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General question, flopping top set on dry board. General question, flopping top set on dry board.

05-27-2012 , 11:44 PM
Aside from when I am playing a V who I know will float for a 1/2 pot sized bet what am I to do if I say, flopped a set of Jacks On a J62 flop. If I know v will 3! With QQ+ isnt it right to check here a high % of the time?
General question, flopping top set on dry board. Quote
05-27-2012 , 11:58 PM
Yes, it is, but it is very V and situation dependent. For example, if you were PF aggressor and have a very high c-bet percentage, checking flop may make a semi-competent V very suspicious, and it may make it very hard to get much value in two streets. That's without getting in to stack sizes, etc. But yes, it can often be correct to check top set on a sahara-dry board.
General question, flopping top set on dry board. Quote
05-28-2012 , 01:59 AM
It also depends on the effective stack sizes. If you're fairly short and can get it in with only two bets, you might think the best way to do that is betting the turn and river and that's fine. If you're deep stacked, go for the home run! Either he's going to fold and you maybe could have only squeezed one more bet out of him or you are going to get paaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiid (really, what looks more FOS, betting every street or c/r that bone dry flop?)
General question, flopping top set on dry board. Quote
05-28-2012 , 03:09 AM
depends on position to a large degree.

I butchered this exact situation with 77 on a 732 board against a super aggro villain on the weekend while deep.

I check called flop and turn was a 2. check called again and then was going to check raise river but he didn't bet again. In retrospect I should either have check raised turn or bet 2/3 PSB on river.

oop I will always check call dry boards to the initial raiser and check raise on wet boards. then check raise turn most times.

with position, I'd be taking a stab at the pot on flop if checked to and then sizing turn bet to get it all in on river.
General question, flopping top set on dry board. Quote
05-28-2012 , 05:49 PM
This is too vague to be of any value since it is so villain specific. I'll leave it open for the moment, but if it starts going off the rails, I'll locking.

For this specific example, I'm betting most of the time. The villain can call one bet on the flop if he thinks I'm cbetting AK here when he has a pocket pair. As more cards come, the board is going to look more dangerous and he'll be more tempted to just fold. In addition, if I'm lucky and the villain has a smaller set, I'm looking to get stacks in, which is much easier if I start betting on the flop. The value of getting a stack outweighs the cost of losing one bet such that it takes special conditions to give up that chance.

I'd check if there is a villain that loves being the table captain and is going to 2-3barrel bluff me off my hand.
General question, flopping top set on dry board. Quote
05-28-2012 , 06:09 PM
in low stakes games villains are extremely unlikely to bluff, then continue bluffing, and bluff off so much that you get huge value for your set.

they are much more likely to "not believe" and call down with all kinds of crap. just bet.
General question, flopping top set on dry board. Quote
05-28-2012 , 06:14 PM
if you were preflop raiser and playing against semi competen villains always bet unless theyve seen you do a delayed cbet before with a hand like AA on this board

if you were not the preflop raiser I would check/call or flat in position

if you were either lead for 1/3-1/2 pot or bet in position for 1/3-1/2 pot

if you and v have a ton of history, perhaps bet the pot hoping for him to put you on air bc he knows thatu wouldnt bet pot with QQ+ and will put u on trying to buy the pot

one time I did this with AA on a Q 9 6 r board and the guy shved on me with AQ, I bet 80 in 100 and he then shoved on me. I quickly clled as 2 pairs werent in hs range and he would never shove with a set and the f*cker hit q on the turn and river for quads lol. I still remember him interpreting the big bet as a bully bet. So ya maybe potting it with top set will make him feel good about his pocet 88's in this spot
General question, flopping top set on dry board. Quote
