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Flopped set Sick board? Flopped set Sick board?

08-07-2011 , 06:33 PM
I was playing 3/5nl at my local casino when this hand came up.
Im UTG with JJ with 450 in my stack.
I had not been raising much or playing many hands for a few hours because i was completely card dead

I raise too 20
UTG+1 a loose reg calls,all fold to button who calls (another loose reg). Both these players had been calling a lot pre with a wide range and folding out when they do not connect
I bet 50 Villan 1 folds,
Villan on button goes all with a 750 stack
Tell me is this a fold or just a crying call hopping the board pairs. Since no one 3 bet pre I Reduced the chance of a bigger set to slim.
I make the call...

Last edited by jlocdog; 08-07-2011 at 10:37 PM.
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-07-2011 , 07:48 PM
Auto call...

Hand played itself out. Just reload and take another shot.
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-08-2011 , 02:30 AM
Call. Your opponent is a loose regular.
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-08-2011 , 03:38 AM
snap. he'll have KQ sometimes thinking "omg, he'll totally put me on a flush draw if i shove" even though this would be a horrible spot to shove with a flush-draw, but he'll also have stupid hands like AK, A10, AJ, combo draws, J10, maybe 1010... who knows, but you can't fold here.
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-08-2011 , 03:58 AM
With the line Villain took... I'm thinking he's on a combo draw: A w. broadway draw, flush draw w. broadway draw, so many draw heavy hands he can possibly have. If he has K,Q and played it like that, it's kind of a sick way of him to extract money.

I don't think you can fold this hand to shove from LAG Villain.. if he did flop broadway, your about 31% behind.. so it's not like your totally dominated.
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-08-2011 , 04:57 AM
Call, you're ahead atleast 50% of the time have outs to win if you're wrong
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-08-2011 , 05:21 AM

You have 85bb left, and he over shoves pot like 7x!!

Sure he might have KQ, , but a lot of the times he will have 2 pairs or a super draw.
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-08-2011 , 06:17 AM
Snap Call vs loose villain. I don't think villain has KQ cux why would he push all in, such a huge over bet ? Most likely has two pair or flush draw with combo straight or pair. I like raising more pre flop say minimum $25-30 depending on the dynamics of the table.
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-08-2011 , 07:56 AM
Snap Call

He definitely doesn't have kq here or he would have tried to slow play or atleast bet for value. Probably super draw or 2 pair
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-08-2011 , 08:14 AM
snap call. you only lose to AA and KQ.
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
08-08-2011 , 08:30 AM
Call. What ever happens after that is irrelevant.
Flopped set Sick board? Quote
