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Flop nuts OOP Flop nuts OOP

03-24-2015 , 02:43 AM
Playing $1/3 on local casino, play has been running for about an hour.
MP raise to $6
V-calls in MP $180 stack
SB calls
Hero in BB call with AQo, Hero's image is TAG good player, probably best on table with $280 stack, cover everyone.

Pot $24
Flop KJ10 SB-check, Hero bet $14, fold, V-quickly click to $28, SB fold, Hero?
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 02:50 AM
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 02:54 AM
well its relatively you hold a heart or what

we have to 3bet now, and i think we have to go at least 80 probably 90 leaving less than half pot bet for turn so he cant get away on semi scary turns like a heart with his likely 2p or set

obv his A10hh hands continue too and probably snap it off on turn to see river as well...yay
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Alexandar
well its relatively you hold a heart or what

we have to 3bet now, and i think we have to go at least 80 probably 90 leaving less than half pot bet for turn so he cant get away on semi scary turns like a heart with his likely 2p or set

obv his A10hh hands continue too and probably snap it off on turn to see river as well...yay

So basically we want to get it in on the flop.
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 05:37 AM
Play it fast, pot pot pot all the way gii if possible
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 07:51 AM
Raise. V will rarely think you have the goods here if you raise and he's likely to go off with TPTk or two pair hands. I clicked it back to 28, maybe make it 60 and give him a chance to put you all in.
you could shove and hope V hero calls but I think 60 or 75 is nice. Even if he flats, the pot is now big enough that you can gii on the turn.
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 08:19 AM
Any history or reads with this villain? Make it $75ish. Enough so he may shove the extra $99 on top thinking he has some slight fold equity. Plus you bet $100 ott and he'll be $99 for $274. Just know what you'll do if a heart falls or board pairs. Not too worried about hearts as I think this is KJ, JJ or TT. EZPZ. You have the nuts so whether he knows it or not he's drawing. You need to charge for the privilege.

Follow me on Twitter @DeepStackBMAC
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 08:57 AM
We've been raised with the nuts? Rip it into him on the flop, rip it on the turn.

No more detail really needs to be shared, it's all been said.
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 09:01 AM
grunch-I like your lead out so now click it back 75ish. Probably just about anything you do besides folding its getting it in anyways.

Just please dont flat call
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 09:34 AM
V has 146 behind ... 80 in pot with your 'call' of the 28 ... 3bet to 78 (raise 50) total giving V 98 behind into 180+98 going into the River after you shove. V gets 3 to 1 to see River.

If you have history with V then you could try to tank shove here but I think you get more calls going smaller. Nothing wrong with a 'go away' bet once in a while either. GL
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 09:41 AM
Almost 60% of the time the board is going to pair or a heart will come by the river and we'll be potentially putting money in the pot drawing dead, or the Villain is going to see a scare card and potentially stop putting money in the pot.

This is not a good spot to slow-play.

Raise to around 70-75 and shove the turn.
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 12:33 PM
What do we make of the lol $6 open? I'm guessing rarely a monster, right?

I think this is a pretty easy 3bet preflop. Even though we're OOP, we nullify a lot of that by being shortstack (effective stack against Villain is just 60 bbs), although it is a little unclear what effective stack against raiser is. With $18 of dead money already in the pot, I'm probably make it $35 or so, which means we can easily stack off postflop if we flop TP. If no one calls, whatever, $18 in free money, next hand.

As played, pot the flop, an easy $25+. Board is extremely drawy (and no one ever folds a draw on the flop) plus can easily hit a bunch of two pair / pair + draw hands. My plan would be to PSB/PSB/shove.

As played, I would probably just flat out shove now. There's a bunch of scare cards that can slow action on the turn. Villain just minraised us, which means either a monster that he's never folding, or perhaps a good draw (which again he's never folding), or perhaps a "see where I'm at bet" with a weak hand that is unlikely to put much more into the pot. Also, any decent raise size will basically commit stacks anyways, so lets just do this thing.

ETA: No one else shoves here? Half the deck can kill the action, Villain just minraised us (to fold?), any reasonable raise leaves a fairly lol amount behind for the turn (where we'll also feel committed, even on horrible cards).

Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 04:33 PM
Thanks guys, i tanked for a second and said all in, V quickly says lets gamble and shows 107
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
What do we make of the lol $6 open? I'm guessing rarely a monster, right?

I think this is a pretty easy 3bet preflop. Even though we're OOP, we nullify a lot of that by being shortstack (effective stack against Villain is just 60 bbs), although it is a little unclear what effective stack against raiser is. With $18 of dead money already in the pot, I'm probably make it $35 or so, which means we can easily stack off postflop if we flop TP. If no one calls, whatever, $18 in free money, next hand.

As played, pot the flop, an easy $25+. Board is extremely drawy (and no one ever folds a draw on the flop) plus can easily hit a bunch of two pair / pair + draw hands. My plan would be to PSB/PSB/shove.

As played, I would probably just flat out shove now. There's a bunch of scare cards that can slow action on the turn. Villain just minraised us, which means either a monster that he's never folding, or perhaps a good draw (which again he's never folding), or perhaps a "see where I'm at bet" with a weak hand that is unlikely to put much more into the pot. Also, any decent raise size will basically commit stacks anyways, so lets just do this thing.

ETA: No one else shoves here? Half the deck can kill the action, Villain just minraised us (to fold?), any reasonable raise leaves a fairly lol amount behind for the turn (where we'll also feel committed, even on horrible cards).


yes very well put, shove is best
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by hkawastaken
Thanks guys, i tanked for a second and said all in, V quickly says lets gamble and shows 107
LOL and they say live poker is dead.
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-24-2015 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
LOL and they say live poker is dead.
Lol i know - not sure why people insist on saying its dead?

LA live poker is far from dead.
Flop nuts OOP Quote
03-25-2015 , 01:49 AM
all in
Flop nuts OOP Quote
