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Do i always raise here? Do i always raise here?

04-08-2011 , 05:19 PM
Forgot to put this hand on my other post. 1/2 NL Harrahs Chester table has a lot of gamble to it. Hero's stack is about 200. Hero is in MP with 66 and limps. 3 players after me limp and the blinds complete and check efective stacks of 200 and the BB has 100 .

Pot 12$ flop comes 762..

small blind bets 13 Villain in BB calls, i think for a moment about just flatting, but than i remember that i will be in a tough spot on the turn with a straight card, especially with people behind me and the gambling nature of the table.. i elect to raise 30 on top makng it 43 to go, fold fold fold SB(original better) folds..and the BB sticks the rest of his chips in. Obviously i call and win when i make QUADS on the turn. my question is, can i play this differently for more value? or was a raise a correct play in this situation? thanks.
Do i always raise here? Quote
04-08-2011 , 05:52 PM
Looks standard to me.

When multiple players are interested in the flop, and if board is at all drawy, then fastplaying is the way to go, IMO. With so much interest, it is highly likely that at least one person will play with us. Here there is a worse set, straight draws and overpairs than can all easily come along for the raise.

I'd reserve slowplaying to HU situations on non-drawy boards where's it's possible an early raise might kill the action, plus where we think we can comfortably get all the chips in on later streets if need to.
Do i always raise here? Quote
04-08-2011 , 06:47 PM
Raising also gets crying calls from hands with a bare 7 where they might have folded if you wait for an overcard on the turn to get aggressive.
Do i always raise here? Quote
04-08-2011 , 08:39 PM
Ordinarily in a limped pot you would need 3 streets of betting to get it in, but with the action so far, a raise to $63 forces SB to call $50 in a $100 pot and lets you shove the turn for less than a psb.
Do i always raise here? Quote
