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Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight

09-19-2024 , 08:11 PM
Live 1/3...Villain is a 30-something WG, only joined the table a few orbits ago...constantly on phone and needs to be reminded to solid reads--maybe TAGfishy(?)...effective stacks $300

Villain limps UTG, one other limp to me in LP and I raise to $16 with T9...folded to Villain who calls, limper folds.

Flop (2 players) ($30)
Villain donk bets $20, I raise to $70, Villain calls

Turn (2 players) ($170)
Villain bets $100...Hero...

1) Folds
2) Calls
3) All you can eat, Baby!

Last edited by Garick; 09-20-2024 at 07:13 PM. Reason: OP request
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-19-2024 , 09:12 PM
I think $300 eff it’s all you can eat. V has a ton of hands that will call that you’re well ahead of.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 04:14 AM
He’s definitely a fish donking that flop. Fish gonna fish, just stick in the 215 and take note what he had if he wins.

I see this line with vulnerable made hands like 2 pair or pair + big draw (ten of clubs comes to mind.)

There are players I would fold to but I would need some hours with someone to fold this high in our range.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 07:24 AM
All in
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 08:52 AM
Agree with Twitcheroo but it's hardly a fist-pumping situation. V's UTG range could be strong, given that many will limp strong hands UTG in hopes of being raised.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 09:14 AM
Oh yuck. First instinct was this is an easy raise but I'm not sure at all. We are targetting two pair hands and sets but (1) don't most of the sets limp-reraise preflop? and (2) does UTG come out swinging with only two pair following aggression, when the flush card comes in on the turn? Look, if this is the type of player who is going to put you on AK or AA and wants to get value then great, but 2p hands might well take a different line, OK we're talking fish logic but we're trying to shoehorn conflicting logics together (to be passive preflop, suddenly aggro on the turn and finally call it off). That's probably overthink but we're hoping for our fish to be the perfect kind of fish. AT is a very real danger and there's nothing to say he doesn't have a flush. Is this guy limping JTo with a club from UTG?

Instinct is jam > fold > call, your jam will be giving those two pair (and unlikely sets) a very friendly price to call as would indeed random medium-weak hands like KT.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 10:09 AM
Just jam, we have 210 left when he bet 100.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 10:40 AM
Jam is good, but I am not loving it.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Jam is good, but I am not loving it.
It's not just AT he would do that with, and unless it was ATcc he wouldn't likely flat the raise with two clubs otf.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 10:54 AM
Raise bigger pre. At least $20.

Raise bigger on the flop. At least $80.

Fold turn.

Opponents who pay more attention to their phones than the game tend not to get out of line much. This guy donked flop for 2/3 pot, called a raise, and then donks again, on a flush completing card, for almost 2/3 pot. This would be a very strange line as a bluff, or with worse value, from a guy who just sat down and hasn't been paying attention to the game.

Alternatively, if you think he's over-playing worse value, then jam. Calling with less than a PSB left behind doesn't make much sense.

Just don't see much that you're beating here.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 11:12 AM
I would just overlimp preflop but our reasonable raise managed to get this HU in position to a playable SPR (so fine, if expected).

SPR is 10 on an extremely drawy board where he could have lots of big pieces that he is never folding on the flop (two pears, pear + draw, etc.) plus half the deck sucks. I'd raise to $90 to setup a PSB shove on a safe turn.

I'd probably sigh fold the turn. We've shown massive strength on a flop that should crush us but he doesn't care.

Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by docvail
Opponents who pay more attention to their phones than the game tend not to get out of line much.
in general, +1

Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 11:20 AM
A tagfish betting with two pair isn't really getting out of line too much.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
It's not just AT he would do that with, and unless it was ATcc he wouldn't likely flat the raise with two clubs otf.
He could so easily have AX clubs here. More worried about that than AT. I'm starting to lean toward a turn fold. I mean, unless he's a super fish, he should be pretty strong. He obviously isn't worried about us. I hope he has some kind of combo draw or similar, and not clubs.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
He could so easily have AX clubs here. More worried about that than AT. I'm starting to lean toward a turn fold.
Yeah just fold, I'm not jamming the turn at all (for some reason I thought the 6c said 6x)
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
A tagfish betting with two pair isn't really getting out of line too much.
How often is 2-pair betting the turn again, unless he has the J?
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 11:46 AM
When I said Villain was a 30-something WG, I left out his physical description, because I don't know if it matters, but here goes:

Villain looks like a former football player or wrestler who's put on more weight. Nice, casual clothes, neatly trimmed beard, and has his hair pulled up and parted with a large braid running across the top of his head (!?). Was hard to tell if he was just goofing around on his phone or was using his phone to try to take care of business elsewhere.

P.S. Funny observation on this thread: the night crowd is "All you can eat," while the morning crowd with their coffee is "Nah."

Last edited by Always Fondling; 09-20-2024 at 11:52 AM.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 11:54 AM
Easy fold, as per the description.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Always Fondling
When I said Villain was a 30-something WG, I left out his physical description, because I don't know if it matters, but here goes:

Villain looks like a former football player or wrestler who's put on more weight. Nice, casual clothes, neatly trimmed beard, and has his hair pulled up and parted with a large braid running across the top of his head (!?). Was hard to tell if he was just goofing around on his phone or was using his phone to try to take care of business elsewhere.

P.S. Funny observation on this thread: the night crowd is "All you can eat," while the morning crowd with their coffee is "Nah."
If you think he's a meat-head with CTE, too addled to realize 2P is never good here, go ahead and jam.

Reminds me of a guy I encountered about a month ago. Kept his ear buds in constantly, eyes on his phone constantly. Played about one hand an hour, usually getting his stack into the middle. Slow to act. Had that look like he used to go to the gym a lot, but hasn't been in a while. His voice and mannerisms gave the impression he was dumb as a stump.

He LITERALLY (not figuratively) had it every time he put chips into the pot. One hand, he doubled-up through a friend of mine, when he FLAT CALLED a 3B with KK, in the BB, and then back-jammed when my friend 4B over the 3B, with AQ.

The one pot I played against him, he flatted from the BB with AKs, check-called a 1/3 pot flop c-bet, turn checked through, and then he checked the rivered nuts to me. I bet small, like 40% pot, with a 9-high flush, and he insta-ripped it for over 10x. He laughed at how fast I mucked. I guess he thought I was bluffing. I can't imagine his thought process, checking the nuts, then jamming >$1k into a pot that wasn't even $200.

The point is - sometimes morons do stuff that's so stupid it ends up looking genius when they get paid. But, seriously, other than some over-played 2P or set, we beat nothing here. If you're going to tell us you jammed and he snapped you off with something worse, okay, great, but that won't be any more surprising than him showing up with 3c2c.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 05:15 PM
Rest of the hand:

I viewed the turn bet as Part 1 of an all-in, and I'm either drawing dead or needing to fade clubs, aces and tens. As some have pointed out, we have a range advantage, no worse nut potential, have shown significant strength, and he's still betting into us.

Consequently, I folded.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 05:33 PM
+ fold

I don't think forcing someone to invest 60-70% of their stack OTT with a potential flush and higher straight on the board is a good idea. Bad players usually don’t consider pot/stack ratio; they mostly focus on the actual money. And $200 is a significant amount in this spot.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 05:35 PM
I have a slight quibble with using "villain limps UTG" and "range advantage/potential nut advantage" in the same sentence, but can't see a great problem with the fold. I did chuckle at your night vs morning crowd observation though
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
09-20-2024 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by moxterite
I have a slight quibble with using "villain limps UTG" and "range advantage/potential nut advantage" in the same sentence...
Don't make me break out the Charlie Day meme.
Facing a donk bet with a vulnerable straight Quote
