)

If you meant this forum should see him as a nit, nm.
Yes, in this forum.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
03-20-2014 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by alienbogey
Had I bet the 99 pre I likely would have folded everybody and, if not, a cbet would folded LK and SB.

As played, had I bet the flop I would have folded SB, probably LK, but not Granny, of course.

Those conclusions are results oriented for this specific hand, but my lingering question is whether it is max EV to raise the 99 in this kind of spot or limp to set mine.
I generally play 88-AA as made hands preflop. If table conditions are soft I play 66-AA as made hands. In my mind, I look at this hand as you slow playing a strong hand and got killed on the flop.

If you want to play a set mining hand, I believe you need about 10:1 implied odds. You hit your set roughly 1 out of 8 time. When you hit your set and lose the hand, it will be for all your chips, so you need better than 8:1.

Yes, if you raise PF you won't win much. Those little wins add up and can build an profitable image. If the PF raise gets called or raised, you stand to win a big pot if you hit your set or your get a favorable flop.

There is a recent thread about set mining:

Last edited by dean327; 03-20-2014 at 10:10 AM.
Help Me Improve - 99 in MP Quote
