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Getting max value with flopped nuts flush Getting max value with flopped nuts flush

06-29-2015 , 11:43 PM
Two times today:
I flopped nuts flush with AJ and one times with AXs.
In the first hand I was IP and got two checks in a high raises pot(about50$). First time I bettet 26$ - fold / fold - is the sizing okay ? Higher to pretend that I am protecting a pair ?
Second hand I flopped nut flash in a 5way pot - Flop T82 - pot about 40$( I raised pre to 6 or 8)
Utg who limp called bets 30 in the pot - I joke around that he's surely just stealing - I reraise 70 - he laughs and folds ( he was just trying to steal it ). I play often with this guy - so is it okay to raise such flops against people you play regularly because of image ?

How to get max value with nut flush flops ? Any suggestions ? Is raising as standard a big mistake? I want that second nuts hands that are drawing to get payed and also I want to hide my hand by raising because most people don't belive that nut flush is raising ?! Also some kind of balancing , also if I don't really know if anybody cares about my playing style at 1/2?!

Getting max value with flopped nuts flush Quote
06-29-2015 , 11:47 PM
I think fast playing nut flushes very generally speaking will make you more in the long run.

However certain situations call for a slow play. Like hand 2 in your post. If you think he is stealing with air, then flatting is not horrible if you think he can double / triple barrel.
Getting max value with flopped nuts flush Quote
06-30-2015 , 12:15 AM
I believe the term is walking the dog (or donk). Your goal is to pull as many people and bets into the pot. Sometimes there isn't anything you can do. Players who draw cheaply, will get full houses. Players who have 2nd nut flushes (or SF draws) and sets are your targets. If there isn't one out there... oh well.

I try not to raise flags when I flop the nuts. If I raised pre, I'll cbet. Otherwise, I check/call. If you are lucky enough to find a V with a strong hand, you'll get all they are willing to put in.
Getting max value with flopped nuts flush Quote
06-30-2015 , 01:02 AM
The thing is, flopping a relatively strong hand doesn't mean a lot unless there's conditions in general:

1) Someone is drawing or has a strong hand
2) The pot is big and people will play for it with air or little equity.
* It's important to note that a lower stakes to not out level yourself, i.e. being aggressive so that players think you're not nutted and just trying to steal. Worry more about the above two points.

In accordance with point 1, the best way to get value is then to let people's hands strengthen, which means check the flop.

In accordance with point 2, you can make a min bet, like you're on a draw, and build a bigger pot, and hopefully someone with a Q or K will call.

Unless there's a maniac, or someone has top 2 or something or K-flush, you need to think more about getting value from the hand as opposed to stacking someone.

This is another reason why limping PF is like bingo, and it's better to enter with a raise and play donks for their stacks, who can't fold an overpair or TPTK or their low suited connector flush when it hits.
Getting max value with flopped nuts flush Quote
06-30-2015 , 07:09 AM
Mostly you should just bet/bet/bet to get value from smaller flushes, TP, and the second nut flush draw. Against a nit sometimes you should just call. With a lot of money behind and someone bets, mostly you should raise. The potential to stack someone with the second nut is just too lucrative. Get the money before a scare card comes and your opponent slows down. Playing the nuts fast is often more tricky than slowplaying them. Another advantage is that by keeping the initiative, if the board pairs later and someone wakes up, you can frequently get away from your hand. If you were just calling, your opponent might put you on the nut flush draw and shove to protect his hand, thereby putting you in a tough spot.
Getting max value with flopped nuts flush Quote
06-30-2015 , 08:17 AM
In hand 1 the board matter. A key question in these cases is what can people have that can call a bet? If the board is KT7 then bet/bet/bet and hope somebody has a good hand. If the board is 842 you probably need to check the flop and make some suck bets on the turn and river because it's likely that nobody else has anything.

In the second hand your joke/raise is likely a huge tell. Villain made a big bet into a pot when he is drawing thin or dead. In this case you should be making a mix of calls and raises. When you do raise, raise bigger. The near min raise is just to obvious and you won't get enough boards and hands that you can balance this move.
Getting max value with flopped nuts flush Quote
