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Frustrating hand Frustrating hand

03-31-2022 , 07:31 PM

Nit straddles to 6
5 players limp including some loose passive pre flop/ aggressive post flop style older guys

Hero has 9s9h in SB

Raises to 43

Folds to 2 loose players in CO and BU who both call

Flop AcKc10d


Hero has 230$ left pot is around 140$

Was my sizing pre alright?

V1 has about 120$ Left
V2 covers
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 07:34 PM
Check/fold. You don’t have to win every one…
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 07:44 PM
This is a standard it sucks but you check/fold. There is no way you can continue here.
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 07:50 PM
Yeah it felt like an easy check fold I guess. But when V1 bluffed everyone with 64o I felt like I did something wrong.
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 08:18 PM
In a typical 1/3 game? No, your sizing is hugenormous. That's a fairly average 3b right there. The fact that you got called by 2 ppl probably means you have a good reason for choosing this sizing.

Yes? Reason(s)?

Flop is just a shytburger we all have to eat. c/f.
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by the_dude_174
In a typical 1/3 game? No, your sizing is hugenormous. That's a fairly average 3b right there. The fact that you got called by 2 ppl probably means you have a good reason for choosing this sizing.

Yes? Reason(s)?

Flop is just a shytburger we all have to eat. c/f.
No it's not with the $6 straddle

A normal raise 5xBB +(BB*# of limpers) = 10BB = 60.

If anything the raise is too small. I'd raise about 50-60 here.
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 08:25 PM
It depends. There are two ways to approach this spot in a profitable fashion (I'm never flatting this pre). You can...

A) Play as a large raise pre, similar to how you did. Sizing is fine and be prepared to play shove or fold against shorter villains. This has a huge variance and requires you to actually be able to read the board texture and play accordingly post flop. Sounds like you are pretty new to poker, and this will put you in a lot of spots you perceive to be tough, and will have wild variance. Buckle up, but it will be very profitable.

B) Just ship it pre. There is more than 10% of your stack in dead money already, just pick it up and flip profitably against big broadways that look you up.

Whichever strategy you pick, make sure you use a wide range of value heavy hands. I'd suggest something like AQ+, AJs+, 99+. If you only do one of these with 88-JJ like some people I know, then you will be easy to exploit.
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 09:10 PM
I felt like the sizing was fine. Pot size raise would be about 53, but I felt like 43$ should be enough to take it down, or play heads up with a good hand. I thought a larger sizing would commit me on too many flops and would be difficult OOP.
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by BlueSpade84
Sounds like you are pretty new to poker
Not really that new to it, just felt like this put me in an awkward SPR with a hand that’s unlikely to flop over pair. I wouldn’t consider raising any less than I did. But it’s tough to imagine any sizing that makes this easy to play post flop. There will have to be overcard flops that I need to commit on, just not sure what those are. AKT is a comfortable c/f. But does anyone have an idea of what is my worst flop I probably need to check call or jam with?
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by SetOfNines
Yeah it felt like an easy check fold I guess. But when V1 bluffed everyone with 64o I felt like I did something wrong.
The only things you can do wrong is leave this table if he's limp calling 64o for a quarter of his stack. Just smile and say something like "great hand, that is so well disguised."
Frustrating hand Quote
03-31-2022 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by hitchens97
No it's not with the $6 straddle

A normal raise 5xBB +(BB*# of limpers) = 10BB = 60.

If anything the raise is too small. I'd raise about 50-60 here.
You are absolutely correct. I completely missed the straddle.

My bad op, nh
Frustrating hand Quote
04-01-2022 , 12:29 AM
Hello! Preflop size= straddle ×3 +5 limpers = 6×3+5×6=48$
Frustrating hand Quote
04-01-2022 , 11:04 AM
Check fold is standard but that’s a scary board for your opponents too. A $50 bet here might take the pot down often enough (especially vs loose opponents who have gigantic preflop ranges).

How often you want to make a move in these kinds of spots also really depends on what your own table image is.
Frustrating hand Quote
04-01-2022 , 11:08 AM
I'm borderline/whatever preflop. I actually don't just mind seeing a cheap flop here, especially OOP, especially against a world of passive old limpers (who could easily be limping better hands), especially when the majority of flops suck. I kinda more lean to drawing a line at TT vs 99 since TT can make a nut straight while 99 can't, but I'm passive like that.

I check/fold this horrible flop.


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 04-01-2022 at 11:14 AM.
Frustrating hand Quote
04-01-2022 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by BlueSpade84
B) Just ship it pre.
This is one reason why I utilize a pretty much never-raise-before-the-CO method. Shipping pre is suicide against a table of passive old limpers that may be employing a similar method.

Frustrating hand Quote
04-01-2022 , 01:34 PM
I probably just limp this pre tbh, if you do decide to raise, your sizing seems fine to me.

As played easy check/fold flop
Frustrating hand Quote
04-01-2022 , 06:37 PM
God knows all of the posters' saying to c/f collective experience crushes mine, but H is the big PF raiser here, and doesn't this flop absolutely hit our Mongo 3b range? (Which should be bigger, I agree; if only to keep our poor dealer from having to make change. Just go 50 already.)

If we jam, or c/jam, are you calling with a bare Ace? And if the callers had AK, why aren't they raising him PF?
Frustrating hand Quote
04-01-2022 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Nh,gg.
God knows all of the posters' saying to c/f collective experience crushes mine, but H is the big PF raiser here, and doesn't this flop absolutely hit our Mongo 3b range? (Which should be bigger, I agree; if only to keep our poor dealer from having to make change. Just go 50 already.)

If we jam, or c/jam, are you calling with a bare Ace? And if the callers had AK, why aren't they raising him PF?
Yes it does but no one cares there’s also a ton of pair+draw that will call even if they think they are behind right now.
Frustrating hand Quote
