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Folding ace flush Folding ace flush

03-11-2014 , 07:31 AM
just want thoughts on the way hand played out
i wont reveal which one i was yet until after hearing some input
blinds are 5-5

3 way limped pot

flop comes


checked around turn is

P1: bet 80
P2: instareraises 180
P3: tanks before mucking shows table A

P1 then insta mucks showing J

whole table is bewildered and going crazy asking P2 to show the nuts

was P3 right to fold the ace high flush? It is very plausible for P2 to hold the 6
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 07:36 AM
Yes its fine

If we assume villain wont raise anything but A-hi flush and the straight flush, which is quite reasonable... And we hold the ace of clubs, then villain most likely has the 6 of clubs
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 07:39 AM
What if P2 was bluffing or holding the K high flush
P3 defends his fold by saying the raise and insta reraise looked too strong
and felt he was no good
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 08:28 AM
With P1 left behind P3 it makes this a little tougher. P1 grossly overbets pot but gets insta-raised ... I don't really see this as a bluff very often with another player left behind, even with the Kc.

P3 only has $5 invested here ... not the easiest fold, but certainly very understandable with so little invested and a player to act behind. What does P3 do if P1 3-bets? P3 certainly isnt 3-betting here, right?

Another read hand, but more one to laugh about later. GL
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 08:42 AM
Reads? Stack sizes? If this is 1/2 with a whole bunch of noobs, I could see some random person thinking their straight is good. Others might think their Q/K high flush is good.
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 08:43 AM
Irrelevant to your question but P3 should bet this flop. Any of these guys for that matter should have bet this flop.
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 08:45 AM
kinda scummy to show your hand when there is action behind you
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 08:45 AM
game is 5-5
P2 has everyone covered (about 2k behind)
P1 and P3 have about (4-500 behind)
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 08:46 AM
Need more information about players, stack sizes and play styles. The thing is, if P2 did have the straight flush, why raise? The last thing he wants to do is blow villains out of the pot, he wants to nurse this carefully because only a villain with the Ace high flush might want to play a big pot. Bluffing once 4 to a flush hits multiway is usually suicide. So essentially P2 should not have any raising range here. He has no reason to bluff nor any reason to raise for value. For some players I would put a lot of face card flushes in their range, trying to find out now if they are beat or not.

P1 betting a decent but not huge flush for a mix of value and finding out where he is in hand is OK, though I probably check. P2's play is weird no matter what. P3 folding is probably OK here, though showing his hand before P1 mucks is terrible. P3 only has $5 in and either villain could have a straight flush given that action.
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 09:05 AM
so which player does everyone think i am?
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 09:08 AM
Who cares?
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 09:11 AM
you cared enough to respond apparently

im trying to improve my game and see if i made the right play
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 09:18 AM
Then why don't you tell us right away which player you are? This 'game' has no added value whatsoever. This entire hand history is entirely villain dependent so is already pretty worthless itself.
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 09:29 AM
Well P1 and P3 are relatively new to the table
both have won a somewhat decent pot

P2 is the table captain and people are scared to get involved
as he is shown to take down major pots with any ATC giving off a wide range of hands

I was P2 i flopped a straight with 56
on the turn i made a move hoping to get a King flush to laydown
i was stunned when i saw the ace laydown

i did not have a club but the whole table gave me credit for that hand
and believed i had it so i didnt say anything

was this lighting money on fire or was it a solid play given the board and circumstances

i made the instareraise to represent a strong hand
and i tried to do a reverse trick by raising people would not expect me to raise with the nuts and they know that i know they know
so by making that move it messes with their head
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 10:03 AM
Seems like you are just too good
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 10:12 AM
Depends on villains. If you have been playing table captain and bullying table, I would be calling turn every time and probably river with the ace high flush and a not particularly deep stack. In fact, I would probably be more worried about P1 then P2 if I was in P3's position.

If P1 and P3 are new to table, they may not be aware of your image yet and generally trying to get somebody off a big flush here is bad. The move does have some merit though, because P3 is squeezed and has almost no money invested in the pot. you have a decent chance of folding a flush as big as a king high one while P1 might be betting any flush and possibly even weaker hands like two pair/straights/sets to see if his hand has any value. The stack sizes mean this has to be a one and done stab though, if anybody calls stacks are too short to expect anybody to fold on river.
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 10:18 AM
i didnt expect the Ace flush to fold and was caught off gaurd
but he kept insisting that i had it and said nice catch
the whole table kept telling him you have to call
and risk your stack and he shortly racked up and left
after that hand
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 11:39 AM
In general this is an easy fold. However, against a spew monkey like P2 I would snap him off. It would pay huge dividends too because spew monkeys like that will go on mega tilt. Before you even realize it, that fish will have given the whole table another $3k.
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 11:43 AM
Crazy hand. Lol at P1's bet. P2 should fold. What could P1 have that he's betting $80 into a $13 pot? Someone makes a 7x pot bet on a 4 flush board into 2 players. It should be an easy fold for P2 without a flush. P2 would have to have a GREAT read on p1 to make this move. Nothing wrong with folding A high flush. P3 should not have flashed his hand though. Dealer should have torn him a new one.

Last edited by jesse123; 03-11-2014 at 11:52 AM.
Folding ace flush Quote
03-11-2014 , 12:07 PM
lol so im a spewmonkey?
Folding ace flush Quote
03-12-2014 , 10:32 PM
Agree that P2 should fold. The way this played out was anomalous. How many players with an A-high flush will fold when there is only one card in the deck that beats them?
Folding ace flush Quote
03-13-2014 , 02:47 AM
Fish seem to do this quite often. They flop what they consider to be a monster, and then there is no action. Suddenly the turn counterfits their monster and then they start betting like they have the nuts. LoL. It's completely illogical.
Folding ace flush Quote
03-13-2014 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by ChristopherEucken1
kinda scummy to show your hand when there is action behind you

Please don't do this bro

And no this isn't a standard fold. Unless you have played with V Before and he is a confirmed uber nit. Generally this is a god awful fold at llsnl with no reads
Folding ace flush Quote
03-13-2014 , 06:09 AM
Lol just read your post. And wow. Don't try to act like there was some sort of sick leveling going on you were trying to rep a straight flush. You spewed, this is a leak. Dude who folded A high flush on a non paired board at 1-2 should probably never play 1-2 again.
Folding ace flush Quote
03-13-2014 , 09:50 AM
obv p1 should know that you know that he knows that you know that you wouldnt be expected to raise with 6c and that p3 obv doesnt know and folded ace flush but also that you would not actually raise with 6c because you know that he knows you know it wouldnt be expected so you can only be bluffraising so he should raise all in with jackflush

or alternatively, bet the flop and fold the turn to a 5x pot bet...
Folding ace flush Quote
