Originally Posted by QuadJ
Weird situation but against a novice I'm not folding. If he has never played poker before then the chance he is miss reading the situation or playing weirdly is too high. He might raise the flop with AK to find out where he is or just over valuing a weaker hand.
If he is going to play super nitty poker where you might fold bottom set against his min raise, then he has to prove it first.
This was my exact thinking. If this hand had come 30 minutes later, it would have been a fold. He was clearly betting for value, but I was extremely confident he had KJ. I figured if he had a set in his range then he also had AK, AA, KQ, and even some combos of K4 and J4, making that a call too. Just not much recent experience with a player like that.
Turns out he was super nitty, and at one point folded top pair OTF because there was a flush draw. Another player politely criticized him, and he somewhat sarcastically asked me (Mr. Math Guy) what the odds were of another club coming. I told him roughly 36% and he said he didn't want to risk money when there was that much of a chance at losing. ***headdesk***
So yeah, he was super exploitable but after tripling up he basically quit betting, plus he was to my immediate left.
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